supply contract

[səˈplaɪ ˈkɑnˌtrækt][səˈplai kənˈtrækt]


  • The extraordinary relationship between the leasing contract and the supply contract breaches the theory of relativity of the contract and is important to the whole trade .

    租赁合同与 供货 合同的特殊关系是国际融资租赁 合同的一个显著特点,其突破了合同相对性的理论,对于整个交易有重要影响。

  • Research of Supply Chain Contract Coordination Based on Consumer 's Return Decision

    基于顾客退货决策的 供应契约协同研究

  • Handling of Dispute for Imported Turbine Supply Contract in Xiaolangdi Water Power Station

    小浪底水电站进口水轮机 供货 合同争议的处理实践

  • Long before the Chinese and Russian leaders on May 21 toasted their supply contract the two countries had viewed each other as attractive natural gas partners .

    5月21日,中俄两国领导人为达成天然气 供应 协议举杯庆贺。事实上,两国很早便将彼此视为极具吸引力的天然气合作伙伴。

  • In Hong kong the group has obtained a supply contract for the science park .

    在香港,集团亦成功取得科学园的 供应 合约

  • Sandwich Supply Contract Model

    三明治 供应 契约模型

  • The latter is whole of supply chain where the models and optimization of integration supply contract information value production management and international operation etc.

    关于供应链整体情况,评述了集成化、 供应 合同、信息价值、产品管理和国际运作等问题的模型及其优化应用。

  • Discussion of deadline for ' Pay and take ' gas supply contract

    照付不议 供气 合同期限的探讨

  • For example MLA had just canceled a large blood analyzer / reagents supply contract with Dade .

    比如,MLA当时刚刚取消了同Dade的一大宗血液分析仪/试剂 供应 协议

  • Bi - level decision in supply contract management

    合同管理中二层 谈判策略

  • Supply Chain Contract Models with Stochastic Demand

    具有随机市场需求的 供应契约模型研究

  • The Research of Retailer-Leading Two-Stage Supply Chain Contract

    零售商主导型两级 供应契约模型研究

  • The Application of Markovian Model in Supply Contract

    Markovian模型在 供应 合同管理中的应用

  • The Supplier undertakes to satisfy in full the quality requirements specified in the supply contract in respect of the goods supplied production methods and documentation .

    对所供应货物、生产方法和文件记录,供应商保证完全达到 供应 合同中规定的质量要求。

  • A power supply contract is a contract whereby the power supplier supplies power to the power customer who pays the electricity charge .

    第一百七十六条 供用合同是供电人向用电人供电,用电人支付电费的合同。

  • China recently signed a new supply contract that included a $ 70-a-tonne price increase .

    中国近期新签署了一项 供应 合同,价格每吨上涨了70美元。

  • Study on Supply Chain Partnership and Supply Chain Contract

    供应链合作伙伴关系及 供应契约的研究

  • Quality is very important in the supply contract .

    质量问题是 供应 合同中重点考虑的问题之一。

  • If the transfer of claim is stipulated in the supply contract or lease contract the lessee shall directly lodges claim to the supplier .

    (二)在 供货 合同和租赁合同中均约定转让索赔权的,应由承租人直接向供货人索赔。

  • Power supply enterprise faces the business risk caused by the electricity customers who break their promise on the supply contract .

    供电企业面临电力客户 失信带来的经营风险。

  • Application of Discomposure Demurrer Right in Power Supply Contract

    试论 供用合同中不安抗辩权的运用

  • Signing power demand and supply contract under some situations

    几种情形下 供用合同的签订

  • A Quantity Flexibility Supply Contract with Time Flexibility

    具有时间柔性的动态数量弹性 契约模型

  • The reservoir water supply contract differs from contract for water supply in contract law and conveyance of water right contract .

    水库 供水 合同区别于合同法中的供用水 合同和水权转让合同。

  • It is an important decision in supply contract with options .

    解决了期权 供应 合约中一个重要的决策问题。