supporting statement


  • The downgrade reflects the additional fiscal costs of restructuring and supporting the banking system Fitch said in the statement .

    “降级反映的是重组和 支持银行业务系统的附加的财政的成本,”惠誉评级公司在 声明中说。

  • It wished every success for the work of the session while supporting the statement made by Nigeria on behalf of the African group .

    它希望会议工作取得圆满成功,同时还 支持尼日利亚代表非洲集团的 发言

  • Financial statement : a balance sheet income statement funds statement or any supporting statement or other presentation of financial data derived from accounting records .

    财务报表:各项报表,包括资产负债表,收益表,资金报表或从会计记录中得出任何 辅助 报表,或其他财务数据报表。