white graphite

[hwaɪt ˈɡræfˌaɪt][hwait ˈgræfˌaɪt]


  • The low-medium chromium white cast iron was cast in the phosphate graphite mould taking the hardness impact stiffness and corrosive wear resistance . As an examining index of sample performance the design of ingredient of these white cast irons was researched by using orthogonal test .

    采用磷酸盐 石墨铸型浇注中低铬 白口铸铁,以试样的硬度、冲击韧度和腐蚀耐磨性作为考察试样性能的指标,用正交试验研究了中低铬白口铸铁的成分设计问题。

  • Compound of Low-medium Chromium White Cast Iron under the Phosphate Graphite Mould

    在磷酸盐 石墨铸型下中低铬 白口铸铁的配制

  • The low-medium Chromium white cast iron specimens were prepared in the phosphate graphite mould and the effect of Cr Si Mn and Cu on the corrosive wear resistance of the iron was investigated in orthogonal test .

    应用磷酸盐 石墨铸型浇注中低铬 白口铸铁试样,用正交试验对它们的抗腐蚀耐磨性进行了研究。

  • The results indicated that the low-medium chromium white cast irons had good corrosive wear resistance and the corrosive wear resistance of the specimens with optimal ingredient was three times of 20 # steel showing that the phosphate graphite mould had good under-cooling capacity .

    分析表明:试样有较好的抗腐蚀耐磨性,最佳成分配比浇注出的试样的抗腐蚀耐磨性为 正火态20钢的3倍,充分反映了磷酸盐 石墨铸型的激冷能力好;