white charcoal

[hwaɪt ˈtʃɑrˌkol][hwait ˈtʃɑ:kəul]


  • It amazed me that they always looked impeccable in their uniforms with white shirts which had been washed by hand dried on the bushes and then ironed with an iron filled with charcoal .

    我感到不可思议的是,他们穿的校服和 衬衫看上去总是很体面。这些衣服都是手洗的,在灌木丛上晾干,然后用装着 木炭的熨斗熨烫过的。

  • White wines can be made from pigmented grapes by removal of the skins pulp and seeds before juice fermentation by ion exchange and activated charcoal treatments to remove pigment and by the use of anthocyanase enzymes which decolor pigments .

    葡萄酒可以由有色葡萄制得,但是在果汁发酵之前已经除去果皮、果肉和种子,并通过离子交换作用和活性 吸附处理除去了色素,还使用花色素酶使色素脱色。

  • Everyone in the world Shouting white slogan Japan was the word use black charcoal beauty .

    在世界人人高呼“ 美白”口号时,日本却反道而行,使用 黑炭美容。

  • Methods : The egg white induced arthritis models adjuvant arthritis models auricular delayed hypersensitive effect models formaldehyde and acetic acid induced pain models made on rats and mice and the charcoal grain phagocytosis method torsion test hot plate test were used .

    方法:用大鼠 蛋清性关节炎模型,佐剂性关节炎模型,小鼠迟发性超敏反应模型, 粒吞噬法,甲醛致痛模型,扭体法和热板法。

  • Research into the development of polymer aluminum Crystal aluminum sulphate white charcoal and compound stuffing by making use of flying ash

    综合利用粉煤灰制备聚合铝、结晶硫酸铝、 白炭 和复合填料的研究