


  • At the same time the prevalence of etching lithographand silk screen and the rise of pioneer synthetical print changed the situation that takes the balck and white woodcarving as the mainstream of the art of print .

    同时,又以铜版画、石版画和丝网版的推广以及实验性综合版画的兴起,而一改以黑白 木刻为正宗的主流版画语系态势。

  • The old Welshman was skillful in woodcarving .

    老威尔斯人精于 木雕

  • Some of the finest examples of Woodcarving in Europe can be found in medieval churches .

    欧洲一些最精美的 木雕 可在中世纪的教堂里看到。

  • Research on Decorative Features of WoodCarving Doors and Windows for Huizhou Ancient Folk Houses

    徽州古民居 木雕门窗的装饰特色研究

  • The sculpture is a masterpiece of African woodcarving .

    这个雕塑是非洲 木刻的杰作。

  • Masi island is famous woodcarving centre .

    玛斯是该岛著名的 木雕中心。

  • And from the contents of the Huizhou woodcarving classification analysis contains the cultural connotation of Huizhou woodcarving .

    并且分类分析了徽州 木雕的内容及其所蕴含的文化内涵。

  • The Chaozhou gold lacquer woodcarving and the Zhejiang Dongyang woodcarving compound is the Chinese two big folk woodcarving systems .

    潮州金漆 木雕与浙江东阳木雕并列为中国两大民间木雕体系。

  • Application of Dongyang Woodcarving in Furniture Decoration

    东阳 木雕在家具装饰上的应用

  • According to the material the paper briefly states artistic style of Yunnan Woodcarving in the different historical period and analyzes market development prospect of this nationality traditional process .

    摘要根据资料,对不同历史时期云南 木雕的艺术风格进行了简要的阐述,并分析了这一民族传统工艺的市场发展前景。

  • Air conditioning the television the wide band wireless wide band the fine woodcarving bed in the room the facility is complete upscale . Rooms are commodious comfortaBle and airy each with a specious roofed Balcony overlooking the sea .

    空调、电视、宽带无线宽带、精致 木雕床,房内设施齐全、高档。客房宽大、舒适,空气新鲜,有宽敞带顶的阳台,间间面向大海。

  • The traditional woodcarving craftwork has been going through a process of changing in Tianshui and the living space is still small though the local governments give the strong support for it .

    天水传统的 木雕工艺经历了一个从 辉煌走向 衰落的转变,尽管目前受到当地相关部门的重视和大力支持,但生存空间依旧狭小。

  • Each woodcarving has a saying next to it .

    这些 木雕 一律 着一句格言。

  • Not only do they have a strong contemporary concept with new discoveries and changes in the formal language and woodcarving use of language .

    他们不仅在观念上有着很强的当代性,在形式语言和 木雕语言的运用中也有着新的发现和变化。

  • Woodcarving is a form of sculpture for its rich Chinese characteristics and Hui'an woodcarving technique is an important technique among Hui'an sculpture techniques .


  • Study on the Modern Application of Traditional Woodcarving Doors and Windows Ornaments on Langzhong

    阆中传统 木雕门窗装饰图案在现代应用的研究

  • This article mainly discusses the author 's woodcarving skills the material selection of lumber and the concrete creation process of the ancient beauty .

    本文主要谈笔者的 木雕创作,对木材的选取和仕女 形象的具体塑造过程。

  • Longan woodcarving Yuandiao relief Toudiao also have .

    龙眼 木雕以圆雕为主,也有浮雕、镂透雕。

  • The market offers woodcarving antiques fine lace and the hand-knotted wool carpets and kilims .

    市场提供 木雕,古董,精致的缎带以及手编的羊毛地毯和基里姆地毯。

  • The woodcarving divides into architectural carving and furniture carving .


  • Bai woodcarving is a now very important part of the national culture in Yunnan .

    如今,白族 木雕 艺术已成为云南民族文化的一个重要组成部分。

  • But this just got more interesting than the woodcarving finals .

    但这比 无聊 透顶的总决赛有趣多了。

  • The Artistic Decoration Style of Soochow Classical Woodcarving Doors and Windows

    试论苏州传统 民居 木雕门窗的装饰艺术特点

  • Established in 1994 Wanfu is specialized in woodcarving and woodwork products .

    万福公司成立于1994年,是专业 木雕、木制品行业制造商。

  • The woodcarving as decoration of ancient building carries the mission of showing the local cultural and aesthetic features which is just maintenance no innovation .

    古建筑装饰 部件 木雕承载着展示地域文化特征和审美特征的历史使命,只能维护不能创新;

  • Because three kinds of traditional woodcarving craftworks have their own living conditions in Tianshui the mode of the changes is slightly different .

    天水现有的三种 木雕工艺由于各自的生存状况不同,所以转型的方式也不同。

  • The woodcarving on antique furniture is in dire need of the craftsmen 's bold innovation .

    仿古家具 木雕 亟待 人们在制造过程中进行大胆改革;

  • Yunnan ancients have given us the valuable woodcarving in Jianchuan today it 's facing with the challenge of modem civilization .

    智慧的云南先民 我们留下了极具价值的剑川 木雕,它发展到今天,面临着现代文明的挑战。

  • In addition wax printing copper lacquerware woodcarving special products and so on and so on traditional handicrafts as well as spice also most receive the goods which the tourist welcome .

    此外,蜡染、铜漆器、 木雕等传统工艺品以及香料等特产也是最受旅游者欢迎的物品。

  • In the off-season from farming some Alpine men enjoy woodcarving .

    农收季节,有些阿尔卑斯山的男子 木雕