whole step

[hol stɛp][həul step]


  • The example that follows will show you the whole procedure step by step so make sure you take your time to read it and understand it !

    下面的例子将会 一步的为你展现 整个过程,确保足够的时间,并且去理解它!

  • With fast development of economy the market and people 's life in China welcome a prosperous age and the whole society takes its first step into a transitional age .

    随着中国经济的发展,日益繁荣的市场和日渐富裕的人们共同 进入了一 社会转型的新时期。

  • We must combat individualism and sectarianism so as to enable our whole Party to march in step and fight for one common goal .

    要使我们 全党 步调整齐一致,为一个共同目标而奋斗,我们一定要反对个人主义和宗派主义。

  • So since one hundred years especially the word war II security system had established in most of countries of the whole world step by step .

    正因如此,一百多年来,特别是二战后兴起的世界刑法改革以来,保安处分 逐步世界大多数国家的法律中得以确立,并发挥着积极的作用。

  • But more importantly the transfer of14 shareholding enterprises COSCO assets should be part of integrated operations the Group is also listed as a whole a key step in the process .

    但更重要的是,14个股份制企业中远集团的资产转让应当是综合行动的一部分,工作组还作为一个 整体在这个过程中关键的 上市。

  • The night before visualise yourself undergoing the whole interview step by step and imagine everything going really well you answering questions confidently and ultimately getting the job .

    面试前一天晚上,设想自己正在经历 场面试, 接一步,想象一切进展顺利,自信的回答所有问题,最终得到这份工作。

  • Whole acrosses the hurdle step to put time to down press time before swing leg of 1.25 times average angular velocity of swing ahead is slow in the average angular velocity that bottom press ;

    整个跨栏 摆动腿前摆时间是下压时间的1.25倍,前摆的平均角速度慢于下压的平均角速度;

  • By analyzing the dynamic character - istics of the whole system according to the step response the simulation results show that fuzzy - neural controller has better control - ling performance .

    通过对 输入信号作用下系统动态性能的仿真分析,结果表明基于RBF的模糊神经控制器有良好的控制性能。

  • Therefore developing a junior high school to living mathematics reading ability is a system engineering it is the one who need to educate have one whole set of plan step method and follow the development regulation of the mental state that the junior high school living .

    因此,培养初中生数学阅读能力是一个系统工程,它需要教育者有一 整套计划、 步骤、方法并遵循初中生的心理发展规律。

  • The paper focuses on the issue of the study probes into the subject from whole to part step by step stresses three-scale planning : the whole patterns in macrocosm the functional districts in mid-scale and the unit design in microcosm .

    文章围绕主题从 整体到局部多 层次深入展开,突出宏观总体格局、中观功能分区和微观单元设计三个级别的规划。

  • Cost management of the whole process step by step towards the standardization of engineering practices but also show their weaknesses .

    我国 过程造价管理在工程实践中 逐步走向规范化的同时,也表现出其薄弱环节。

  • Through regular information demand analyze we can express the information demand of policy-making administration and supervision to be ready for the information development of resources of the whole group step by step ;

    通过全面进行正规的信息需求分析,规范化表达决策层、管理层和运作层的信息需求,为有 计划、有 步骤地进行 集团信息资源开发利用做好准备;

  • According the State Department 's requirement about China Mobile 's come into the market as whole implement step by step China Mobile Communications Group organized each subsidiary company to come into the market by different batch .

    中国移动通信集团按照国务院关于中国移动 整体上市, 分步实施的要求,分批组织各子公司上市工作。

  • Thirdly with the simulation linker it builds an emulation model of a second-order system with delay and analyzes the dynamic characteristics of the whole system according to the step response .

    最后利用仿真连接器建立系统仿真模型并在单位阶 输入信号作用下仿真分析系统动态性能和 优化设计结果。

  • Neither in China nor in the whole world will the film step in the age of Post-Cinema and gradually die out .

    电影无论在中国 乃至全球,都不会在短期内 步入后电影时代而濒临消亡。

  • The continued loss of growth momentum during the June quarter as a whole may suggest that policy makers step up their efforts to stimulate growth and employment in the second half of this year Ms Fiddes added .

    菲德斯补充称, 整个第二季度,中国制造业增长势头持续动力缺乏,这可能表明,政策制定者会在今年下半年加大力度刺激增长和就业。

  • Strengthen club effect of body-building in the whole people socialize step by step .

    增强俱乐部在 全民健身中的作用, 逐步社会化。

  • Methods : The earlier rehabilitation education after injury and the establishment of conception of the whole nursing was the first step that guarantees the spinal cord sufferer to receive rehabilitation treatment smoothly .

    方法:伤后康复的早期教育,与对伤员的 整体护理观念的建立是确保脊髓损伤顺利进入康复治疗的第一 环节

  • Each of the six strings can be alternately tuned as low as a whole step lower and as much as a whole step higher without stressing the neck or the strings .

    六根弦的每一根弦在降低一个 全音,或升高一个全音情况下不会增加琴颈及琴弦的受力。

  • Rural community public goods supply will exert a vital importance in the building of new countryside it will realize the grand blueprint of building of new countryside and drives the whole country to step stably into modernization by the participating of peasants and enhancing the village building .

    而农村社区公共品的供给将在新农村建设中发挥重要作用,通过让农民参与,加强对村庄的建设,实现新农村建设的宏伟蓝图,从而带动 整个国家 稳步走向现代化。

  • In contrast other developed countries think a lot of economic benefits . On the purposes of constituting policies China adjusts its whole structure of film industry step by step for the purpose of uniting social benefits and economic benefits of film .

    在政策制定的目标上,中国是 逐步调整电影行业的 整体结构,以实现电影的经济效益与社会效益的统一为目标。

  • By the application of topological polygon data model the graphic breaking up method was proposed to realize the parent region auto-dividing into child region and auto-merging the divisions into the whole region step by step based on region and boundary code .

    应用基于拓扑关系的多边形数据模型,提出以小班边界与多边形编码为基础的图形分割方法,实现了小班区划 过程数据的 逐级分割以及区划结果的逐级合并汇总。

  • Unless it is a small project one should not attempt to build and release the whole project in one step but rather decide what is the most important and do that first .

    除非是一个小项目,否则不该试图一 到位构建并发布 整个项目,而是应该确定什么是最重要的,首先完成这部分。

  • It is in line with renewing the idea growing with the era ; prominent key guarantees the security ; Based on fact pay attention to effect ; The whole plan divides a step of implementation the principle to carry on the design .

    它本着更新观念、与时俱进;突出重点、确保安全;立足实际、注重实效; 整体规划、 分步实施的原则进行设计。

  • At the same time analyzing main power circuits drive circuit and protect circuit of system completing hardware design and facture and software programming and debugging ; at last making a whole test in hybrid rotary step motor .

    同时对主功率电路、驱动电路和系统保护电路进行了分析,完成了硬件设计、制作和软件编程、调试,最后在混合式旋转 电动机上进行了 全面测试。

  • With development of science and technology the whole society accelerates in a progressive step . Water treatment monitor and control system as a representation of monitor and control system step toward intelligent automatic remote controlled .

    科技的 进步推动着社会各 行业的快速发展,在环境和水质监测领域,以水处理监控系统为代表的监测控制系统也一步步走向智能化、无人化、远程控制化的 道路