wild flower

[waɪld ˈflaʊɚ][waild ˈflauə]


  • Tissue Culture of Wild Flower Bergenia crassifolia and Establishment of Its Regeneration System

    野生 花卉厚叶岩白菜组织培养及再生体系的建立

  • And a heaven in a wild flower .

    从一 野花 窥视 天宸

  • Poetry is a sort of truancy a dream within the dream of life a wild flower planted among our wheat .

    诗歌只是一种逃避,是生活之梦中的梦想,是生长在我们麦田 野花

  • And a heaxen in a wild flower .

    在一 液化里寻觅天堂。

  • On Developing Zhaotong 's Wild Flower and Plant Industry and Building the City 's Unique Landscape

    开发昭通 野生 花卉打造独特城市景观

  • To see a world in a grain of sand And a heaven in a wild flower Hold infinity in the palm of your hand And eternity in an hour .

    粒沙里看出一个世界,一 朵花里藏着一个天堂,把无限放在你的手上,永恒在刹那间收藏。

  • I came upon this seed pod of a wild flower . It was so symmetrical that I must take a picture of it .

    我碰见 野花的种子荚,它是如此整齐对称,故我必须拍下它。

  • Based on the data of wild flower and grass plant resources investigation in shandong province there are 272 species under 219 genus belongs to 48 families . In the paper . there was given the names and distributions of 177 species of wild flower and grass .

    对山东省 野生 花卉植物资源进行了调查研究.统计有 野生 花卉植物48科219属272种:讨论了该省 野生花卉资源概况、列出了177种主要野生花卉的种类及分布。

  • A world in a grain of sand and a heaven in a wild flower .

    一粒沙里一个世界,一 朵花里一个天国。

  • The girl stuck a wild flower in her hair .

    女孩在头发上插了一 野花

  • Study Promoting Seed Germination Ways to 4 Wild Flower Species

    促进4种 野生 花卉种子萌发的方法研究

  • There are abundant wild flower resources in Baihua mountain .

    百花山 野生 花卉资源丰富,有华北“天然植物园”之称。

  • At this time of beauty I speak to our careful tutor that to see a world in a grain of sand and a heaven in a wild flower to show infinity in the glim of your eyes and eternity in an hour .

    借此美好时刻,我要对关爱着我们的导师说:一粒沙里有一个世界,一 朵花里有一个天堂;无穷关爱聚于您的嫣然一笑,永恒宁非是瞬那时光?

  • The Wild Flower Resources in Fenhe Source and Their Utilization and Protection

    汾河源头 野生 花卉资源调查及利用与保护对策

  • Her mother remembers one time when she was taking a photo of a wild flower . She squatted there for an entire afternoon trying different angles and waiting for the right light to get the perfect shot .

    她母亲说,有一次她为了拍一 野花,整个下午都蹲在那里,尝试不同角度,等待最佳光线,只为拍一张完美照片。

  • They whined beneath our feet as we climbed the gentle slope and now and then a gentle breeze brought the fragrant smell of wild flower to refresh us .

    当我们在爬这小斜山坡时,他们在我们的脚下轻轻地呻吟。不时的一阵阵温和清风吹送 野花的芳香来振奋我们。

  • Viola yedoensis Makino is a wild flower which produces flowers in early spring in Beijing area .

    紫花地丁是北京地区早春开花的 野生 花卉

  • Wild Flower Plant Resources of Liliaceae in Henan and Their Ornamental Evaluation

    河南百合科 野生 花卉植物资源及观赏评价

  • The wild flower everywhere is : Various has the name does not have the name disperses in the thick patch of grass looks like the eye looks like the star but also winks winks .


  • This paper concisely evaluated wild flower and plant resources in Ningxia China on the basic of the analysis put forward the measures for introducing and taming in order to serve the investigator and user .

    本文对宁夏 野生 花卉和园林植物资源作了简要评价,提出了引种驯化的措施,以便供深入调查者和利用者参考。

  • Tulip means turban and that gives us a clue that the flower didn 't originate in Holland but in the steppes of Central Asia where it still grows as a wild flower .

    郁金香的意思是穆斯林的头巾,这表明这种 并非源自荷兰,而是出自中亚的草原,现在仍在那里的 野外生长。

  • In England the cuckoo is a herald of spring . Wild flower such as orchid and primrose is becoming rare .

    在英格兰,布谷鸟是春天的信使。兰花和报春花之类的 野花越来越少了。

  • The familiar perfumes of wild flower filled his nostrils .

    熟悉的 野花芳香钻进了他的鼻孔。

  • Perhaps the greatest miracle of all is the fact that from a small and delicate wild flower we have developed the magnificent blooms we can now enjoy in our parks gardens and in bowls on windowsills .

    也许这当中最伟大的奇迹无非是:我们将娇小柔弱的 野花栽培 绽放绚烂的 花朵,看着它们在公园、花园和窗台边的花盆里争芳斗妍。

  • The perfume of wild flower filled her nostril .


  • This wild flower goes by the name of old man 's beard

    这种 野花叫做“老人须”

  • Thy centuries follow each other perfecting a small wild flower .

    世纪一个接着一个,你把一朵朵小的 野花 精制无比完美。

  • The wild flower resources is the material base of flower cultivation domestication and improved varirety breeding .

    野生 花卉资源是花卉栽培驯化及良种选育的物质基础。

  • To see the world in a grain of sand And a heaven in a wild flower ; Hold infinity in the palm of your hand And eternity in an hour .

    这世界可在一粒砂子中窥见,在一 野花中可见到苍天;在你手掌里可把握无穷无限,永恒寄寓于一小时之间。