


  • How the Chinese Wood-Block Printing Technique Reached Japan

    中国 雕版印刷 向日本 传播的途径

  • These Wood-block New Year pictures mainly spread in Xiangcheng of Zhangzhou Minnan and Lingnan areas . They are even exported to Taiwan .

    漳州 木版 年画主要流传于漳州的芗城区和闽南,岭南一带,并远销台湾地区。

  • Fireworks wood-block printing canal lock-gates kites the wheelbarrow chain suspension bridges and the magnetic compass .

    焰火, 活字印刷,大运河,风筝,独轮车,拱桥,指南针。

  • Secondly pure calcite crystal with different morphologies such as wood-block and spherical aggregates were prepared by a precipitation reaction in the presence of citric acid .

    其次,以 有机 分子柠檬酸为形貌 调控 ,通过简单的沉淀反应合成了 木块 、球形聚集 等形貌的方解石颗粒。

  • Tea was first used paper manufactured and wood-block printing began .

    人们第一次使用茶叶,制造纸张, 木刻印刷 从此开始。

  • So that was the reason why there were some books printed using movable type but it never really replaced wood-block printing in the way it did in the West .

    这就是为什么即使有些书是采用活版印刷,但是,活字印刷 从来没有 欧洲 一样代替 木刻印刷

  • These are identical prints made from a wood-block .

    这是用一 木板 出来的完全相同的画。