whole contraction

[hol kənˈtrækʃən][həul kənˈtrækʃən]


  • The experimental results by using all of ECG records in MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database are that the whole classification accuracy is ( 93.93 % ) for normal beats and 93.94 % for premature ventricular contraction ( PVC ) beats .

    通过使用MIT-BIH心律失常数据库的所有数据集进行测试,正常心拍的总识别率达到93.9%,室性 早搏心拍的 识别率达到93.94%。

  • This is really a difficult time for you because your whole life has been vision excitement recruiting positive growth and suddenly you are faced with contraction .

    这段时间对你来说很困难,因为你 整个人生就是设想,激情,招聘,积极成长,而突然你就面临着 收缩

  • Because the Ang ⅱ has strong vascular contractility capacity interacting with receptor AT-1 Ang ⅱ role in the vascular smooth muscle stimulates the whole body arteriole contraction leads to high blood pressure .

    因为ANGⅡ有很强的收缩血管功能,它与AT1受体结合,作用于血管平滑肌,引起 全身微动脉 收缩,导致血压升高。

  • Pungent-dispersing and falling-down group pungent-dispersing and sweet-nourishing group and the whole recipe group could obviously quicken the contraction frequency .

    辛开降逆组、辛开甘补组、 方组能明显加快其 收缩频率。

  • Falling-down group pungent-dispersing and falling-down group and the whole recipe group could obviously augment the contraction amplitude of esophageal muscle strip .

    降逆组、辛开降逆组、 方组能明显增大食管肌条的 收缩幅度;

  • During the whole process we examined the flow of coronary artery degree of myocardial contraction heart rate and the concentration of the CK LDH SOD GSH-Px and MDA in perfusion liquid .

    测定再灌注 30min后,灌流液中CK、LDH、SOD、GSHpx和MDA含量;同时测定离体心脏冠脉流量、心肌 收缩 幅度和心率。

  • Our estimates are that we are slightly growing at the moment but we think that there 's a chance that for the first half as a whole there might be a slight contraction .

    我们的预估是目前我们的经济在低速增长,但我们认为就 整个上半年 来看,有可能会略有 萎缩

  • Both countries ' 0.3 per cent quarter-on-quarter growth yanked up the eurozone as a whole to only a 0.1 per cent contraction .

    上述两国经济各自较上一季度增长0.3%,拉动欧元区 整体经济 萎缩幅度收窄至仅仅0.1%。

  • Results : In the group which no thrombolytic therapy has been taken the left ventricular remodeling can be seen after the one week myocardial infarction with left ventricular leading to ball-shape and bigger cubage and whole and local contraction and diastolic function decreased .

    结果:未溶栓治疗组左室重构在1周时已发生,左室趋向球形变化、容积增大、 整体及局部 收缩 功能下降、舒张功能减低。

  • In this paper the output of the society as a whole expansion and contraction of the study pairs of the process and impact of the economic cycle terms of which were further explored .

    本文通过对社会 整体的产出扩大与 萎缩的考察,对经济周期的过程及影响条件做了进一步探讨。