
[wɪdθ, wɪθ, wɪtθ][wɪdθ]


  • Saddles are made in a wide range of different widths .

    鞍具有各种不同的 宽度

  • Allow for some shrinkage in both length and width .

    长、 上都预留出一定的缩水量。

  • The results show that : discharge voltage and pulse width are main factors which affect the deterioration layer thickness ;

    研究结果表明:放电电压和脉冲 宽度是影响变质层厚度的主要因素;

  • The road has a width of twenty feet .

    那条路的 宽度有20英尺。

  • The tags also specify the height and width of the Flash Player as550 and400 pixels respectively .

    标记还把FlashPlayer的高度和 宽度分别指定为550像素和400像素。

  • The width and height properties are ignored .


  • The influence of spectral slit width was studied .

    考察了光谱狭缝 宽度的影响。

  • Measure the length and width of the gap


  • This article analyzes the influence of band spectral response function and band width to land surface temperature inversion .

    分析了波谱响应函数和波 对红外数据反演地表温度的影响。

  • Each fold in the skirt should be exactly the same width .

    裙子每条皱折的 宽度应该完全一样。

  • We swam several widths .

    我们游了好几个 来回

  • Suppose the width of a rectangle is x metres .

    设长方形的 是x米。

  • Measure the full width of the window


  • When width and height are equal the shape is a circle .


  • In these studies sectional deformation has been presented as the change of width and height of the cross-section .

    在这些研究中,各段变形被描述成横截面的 宽度和高度的变化。

  • Also you can adjust the width and height sizes where appropriate .

    此外,您可以在适当情况下调整 宽度和高度。

  • The room is6 metres in length and3 in width .

    这屋子直里有六米, 里有三米。

  • The road was reduced to 18ft in width by adding parking bays

    这条路增加了停车区后 宽度缩减到了18英尺。

  • It is five feet in width .

    它的 宽度为5英尺。

  • We can 't get it through the door because of its width .

    我们无法使它通过门,因为它太 了。

  • This object encapsulates the information known about the image : the src the width and the height .

    该对象封装了图像信息:src、 width和height。

  • The hall is 15 metres in length and 8 in width .

    这个大厅直里有15米, 里有8米。

  • The ellipse function also takes four arguments defining the location and width / height .

    ellipse函数也接受四个参数,分别定义位置和 /高度。

  • Simple cuboidal epithelium is a single layer of cells whose width and height are approximately equal .

    单层立方上皮由单层细胞组成,细胞的 宽度和高度近似相等。

  • You can adjust the stock width and height and fix or randomize the colors .

    你能够整修股票 宽度和高度,和固定或者随机化颜色。

  • The results show that the angle of incidence has effect on band-gap width and central wavelength of band gap .

    理论计算和实验表明,入射角对光子带隙的 宽度和带隙中心波长均有影响。

  • The width and depth of laser transformation hardening zone and residual stress distribution were measured experimentally .

    实测了激光相变硬化区的 宽度和深度及残余应力分布。

  • The house is more than twenty metres long and measures six metres in width

    这座房子长20多米, 6米。

  • The best utensil for steaming is a wok because its width easily accommodates a whole fish .

    锅是蒸鱼的最好器具,因为它很 ,可以轻松放下一整条鱼。

  • Is this material single or double width ?

    这块料子是单幅的还是 双幅的?