white precipitate

[hwaɪt prɪˈsɪpɪˌtet][hwait priˈsipiteit]


  • In this paper Zhen liquor with white precipitate was used as research object the formation reasons of white precipitate in Zhen liquor were analysed and the relative solutions were put forward .

    产生 白色 沉淀的贵州珍酒酒样为研究对象,对其产生沉淀的原因进行分析,并提出了解决措施。

  • Liquor turbidity and precipitate include white haze flocculent precipitate white needle-shaped crystal brown precipitate faint yellow precipitate blue precipitate and smoky haze etc.

    白酒浑浊沉淀现象有 白色浑浊、絮状物 沉淀、白色针状结晶、棕色沉淀、淡黄色沉淀、蓝色沉淀、烟雾状浑浊等;

  • RESULTS : White flocculent precipitate was noted in the mixture within 1 hour of mixing which was proved as a new substance by infrared spectrum analysis .

    结果第1h内配伍液出现 白色絮状 沉淀,用红外光谱分析沉淀为一新物质。

  • When the denatured reduced egg white lysozymes were renatured by dilution method an observable amount of aggregate precipitate could be immediately formed .

    当用复性液稀释复性还原服变性蛋白 溶菌酶时,会迅速产生可观量的 沉淀

  • Liquor precipitate mainly included white flaky precipitate ( induced by flavoring additive metal container pipeline water quality filtration equipment and new liquor bottle etc. )

    白色 沉淀主要由香精香料添加剂、金属容器及管道、水质、过滤设备和新酒瓶等因素引起;

  • The results showed that the white flocculent precipitate was the residues of polyacrylamide .

    结果表明, 白色絮状 沉淀为聚丙烯酰胺在 地层中的残留物。

  • Analysis of White Precipitate in Spirits and Its Cause

    白酒中 白色 沉淀的分析及其产生原因

  • Purified IgY was added to six EP tubes the number 1-4 still had partial activity but number 5 and 6 showed some white precipitate which was caused by protein denaturation at higher temperature .

    纯化的卵黄抗体分别置于6个EP管中,1~4号管的卵黄抗体仍有活性,第5管和第6管出现 白色 沉淀,可能是较高温度下蛋白变性引起的。

  • white floc ( induced by the change of dissolution conditions of ethyl oleate ethyl palmitate ethyl linoleate and fusel oil ) brown yellow precipitate ( induced by iron ion ) and greasy substances ( produced by aroma-producing substances in liquor ) .

    白色絮状 沉淀主要由3种高级脂肪酸乙酯,即油酸乙酯、棕榈酸乙酯、亚油酸乙酯和杂醇油的溶解条件变化而引起;棕黄色 沉淀主要是由铁离子形成的棕色 沉淀物质;

  • In this paper using ferrous sulfate ( a by-product of titanium white ) as raw material and sodium carbonate as precipitant air as oxidative the precipitate after being heat treatment is right the ferric oxide pigment .

    本文利用钛 白粉生产过程的副产物硫酸亚铁作原料,经净化处理后,所得 沉淀物再经热处理,即得到氧化铁颜料。

  • Much deposition was found in the ditch of the main gallery of Daheiting Dam in1988 including milky white black and red brown precipitate .

    大黑汀水库大坝主廊道于1988年发现在排水孔及排水沟内有大量的沉积物,分别为乳 白色絮状物、黑色及红褐色 物质