support reusability

[计] 支援可重用性

  • But there is not enough support for the reusability of simulation object model and to describe the complexity and intelligence of simulation objects in HLA .

    但HLA并未对联邦成员 内部仿真对象模型的 重用和仿真对象的复杂性和智能性描述提供足够的 支持

  • This paper introduces High Level Architecture ( HLA ) a new generation frame of distributed simulation . It mainly analyzes HLA components and its support for interoperability and reusability focusing on the functions and data filtering mechanism provided by RTI . the kernel of HLA .

    本文介绍了新一代分布式仿真技术框架HLA,主要对HLA的组成以及它对互操作和 重用 支持进行了分析,着重描述了RTI所提供的功能及其数据过滤机制。

  • For getting the Business Process Simulation ( BPS ) modeling method to quickly respond to changes in Virtual Enterprises ( VE ) a federation-based modeling framework was presented which could support reusability reconfiguration and scalability of BPS models .

    为使虚拟企业的经营过程仿真建模能快速地响应虚拟企业的变化,提出了一个 支持虚拟企业经营过程仿真模型 重用、重构和规模扩展的联邦建模框架。

  • The multi-channel sign language information fusion platform which is based on domain engineering has established the basic function and the essential basis for the platform and it also provides support to the reusability of the platform . 2 .

    基于领域工程的多通道手语信息融合平台可以为手语识别或手语融合系统建立基本功能和必备基础,对系统的 复用 提供了 支持

  • To support the reusability of requirement analysis the traceability of design and the consistency in whole software developing period the author imports the software architecture concept to requirement analysis phase .

    将软件体系结构的概念和原则引入到需求分析和需求规约中,以更有效地 支持需求 复用、需求规约和 系统设计间的可追踪性、以及在整个软件开发过程中的一致性。

  • In this architecture with support from the interoperability and reusability of HLA platform synergy of simulation and design process can be achieved .

    在这个体系结构下,利用HLA平台对互操作性和 重用 支持,实现仿真和设计过程的协同, 支持不同型号、不同有效 载荷多种探空火箭应用项目的仿真、设计和 论证

  • Therefore the construction of a uniform support platform has significant value to integrate spatial information and enhance the reusability of resources .

    为此,建立统一的 支撑平台实现空间信息集成,提高资源的 利用 具有重大的现实意义。

  • The framework simultaneously incorporates caching exception handling integration testing support mechanisms and has notable reusability portability flexibility and expansibility .

    框架同时整合了缓存、异常处理、集成测试等 支持机制,具有良好的 复用 、可移植性,灵活性和扩展性。

  • At the same time support for ORM ( Object Relational Mapping ) is also presented so as to satisfy different programming habits of different users . During the introduction the advantage of lightweight and reusability are presented especially .

    同时,对构件的设计中为了满足不同用户的使用习惯所加入的对ORM(ObjectRelationalMapping)的 支持进行了介绍,重点突出了其在轻量级和 重用两个方面的优点。

  • Several industrial domains are highly distributed . This organizational structure is also reflected in their applications . In recent years service-oriented architecture has attracted more and more interest and it can provide strong support for distributed applications to achieve loose coupling and enhance reusability .

    在一些行业领域,由于本身的跨地域性,其应用系统往往也是分布式的,而近年越来越引人注目的面向服务架构在为分布式应用系统实现松散耦合、提高 重用 方面提供了强大的 支持

  • In a statement on its website SpaceX said the money would be used to support continued innovation in the areas of space transport reusability and satellite manufacturing .

    SpaceX在其网站上发表声明称,这笔资金将会用于 支持航天运输、 重复 利用和卫星制造领域的持续创新。