Chemical Phase Analysis of Tungsten Minerals using Diluted Nitric Acid as the Selective Solvent for Separation of Scheelite from wolframite
稀硝酸作为选择性溶剂的钨矿物相分析&白钨矿与 黑钨矿的分离测定
Alkaline Decomposition of the Combined Concentrate of Scheelite and Wolframite under Microwave-assisted Condition Application of Combination Collectors in Bulk Flotation of Wolframite and Scheelite
微波辅助碱分解 低品位黑(白)钨精矿组合捕收剂在 黑钨矿、白钨矿混合浮选中的应用研究
A heavy gray-white metallic element ; the pure form is used mainly in electrical applications ; it is found in several ores including wolframite and scheelite .
一种重的灰白色金属元素,纯净状态下主要用于电器,见于许多矿石中,包括 钨 锰 铁矿和白钨矿。
The research resuLts show that flocculant FD has good selective floccu-lating property for wolframite fines .
研究结果表明,絮凝剂FD对微细粒 黑钨矿具有良好的选择性絮凝特性。
The wetting character of wolframite is anisotropic .
Abstract : the development of main mineral processing technologies of wolframite and scheelite are presented in the paper .
文摘:分别介绍了 黑、白钨选矿工艺主要技术进展情况。
However the Xintianling granite contains magmatic scheelite and wolframite .
后者则以出现岩浆白钨矿和 黑钨矿为特征。
Biotite titanite cassiterite rutile wolframite scheelite and wolframoixiolite are essentially useful minerals in clarifying the ore-forming potential of granites .
黑云母、榍石、锆石、锡石、金红石、 黑钨矿、白钨矿和钨铁铌矿等是讨论的重点矿物,它们可用于判别花岗岩的成矿能力。
This study is part of the systematic investigation of the wolframite isomorphous series .
本文是 黑钨矿类质同象系列研究成果的一个组成部分。
Experimental data on the electrokinetic potential of pure wolframite and its flotation behavior are given .
同时,根据试验结果和 黑钨矿纯 矿物表面电动电位及浮选行为 关系的数据, 解释了黑钨矿的 天然可浮性。
Thermodynamic analysis shows that wolframite not only can be decomposed by acid but also by alkali .
热力学分析结果表明: 黑钨矿既可以被酸分解,又可以被碱分解。
Wolfram tailing is waste material containing components of quartz albite and wolframite .
钨尾矿是一种废渣,含有石英,钠长石和 黑钨矿。
The dynamic behaviours of homogenous materials such as quartz calcite and wolframite in grinding mills are examined .
本文较为详细地考查了石英、方解石和 黑钨矿 三种均质物料在球磨机中的磨矿动力学行为。
This method has been direct determination of trace vanadium yn tungsten concentrate and wolframite with proves satisfactory results .
服从比尔定律,用该方法直接测定钨精矿和 钨矿中微量钒,获得了满意的结果。
The effects of ignition temperature and period of ignition on solubility of scheelite and wolframite have been investigated .
另外还系统地试验了试样灼烧温度和灼烧时间对 黑、白钨矿溶解率的影响。
The flotation experimental results showed that methyl benzyl arsonic acid is an effective collector for wolframite and cassiterite slime .
浮选试验结果表明,甲苄胂酸是 黑 钨和锡石细泥的有效捕收剂。
Application of Combination Collectors in Bulk Flotation of Wolframite and Scheelite
组合捕收剂在 黑钨矿、白钨矿混合浮选中的应用研究
Determination of Tungsten and Molybdenum in Geochemical Exploration Samples by Modified Polarography Alkaline Decomposition of the Combined Concentrate of Scheelite and Wolframite under Microwave-assisted Condition
改进的极谱法测定化探样品中的钨钼微波辅助碱分解低 品位 黑(白) 钨精矿
A New Collector of Flotation Wolframite and Cassiterite Slime
一种新的浮选 黑 钨和锡石细泥的捕收剂
These views provide the basis for ground control and rock failure predict in mining narrow-vein wolframite mineral deposits .
这些观点为脉 钨矿床开采的地压控制和地压预报提供了依据。
For processing fine feebly magnetic minerals such as hematite limonite ilmenite wolframite tantalumniobium red sludge and etc.
弱磁性矿物的选矿。例如:赤铁矿、褐铁矿、菱铁矿、钛铁矿、铬铁矿、 黑钨矿、钽铌矿等。
机械活化苏打溶液分解白钨中矿试验研究组合捕收剂在 黑钨矿、白钨矿混合浮选中的应用研究
The use of the surface indication zone and hidden granite body to the prospecting forecast and evaluate the hidden and semi-hidden quartz-vein type wolframite deposit is studied .
应用地表标志带和隐伏花岗岩进行隐伏、半隐伏石英脉型 黑 钨矿床预测和评价,必须研究其地质地球化学类型,只有属于 钨锡硫化物型的标志带,才具有找矿评价意义。
Development and Commercial Practice of Digesting-solvent Extraction-crystallization Technique for Processing Wolframite in China
Hukeng tungsten located in Wugongshan metallogenic belt in central part of Jiangxi Province is one large scale quartz vein type wolframite deposit .
浒坑钨矿床是位于江西省中部武功山成矿带的大型石英脉型 黑 钨矿床。
The flotability of naphthalene hydroxyl oximino acid for wolframite was studied .
研究了萘羟肟酸对 黑钨矿的捕收性能。
In this paper the collecting property of a new type of chelating reagent F-305 to Wolframite and Scheelite was studied by the single mineral experiment and actual-mineral-experiment .
通过单矿物试验和实际矿石试验研究了新型螯合药剂F-305对 黑钨矿、白钨矿的捕收性能。
A study of extracting tungsten and scandium from the wolframite in sulfuric acid medium
从 黑 钨 精矿硫酸体系中直接提取钨和钪的研究
Study of flotation separation of wolframite from coexisted gangues