whitening filter

[ˈhwaɪtnɪŋ ˈfɪltɚ][ˈ(h)waitəniŋ ˈfiltə]


  • According to the fact that wavelet detail coefficients of random fractal signal are approximately uncorrelated the method based on wavelet-based whitening filter .

    根据随机分形信号小波系数近似不相关的特性,提出小波 白化 滤波&相关检测法,并详细论述了该方法的相关理论。

  • The Polarimetric Whitening Filter ( PWF ) is efficient in speckle suppression by using complex data of three polarimetric channels .

    极化 白化 滤波器(PWF)是利用多个极化通道的复数据抑制相干斑的有效方法,但其输出只有一个通道。

  • Wavelet based whitening filter of fractal noise The designs of digital shift filter and oise filter

    基于小波变换的分形噪声 白化 滤波器数字漂移和噪声滤波器的设计

  • It is based on the fact that discrete wavelet transform can serve as a whitening filter of 1 / f noise . Combined with adaptive self tuning filter banks the harmonics are separated from fractal noise in wavelet domain .

    它利用小波变换对1/f 噪声 白化作用,结合自适应自调谐滤波器组,在小波域实现了分形噪声与谐波信号的分离。

  • This is the foundation of developing new ECG detection method . Secondly the theory of artificial neural network ( ANN ) is combined to optimize traditional linear adaptive whitening filter .

    结合人工神经网络的理论知识,对传统的自适应 白化 滤波器进行优化,实现了一种新的QRS波群检测算法。

  • The method for parameters estimation based on fractional differenced whitening filter is proposed the essentiality of which is to find out a factor by calculating the extremum of the statistic test expression for the output .

    最后提出基于 滤波器的参数估计方法,其实质是通过计算输出信号的统计测试表达式的极值获得分形参数。

  • An improved whitening filter algorithm for GPS rapid ambiguity resolution based on TIKHONOV regularization principle

    基于TIKHONOV正则化的 白化 滤波快速解算模糊度方法

  • A Multi-channel Extension of Polarimetric Whitening Filter

    极化 白化 滤波器的一种多通道扩展

  • Improvement Research of Parameter Estimation in Polarimetric Whitening Filter of Full-Polarization SAR Image

    全极化合成孔径雷达图像极化 白化 滤波参数估计方法的改进研究

  • Based on the traditional rapid ambiguity resolution methods an improved Whitening Filter algorithm was presented that combined with the advantages of Whitening Filter and LAMBDA method .

    在仔细分析经典模糊度快速解算方法的基础上,结合白化滤波和LAMBDA方法的优点,提出了一种改进的 白化 滤波方法。

  • A generalized least square method with special whitening filter

    一种特殊 白化 滤波器的广义最小二乘法

  • On the other hand the correct integer ambiguities were fixed using improved whitening filter method .

    另一方面采用改进的 白化 滤波方法固定模糊度。

  • When the statistical characteristics of Gaussian clutters are known polarization whitening filter ( PWF ) is usually selected as detector .

    在高斯杂波统计特征已知的情况下,极化 白化 滤波器(PWF)常被用于杂波中雷达目标的检测。

  • Discussed the mathematical model of improved Whitening Filter algorithm a numerical example was given to illustrate the feasibility and efficiency of new method .

    概述了改进的 白化 滤波算法的数学模型,通过算例验证了本方法的可行性和有效性。

  • A method fo ambiguity resolution for single frequency GPS receivers based on whitening filter technique and null space constraint

    基于 噪声 滤波技术及零空间约束的单频GPS模糊度解算方法

  • An improved Whitening Filter algorithm for GPS ambiguity resolution

    一种改进的 白化 滤波求解模糊度算法

  • Effect of whitening filter 's order on GLS algorithm

    白化 滤波器阶数对GLS算法辨识结果的影响

  • A New Method for GPS Ambiguity Resolution on-the-Fly Using Integer Whitening Filter Search

    一种用于GPS整周模糊度OTF求解的整数 白化 滤波 改进算法

  • An Algorithm Based on Whitening Filter for IR Small Targets Detection

    一种基于 白化 滤波器的红外小目标检测方法

  • We used an ANN adaptive whitening filter to model the lower frequencies of the ECG signals which are inherently nonlinear and non stationary .

    我们用神经网络 白化 匹配 滤波器来处理ECG信号的低频成分,模拟其非线性及非稳态的特性。