She promised to help with good cheer .
她 愉快地答应 帮忙。
As we talked an image of a Labrador sprang to mind : with his dark gleaming eyes and glossy appearance Rubio is a bundle of infectious positive energy and bouncy good cheer .
随着谈话的进行,拉布拉多犬的形象跃入我脑海:鲁比奥乌黑 发亮的眼睛和光鲜的外表,使他看起来像是富有感染力的正能量与欢快 好 心情的打包组合。
Each tulip they like to say holds a promise & a promise of a world alive with colour and good cheer from the last snows of winter through the first frosts of autumn .
每一朵郁金香都拥有一个承诺&一个贯穿冬末至初秋,对多姿多彩 充满 欢乐的生活的承诺。
美[wɪð ɡʊd tʃɪr]英[wið ɡud tʃiə]