



v.打( whop的现在分词 )抽出打败征服

  • The $ 3bn deal attracted a whopping $ 18bn of orders from 580 accounts .

    中行计划发债30亿美元,而收到了580个账户 总额 180亿美元的订单。

  • A whopping 9.7 million units have been sold worldwide since 1983 .

    自1983年以来,该 在全球已售出 970万部。

  • In 2010 sales grew by a whopping 32 % boosted by a state stimulus scheme .

    由于国家刺激政策的推动,2010年的销售量 2009剧增 32%

  • Kids-focused daily deal site zulily raised $ 43 million in funding at a whopping $ 700 million-plus valuation .

    面向儿童的团购网站 Zulily在7亿多美元的估值上募集到了4300万美金。

  • In China Hangzhou reports 60 and Wuhan claims a whopping 70 a world record .

    而在中国,据称杭州有 60600辆公共自行车,而武汉的公共自行车 数量 达到 惊人的70000辆,创下了世界纪录。

  • But Consumer Reports found campylobacter in a whopping 81 % of the chickens it tested up from 42 % in a 2003 test .

    但是消费者杂志的检测中发现了 81% 的弯曲杆菌感染率,高于2003年42%的检测结果。

  • Before the school incorporated edX the failure rate for that course had been a whopping 41 percent .

    在学校使用EdX课程之前,这门课的不通过率 41%

  • The number increased ten-fold last year to a whopping 25 visitors .

    去年这个数字翻了十翻,达到 25176人。

  • For higher CD-quality music samples you need a whopping 44 samples per second .

    对于质量更高的CD音乐,就需要每秒 44100个样本。

  • This year the average transaction price has grown to $ 23 a whopping increase of 10.2 % .

    而今年的平均售价已涨至 23126美元,涨幅 10.2%。

  • That means it would take a whopping 23 years to fill the hole using the new levy .

    这意味着,银行要 缴纳 整整23年的新税,才能填上这个窟窿。

  • The multi-flavored mobile operating system commands a whopping 59 % of the smartphone market .

    这款多版本的移动操作系统占据了智能手机市场 59%的份额。

  • The mattress costs a whopping $ 44 reportedly making it the most expensive in America .

    这款床垫的价格 达到 令人咂舌的 44000美元,据报道它是美国卖得最贵的床垫。

  • Year-to-date volume is down a whopping 38 % including nearly 45 % in the U.S.

    今年迄今交易量已经 38%,其中美国 剧减近45%。

  • Gartner research analyst Michael Gartenberg estimates wearable will become a whopping $ 10 billion industry by 2015 .

    市场调研公司高德纳(GartnerResearch)分析师迈克尔• 加腾伯格预期到2015年,可佩戴式计算机将成长为产值 百亿美元的产业。

  • The Russian leader won a whopping 89.9 percent yes vote

    这位俄罗斯领导人赢得了 89.9%的高票支持。

  • A whopping 81 % of companies surveyed have already adopted an open-space floor plan .

    大部分受调查公司( 81%)都已经开始采用开放式的格局。

  • Windows has a desktop market share hovering around a whopping 92 % according to netmarketshare data .

    据市场调查公司 NetMarketshare的数据称,Windows系统占桌面市场的份额 惊人的92%。

  • That adds up to a whopping 30 pounds a year .

    一年下来,你 就会有可能增加30

  • Although banks have already written off whopping sums over subprime mortgages they are vulnerable to yet more hits .

    虽然很多 银行已经在 账面 了大量的次级房贷,他们在更多的冲击下会很脆弱。

  • Its operating margins are a whopping 50 per cent half as much again as us peer Google .

    它的营运利润率 达到 惊人的50%比美国对手谷歌高出一半。

  • The challenge occurred in the wake of a whopping $ 3.6 million fine that the FCC levied in March .

    这项挑战发生在今年3月联邦通信委员会征收了360万美元的 巨额罚金之后。

  • Christie 's sold a whopping $ 1.5 billion of art in three weeks earlier this year including a Picasso that sold for a record-shattering $ 179 million .

    奥斯陆在今年早些时候,三周内卖出 价值15亿美元的艺术品,包括毕加索的作品,售出了破纪录的1.79亿美元。

  • Best buy shares are down 24 % since the beginning of the year and a whopping 38 % since last summer .

    今年年初以来,百思买的股价已经下跌了24%, 从去年夏天 起, 下跌 幅度更是 达到惊人的38%。

  • While the S & P 500 has fallen just 12 per cent Brazil has fallen by 15 per cent Russia and India by over 20 and China 's CSI 300 index by a whopping 54 per cent .

    标准普尔500指数(S&P500)下降仅12%,而巴西股市已下跌15%,俄罗斯和印度分别下挫逾20%,中国的沪深300指数( CSI300 暴跌 54%。

  • The number of BMWs sold in mainland China Hong Kong and Taiwan rose a whopping 86 per cent last year to 183 .

    去年宝马轿车在中国大陆、香港和台湾三地的销量增长 86%,达到18.3万辆。

  • Between 1991 and 2010 the cancer mortality rate fell by a whopping 20 % which is more than 10 % a decade .

    在1991年至2010年之间,癌症死亡率显著下降了 20%,这比过去十年下降 总和的10%还要多。