


  • White-collar jobs are starting to follow manufacturing jobs overseas .

    白领 阶层工作已开始随著制造业工作外移。

  • But in today 's economy educated white-collar workers also are vulnerable to downsizing .

    但是,在今天的经济中,受过教育的 白领工人也同样容易受到裁员的攻击。

  • In addition many white-collar workers are suffering from career pressures and health problems .

    此外,除了 房子,许多 白领还承受职场压力和健康问题。

  • As the financial crisis squeezes the real economy urban white-collar workers speak of shrinking bonuses and frozen wages .

    金融危机真正的紧压了经济,都市 白领谈到他们收缩的奖金和冻结的薪水。

  • After graduating with aviation management major Liu Yuan became a white-collar .

    从航空管理专业毕业后,柳渊成了一名 白领

  • White-collar federal workers have almost total job security after a few years on the job .

    在工作几年之后,联邦 白领雇员会有几乎为100%的工作稳定率。

  • In addition to college graduates some white-collar employees are also feeling the pressure of rising rent prices .

    除大学毕业生外,部分 白领同样感到了房租上涨所带来的压力。

  • I 'm a white-collar worker .

    我是 脑力劳动者。

  • Businesses are losing millions of dollars and products are more expensive due to white-collar crime .

    由于 白领犯罪,企业界每年损失数百万美元,产品也因之更贵。

  • How to reduce the white-collar crime ? And that 's what I want to talk with you the theme .

    如何才能减少 白领犯罪呢,这就是我要跟大家谈的主题。

  • The challenge is evident for white-collar jobs too .


  • He has a white-collar job .

    他有份 白领工作。

  • They are female white-collar workers .

    在这个 的都是女性 白领员工。

  • You should learn from those female white-collar workers to wear radiation protection mask .

    你应该学那些女 白领 一样,带上防辐射面罩。

  • White-collar jobs should be valued more than blue-collar jobs .


  • White-collar workers now work longer hours .

    如今 白领工人的工作时间比以前更长了。

  • I 'm from the Princess into a charismatic white-collar family .

    我由小公主变成了魅力型的 白领一族。

  • Most people in this clan are 20 to 35-year old white-collar workers and college students .

    零帕族的年龄集中在20-35岁之间,多由年轻 白领和大学生组成。

  • The target customers are white-collar workers and young people who are fond of online shopping .

    目标客户为 白领 阶层和喜爱网络购物的年轻人。

  • And teaching is one of the lowest paying among white-collar professionals .

    教学是 白领从业者中薪水最低的一个职业。

  • University prepared me for a good white-collar job .

    大学帮助我得到一个好的 白领的工作。

  • Despite all the advantages of being a white-collar I have a strong desire to be a civil servant .

    尽管做一个 白领有许多优点,我却有一个强烈的愿望做一名公务人员。

  • Many women whose husbands were blue-collar workers had white-collar jobs themselves .

    许多丈夫为蓝领劳工的妇女本身却 从事 白领的工作。

  • The young white-collar couple expects that they can sooner move into their own apartment .

    这对年轻 白领夫妇盼望尽快搬进自己的公寓。

  • It 's a white-collar job . I think you 've good future .

    这是 白领工作,你一定会很有前途。

  • This applies to all white-collar employees and sometimes to blue-collar workers as well .

    这些规定不仅适用于 白领 阶层,而且有时也适用于蓝领阶层。

  • White-Collar Man in a Blue-Collar World

    蓝领世界中的 白领

  • Many white-collar workers like stock brokers and investment bankers find themselves in the unemployment lines .

    许多 白领,像股票经纪人和投资银行家,发现自己也失业了。