


  • Moreover the different combinations of houses affected the local pressure of roofs . It was found that the joint roof of the wing-room and the front hall is the most disadvantageous position .

    而且不同的房屋组合也对屋面的局部风压分布有很大影响, 厢房 正厅屋顶连接的 风压极不利的区域,侧房的保护可以 降低这个部位的峰值 风压

  • On the Inheriting and Development of The Story of the Jade Hairpin to The Story of West Wing-room ; He also kept family performers who were called Xiao Man Fan Su Hong E Zi Fang and others .

    浅论《 玉簪记》对《西厢 》的承继与发展他还养有家伎小 、樊素、红萼、紫房等人。