white gold

[hwaɪt ɡold][hwait ɡəuld]


  • White gold alloys which were prepared from master alloys were investigated by metallographic examination X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) scanning electron microscope ( SEM ) microhardness test .

    然后用得到的中间合金 熔炼 合金,通过金相、XRD、扫描电镜、显微硬度等检测手段对稀土元素在金合金中的细化作用进行了研究。

  • The work which took four months to be created using white gold and platinum is no larger than a granule of sugar and must be viewed through a microscope .

    这项工作,历时四个月创建使用 白色 黄金和铂金,只不过是糖颗粒较大,必须通过显微镜观察。

  • Intelligent Warning Device for Drawing Empty of White Gold Crucible


  • The pontiff led the service from a towering white and gold altar erected in a new baseball stadium .

    在这个新棒球场上立着一个高大的 白色 金色神坛。教皇就在神坛上主持弥撒活动。

  • The invitation cards were written up daintily in white and gold .

    邀请卡是用非常漂亮的 白字 金字写成的。

  • Collection consists of three versions : rose gold white gold and multi-colored model .

    集合组成的三个版本:玫瑰金, 白金和多色模型。

  • Ms. Pean 's tie clip is made of 18-karat recycled white gold and ivory from a wooly mammoth sourced from the Arctic Circle as well as onyx . ' Men gravitate toward fossils ' she noted .

    她的领带夹是用18克拉回收 白金、北极圈长毛猛?象象牙以及缟玛瑙做成的。她说:男人会被化石所吸引。

  • In European markets the price of the porcelain made in China was even on a par with that of gold because Chinese porcelain used to enjoy the reputation of being white gold .

    这些中国生产的瓷器,在欧洲市场上的销售价格有时简直可以和黄金相媲美,因此中国瓷器也曾经有着 白色 金子的美称。

  • The Asparagus : White Gold

    白芦笋: 白色 金子

  • However last year demand for platinum jewellery surged with articles made from so-called white gold especially popular among younger Chinese consumers .

    但在去年,铂金首饰的需求大幅增长,由所谓 白金制成的首饰,尤其受到中国年轻消费者的喜爱。

  • The white gold setting shows off the beauty of the sapphires . The walls and the floor were inlaid with sparkling jewels .


  • Is that white gold ?

    人造 白金的吗?

  • If you want to give your future bride an engagement to remember then a white gold engagement ring will show her that you want to win her heart .

    如果你想给你未来的新娘订婚记住,那麽 白金订婚戒指将显示她,你想赢得她的心。

  • Mr Patrizzi adds : Cartier has come back strongly with white gold and platinum models . at a sale in November

    帕特里西补充称:“卡地亚的人造 白金和铂金腕表,已经在拍卖市场上强劲复苏。”

  • It was a blue sapphire encased in white gold .

    这是个曾被 白金包裹的蓝宝石。

  • This tie is made of pure silk and 150 grams of white gold and studded with 261 diamonds weighing 77 carats .

    这条领带由真丝及一百五十克 白金制成,并嵌有二百六十一颗共重七十七卡的钻石。

  • Available color : black white gold PS. : Phenolic ring for E14 lampholder .

    备注:配E14灯头的电木外环颜色:黑色, 白色金色

  • This article studies the method for nickel release in white gold alloys .

    本文叙述了一个 K 合金的镍释放率检测方法。

  • One is white gold another is yellow gold and the third one is red gold .

    一块是 白色的,一块是 黄色的,另一块是红色的。

  • Analytical Method for the Nickel Release Rate in White Gold Alloys

    合金产品中 释放率的检测方法

  • Hence the largest white diamond ( 2.04-carats ) in the collection is set alone in the centre of a class ring and the majority are trapezoid-cut chips set in subtle regimental stripes across a square white gold cuff link tie bar or ring .

    因此,该系列中最大的一颗白钻石(2.04克拉)被独自镶嵌在一枚戒指上,多数都被切割成不等边四边形,镶嵌在精美的方形 人造 白金袖扣、领带夹或者戒指上面。

  • Platinum ( white gold ) shall be controlled in accordance with the relevant regulations of the People 's Republic of China .

    铂(即 白金),按照国家有关规定管理。

  • In the cleft of a great oak-tree he saw the piece of white gold that he was seeking .

    在一棵老橡树的裂缝里,他看到了他在寻找的那块 白金

  • The flower make a mass of colour against the stone wall . The white gold setting shows off the beauty of the sapphires .

    以石墙衬托著的花朵五彩缤纷。 白金镶嵌更衬托出蓝宝石的美丽。

  • Gold alloy can be classified as white gold alloy and color gold alloy by color .

    金合金按照颜色分主要有 白色 合金和彩色金合金两种。

  • He used the recent black and blue / white and gold dress as an example .

    他用了最近裙子是蓝黑还是 白金的问题作为例子。

  • As the cotton crop has the potential to bring in considerable amount of foreign currency it is largely termed as the white gold .

    由于棉花有潜力带来大量的外汇,因此在很大程度上被称作为 白金产品。

  • He spent so much buying what turned out to be white gold .

    他花了这么多钱买的竟是 人造 白金(不是 白金)。