



  • We saw kingfishers while indigenous fishermen paddled by in dugout canoes their wicker baskets filled with river oysters .

    我们也看到了翠鸟,也与划着独木舟的当地土著渔民擦身而过,他们的 筐中装满了河蚌。

  • They must be aluminum structure with resin wicker .

    他们必须铝结构与树脂 柳条

  • I am prepared to place an order for immediate shipment of patio resin wicker furniture .

    我准备放在庭院树脂 柳条家具,立即运送订单。

  • He donned work clothes and a wicker helmet .

    他穿上工作服,戴上 柳条帽。

  • In order to avoid damage in transit we suggest packing in wooden cases instead of wicker baskets .

    为了避免运输途中的损坏,我方建议 使用 柳条筐,而要使用木制箱。

  • A small rounded boat made of waterproof material stretched over a wicker or wooden frame . It had a metal skeleton and a series of gasbags inside an outer covering .

    科拉科尔小艇一种在 枝条或木制构架上蒙上防水材料做成的圆型小艇这种飞艇在外包层里面装有一副金属骨架和许多气囊。

  • Sitting in his wicker chair he gazed reflectively at the fire

    他坐在 藤椅上,若有所思地凝视着炉火。

  • I throw incoming mail in a wicker basket .

    我把寄进来的邮件扔入 柳条篮里。

  • A child wrapped in a blanket sits propped up in a large wicker chair toying with a sprig .

    裹着一条毯子的一个小孩靠着一把大 柳条椅坐着,手里玩着一个小树枝。

  • There was a rusty lawn mower a broken wicker laundry basket a Blue China saucer with a crack in it and a cane rocking chair with a hole in the seat .

    屋子里有一台生了锈的割草机,一个破了的 柳条 编成的洗衣篮,一只蓝色的 的陶瓷碟子,还有一把座位上破了个洞的藤制摇椅。

  • Basketfuls-The baskets were small wicker baskets commonly used by the Jews especially to carry clean food .

    篮子-这里的篮子是指小型的 柳条筐,犹太人的生活常用品,常常用来携带洁净的食品。

  • Each bird had been kept in series with a small wicker cage twitter cried .

    每只小鸟都被关在用 柳条 的小小的笼子里叽叽喳喳地叫着。

  • I 've always said I think the best picture I 've ever been in was probably The Wicker Man .

    我总是说我认为我拍的最好的影片可能是 柳条人》。

  • Claire spent the morning in a wicker rocker on the screened porch with a book .

    克莱尔整个早上都在装着纱窗的走廊里坐在 柳条摇椅上看书。

  • Our hermit packed his wicker box with his sparse possessions & a god 's image in copper a rosary the deerskin and a little brass bowl .

    我们的隐士带上他的 柳条箱子,和他屈指可数的财产,一个印着神像的铜币,一串念珠,鹿皮,还有一个铜碗。

  • But I think The Wicker Man stands out as one of the defining horror films .

    但是我认为《 教徒》是一部出色的能够定义恐怖电影的影片。

  • The reason that wicker furniture is suitable for so many different types of homes is its versatile nature .

    的原因, 柳条家具适合这么多不同类型的房屋是其通用性。

  • The utility model discloses a wicker peeling machine the structure of which is formed from combining a roller group and a clamping opening .

    本实用新型公开的是一种由轧辊组和夹口相结合结构的 柳条去皮机。

  • Aluminum rattan chair outdoor furniture home wicker sofa rattan furniture .

    金属仿藤椅子,户外休闲藤家具, 沙发。

  • Every time she discharged a small stack of fodders from the full wicker basket .

    每一趟都从满满的 篮卸下一小垛草料。

  • Stools wicker mats food bowls and sundry other objects .

    木凳、 柳条席、碗碟和各式各样的其他物品。

  • Along with mother 's wicker basket I returned to the times of youth youngster and childhood .

    跟着母亲的 蓝,我又倒回了青年、少年、童年时光。

  • We sat side by side on two wicker seats

    我们在两把 柳条椅上肩并肩坐着。

  • She gets the house he 's in some condo my sister 's gonna decorate with wicker .

    她住房子,他住公寓,我妹妹将要 漫步 柳树林

  • Mother carried the wicker basket and searched those rice panicles under the sky up and down .

    母亲就提 篮,来来回回地在天空下搜寻。

  • A large round wicker basket ( used on farms ) .

    大的园的 柳条 编织 的篮子(用于农场)。

  • The factory specializes in wicker safety helmets .

    这是一家专门制作 柳条帽的工厂。

  • A wicker shopping-basket containing groceries .

    装有食品杂货的 柳条购物筐。

  • A large wicker basket ( usually one of a pair ) .

    大的 柳条 编织的篮子(通常是一对)。

  • A wicker basket used to hold fish .

    放鱼的 柳条 编织的篮子。