supporting record


  • Taking the management system of hypertension as the example based on the theories supporting it provides partial implementation of management system of resident health record running by SaaS model .

    最后基于以上的分析与设计的模型理论,以高血压管理系统模块为例,并给出基于 SaaS居民健康 档案管理系统的部分实现。

  • This has the potential to provide additional ETF inflows supporting prices but be aware of the potentially negative impact of liquidation of speculative holdings which currently stand near record highs in the futures market said Mr major .

    “这有可能为etf带来更多的资金流入,从而 支撑价格,但应当小心投机性资金退出的潜在负面影响,目前期货市场中的投机性资金接近 历史高位,”梅杰表示。

  • When supervising the content and the quality of the showing program the system also provides many supporting function such like multi-signals displaying in the same screen video record in the disk and audio alarm .

    本系统在实现对电视信号内容及质量的监测的同时,还具有多路信号多画面同屏显示、语音报警、硬盘 录像辅助功能。

  • Supporting real-time cross-format cross-sample rate and cross-bite rate to play record and edit is the most special part of audio editing and making software .

    本课题所研究的 广播音频编辑与制作软件的特色之处在于它能够实时地跨格式、跨采样率和跨比特率进行播放、 录音和编辑。

  • A design method of overhanging retaining pile to deep foundation pit supporting by means of a case record is introduced and the calculation results of displacement internal force and reinforcement for the piles are satisfactory which can give reference to structural designer .

    结合实际工程介绍用 悬臂式挡土桩作深基坑支 的设计方法,用m法对支护桩的位移、内力和配筋计算得到了满意的结果,可供设计参考。

  • There are numerous methods and tools available for supporting these activities and traditional engineering projects have a proven track record in completing their work more or less as planned .

    有无数的方法和工具可以用来 支持这些活动,并且传统的工程项目拥有一个行之有效的、或多或少按计划完成的 记录