wholesale trade

[ˈholˌsel treid][ˈhəʊlˌseɪl treid]


  • Then I find the factors affecting the competitiveness of the wholesale trade industry and design a comprehensive evaluation index system .

    在完成定义之后笔者分析了 批发 竞争力影响因素并设计 批发业竞争力综合评价指标体系。

  • Gardening service industry Flower wholesale Fertilizer wholesale International trade industry .

    园艺服务业,花卉批发业,肥料 批发 ,国际 贸易业。

  • Protocol for Limiting and Regulating the Cultivation of the Poppy Plant the Production of International and Wholesale Trade in and Use of Opium

    限制并管制罂粟的种植、 鸦片的生产、国际

  • European Organization for the Textile Wholesale Trade

    欧洲纺织 批发 贸易组织

  • Wholesale Trade & Business Services Statistics

    批发 贸易及商业服务统计组

  • Then define the wholesale trade competitiveness and focus on analysis of the competitiveness of the wholesale trade industry factors .

    接着定义了 批发 竞争力并着重分析了批发业竞争力的影响因素。

  • Since 1992 the commercial wholesale trade opening has experienced four stages .

    自1992年以来,商业 批发 交易的对外开放经历了4个阶段。

  • In the past few years the Chinese have also established themselves in the Spanish wholesale trade based in Fuenlabrada on the southern outskirts of Madrid where they trade in the increasingly large quantities of clothes shoes and toys imported from China .

    过去几年,以马德里南郊的富恩拉夫拉达为基地,中国人在西班牙 批发 贸易领域站稳了脚跟。在那里,他们正在以越来越大的规模销售进口自中国的服装、鞋子和玩具。

  • The system consists of several subsystems whose functions range from basic information management to the wholesale trade in all business process management as well as operating analysis and decision support .

    该系统由多个子系统组成,其功能涵盖了从基本信息管理到 批发 交易各流程管理乃至经营分析管理与决策支持的企业运作的全过程。

  • The wholesale and retail trade and catering sector saw 11-percent and 16.1-percent increases respectively .

    批发零售 贸易业、餐饮业分别增长11%和16.1%。

  • First use the third part of the evaluation system built to extract the four common factors and rank the competitiveness of the wholesale trade industry .

    首先运用第三部分构建的评价体系提取出四个公因子,得出 全国 31 省市 批发 竞争力的排名。

  • In addition five functions of this wholesale trade market and its present situation are also demonstrated .

    日本 青果 批发 交易市场的五大机能和青果市场现状。

  • European Wholesale Meat Trade Association

    欧洲肉类 批发 贸易协会

  • Logically speaking to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the competitiveness of the wholesale trade the the first thing is to define the competitiveness of the wholesale trade .

    从逻辑上来讲,要进行 批发 竞争力综合评价研究首先要定义批发业竞争力。

  • This paper applys ARIMA method which is one of the means of the time series analysis to analyse data of wholesale retail trade and catering services . It shows that the forecast of ARIMA ( I 1 ) model is exact .

    运用时间序列分析方法之一的单整自回归移动平均模型(ARIMA)法,对 全国 批发和零售 贸易餐饮业进行时间序列分析。

  • This paper puts forward to construct a vegetable wholesale trade system under the on-line by the technology of multi-agent and CSCW . This system can provide a collaborative virtual trading environment for customers and managers in different sites .

    基于多Agent和CSCW技术,提出了在网络环境下构建一个网上蔬菜 批发 交易系统,为分布在不同地点的客户和管理者提供协同的虚拟交易环境。

  • European Fellowship of the Wholesale Bicycle Trade

    欧洲自行车 批发 贸易联谊会

  • As far as the commodity circulation enterprise concerned the finance management clew are divided to wholesale trade finance management and retail trade finance management .

    就商品流通企业而言,财务管理的线索又根据经营业务的性质分为 批发 交易业财务管理和零售业财务管理。

  • However If you want to make a meaningful evaluation system of the wholesale trade throughout the country you should make a choice of the evaluation methods .

    但若想运用评价指标体系做出有意义的全国范围内的 批发 竞争力 排名就涉及到一个实证方法选择的问题。

  • The population size of talents in manufacturing industry the wholesale retail trade and the field of construction is large and the density of talents in information transmission computer service and software industry and the scientific research technical service and geological prospecting industry is thick .

    制造业、 批发零售 和建筑业的人才总体规模最大,信息传输、计算机服务和软件业以及科学研究、技术服务和地质勘查业的人才密度最大。

  • This will be followed by competitiveness of the wholesale trade in Zhejiang Province and national comparison of the more developed provinces and cities to find out the strengths and weaknesses of Zhejiang Province .

    此后将浙江省的 批发 竞争力与国内较发达省市进行比较,找出浙江省 批发 发展的强项和弱项。

  • By reading I found that the theory about the factors affecting the competitiveness has not yet refined to the wholesale trade and the formation of a comprehensive evaluation index system does not fully applicable to the evaluation of the competitiveness of the wholesale trade industry .

    通过阅读笔者发现,竞争力影响因素理论尚未细化到 批发 ,而已形成的综合评价指标体系也并不完全适用于批发业竞争力的评价。

  • Chapter ⅳ is the main body of this article : Comprehensive Evaluation of the competitiveness of the wholesale trade .

    第四章是本文的主体: 批发 竞争力综合评价。

  • What found here are related to the further analysis of factors affecting the wholesale trade and the design of comprehensive evaluation index system .

    此处的这一点发现为后文结合 批发 特点所进行的 批发 影响因素分析与 批发 综合评价指标体系的设计 伏笔

  • This paper explores the way how to make the wholesale retail trade and manufacturing industry development coordinated then provides the significant suggestion for the relations between new industry and commerce .

    探索解决 批发零售 与制造业协调发展的各种途径,从而为建立新型的工商关系提供借鉴意义。

  • International Wholesale and Foreign Trade Centre

    国际 批发和对外 贸易中心

  • I am in the wholesale trade .

    我做 批发 生意

  • The application of ARIMA model in wholesale retail trade and catering services

    ARIMA模型在 批发和零售 贸易餐饮业预测中的应用

  • By comparison with the developed provinces and cities in Zhejiang Province I found that the overall competitiveness of the wholesale trade and economic strength are not equal .

    通过与发达省市的比较发现浙江省 批发 总体竞争力与经济实力不对等。

  • The second chapter is the theoretical basis for the study first introduced the connotation of the wholesale trade and its function .

    第二章是整个研究的理论基础,首先介绍 批发 的内涵, 批发 的功能。