

n.白带眼白( white的名词复数 )[围棋]白棋子

  • Large majorities of white Americans say blacks have the same opportunities as whites in housing education and employment .

    占多数的白人说,黑人在住房、教育和就业方面与 白人有同等的机会。

  • The study showed significantly higher numbers of blacks and women in lower socioeconomic positions than whites and men .

    该研究表明,社会经济地位低的黑人和妇女的人数明显高于 白人和男性。

  • All the rich whites came .

    所有的富有的 白人都来了。

  • I 'm more into browns whites and blacks .

    我更喜欢棕色、 白色和黑色。

  • Separate the egg whites from yolks .

    蛋黄 蛋白分开。

  • Bill Bradley says too much is going unsaid between blacks and whites .

    比尔·布莱德利说黑人和 白人之间有太多没有明说的东西。

  • It was the first time that blacks and whites performed together in a major musical group .

    那是第一次黑人和 白人在一个主要音乐团 同台演出。

  • If I clashed with the Whites I would lose control of my emotions .

    如果我和 白人闹冲突的 ,我就控制不住自己的情绪。

  • Hispanics and whites ate dinner together more often than black families .

    西班牙人和 白人比黑人家庭共进晚餐的次数要多;

  • This causes your skin and the whites of your eyes to become yellow .

    这会导致你的皮肤和 白人对你的眼睛成为黄色。

  • Separate the whites from the yolks .


  • Feminism must address issues beyond the concerns of middle-class whites .

    女权主义解决的问题不能仅仅局限于中产阶级 白人 妇女所关心的问题。

  • When egg whites are beaten they can rise to seven or eight times their original volume .


  • Gently fold in the whisked egg whites

    轻轻地调入搅拌好的 蛋清

  • In most recipes you can use two egg whites instead of one whole egg .

    在大多数食谱中,你都可以用两个 蛋白来代替一整个鸡蛋。

  • Blacks and whites often intermarried .

    黑人和 白人时有通婚。

  • The spicy flavours in these dishes call for reds rather than whites .

    这些菜的味道辛辣,应该配红酒而不是 葡萄酒

  • Almond paste and egg whites .

    杏仁糊和鸡蛋 蛋清 制成 糖果

  • You lost the black and whites ?

    你甩了 警车了?

  • They battled against other Indian tribes but rarely fought with the whites

    他们同其他印第安部落作战,但很少与 白人并肩对敌。

  • While we may have began with black and whites that is certainly no longer the case .

    虽然我们可能已经开始,黑人和 白人,这是肯定不再是这种情况。

  • Whisk the egg whites until they are foamy but not stiff .

    蛋清 至起沫而不黏稠的程度。

  • Blacks and whites went to different schools ate at different restaurants even drank from different water fountains .

    黑人和 白人上不同的学校,在不同的餐馆吃饭,甚至连喝水都用不同的饮水机。

  • She kind of got the colours mixed with the whites .

    她把有颜色的衣服和 白色的混在一起了。

  • Moreover blacks and whites are not the only racial groups struggling to get along .

    此外,黑人和 白人并不是为和平相处而挣扎的唯一种族团体。

  • Blacks Asians whites & we all live in the same community .

    黑人,亚洲人, 白人,我们都生活在同一个社区。

  • In prison my anger towards whites decreased but my hatred for the system grew .

    在监狱里,我对 白人的愤恨减少了,但我对制度的憎恶增加了。

  • The Whites have gone for a holiday on the Continent .


  • The blacks and the whites were no longer separated in the public places .

    在公共场所,黑人和 白人不再被分隔开来了。

  • As the egg whites cook they coagulate and rise to the surface
