white sandalwood

[hwaɪt ˈsændl:ˌwʊd][hwait ˈsændlˌwʊd]


  • Mo Yan 's White Sandalwood Punishment has provided the lighthouse of the recurrence body writing namely body writing of standard for us .

    莫言的《 檀香刑》为我们提供了一个回归身体性写作的灯塔,即身体本位的写作。

  • Solving the Constructing Writing of Criminal Law Culture & Whether Discuss Irony Art of White Sandalwood Punishment

    刑罚文化的解构性抒写&谈 檀香 的反讽艺术

  • Dramatization Deduction of Epic Feature of Novel from Mo Yan 's White Sandalwood Punishment

    从莫言《 檀香刑》看长篇小说史诗性质的戏剧化演绎