


  • The creator and creation merge into wholeness of joy .

    创作者与创作融成 完整的喜悦。

  • This design requires a progression into my wholeness that reacquaints you with our unity through the experience of separation .

    这个计划有赖于一系列事件去深入我的 整体 ,使得你能藉由分离性的经验重新认识到我们的合一。

  • You are the wholeness of the Universe .

    你是宇宙 万有 一切

  • So for human being 's harmonious happiness and freedom the consciousness or idea of limiting-ness based on the correlative rationality of wholeness and such a mode of time should be advocated .

    因此,为了“人”的和谐的幸福与自由,应该倡导基于 整体关联理性的“限”的意识或者观念,以及这样一种时间方式。

  • If you must search for me then practice the feeling of wholeness and unity .

    如果一定要寻找我,那就去练习 整体与合一的感觉吧。

  • The Restraining Force of the System Wholeness over Complexity and Simplicity

    复杂性、简单性与系统 整体 的约束

  • All knowledge is one a unified wholeness and every field of study is but a piece or an angle or a way of partitioning this knowledge .

    所有知识是个 整体,统一的 整体,每个研究领域不过 似乎其中一块儿,是实践这知识的一个角度或者一个方法。

  • Human body is an organic wholeness in constant movement .

    人体是一个不断运动着的有机 整体

  • Surely a school is a place where one learns about the totality the wholeness of life .

    学校是一个学习生命的全部内容和 生命 完整 的地方。

  • I am only realized in oneness unity and wholeness .

    我只能在一体性、合一性、 整体 中被体认到。

  • This paper analyzes the wholeness stratification relevance and unity of language from the view of System Thinking .

    不论是分析 主义,还是功能主义,语言研究的方法 历来以系统思想为 指导

  • When we accept that imperfection is part of human and when we can continue rolling through life and appreciate it we will have achieved a wholeness that others can only aspire to .

    当我们接受不完整性是人类本性的一部分,当我们不断地滚动前行并能欣赏其 价值时,我们就会获得其他人仅能渴望的 完整人生。

  • The round shape of the dumpling is a symbol of wholeness completeness and unity .

    圆圆的形状,是象征团圆的 整体 、完整性和团结。

  • It is not that you are true to yourself which is a form of measurement but when there is no measurement at all there is this quality of wholeness .

    不是说你要忠于自己,这也是一种衡量,而是,如果根本没有了衡量,就有了 完整这项品质。

  • It is time to work toward wholeness bringing these areas into balance .

    此刻是努力朝向 完整、把这些区块带入平衡的时候了。

  • However their development may have been interrupted or they may have lost connection with their wholeness .

    然而,人的成长过程有可能会被阻断,也可能和生来的 圆融 失去连结。

  • Ascension is a process that allows for a return to wholeness .

    提升是一个允许回归到 整体的过程。

  • It is in the attraction of opposites that some semblance of wholeness can occur .

    在对立的吸引中,某些 整体 肖像能出现。

  • Pens perceives many personalities as lacking wholeness as being fragmented .

    弗雷德里克党察到许多人格缺乏 整体 ,被分割了。

  • Then bring the light and energy back into you to add to your wholeness .

    然后把轻和能源回到你将添加到您的 整体

  • In this condition nothing but pure Awareness remains and nothing is missing to take away from Wholeness and Perfection .

    在这种状态下,只有纯粹的觉知,在 整体和完美中并无所缺。

  • Balance will not arise from such actions as they are contrary to wholeness .

    当那些行动和 整体 相冲突时,就不可能平衡。

  • Now our observation of the object embraces a presentiment of the world in all its wholeness because there is nothing that cannot be understood .

    现在,我们对物体的观察,包含了对整个世界的 预感,因为没有什么是不能被理解的。

  • The act of changing the unity or wholeness of something .

    改变某物 整体 或统一性的行为。

  • The lightness of being from real ascension and real wholeness comes from the balancing of light and dark .

    来自真正提升的光明及真正的 整体,来自于光明与黑暗的平衡。

  • Place radiator below the window sill to increase the wholeness of the space .

    利用飘窗下的空间放置暖气,增加了空间的 完整

  • It completes us giving us the wholeness we need to navigate safely through life .

    它使我们成为完整的人,给予我们一种 整体 ,使我们得以平安度过一生。

  • By looking at what truly gives you value today you will discover the wholeness that we all share .

    今天通过观察 生命真正给予你的价值,你将 发觉我们都是 一体的。