with all speed

[wɪð ɔl spid][wið ɔ:l spi:d]


  • When forced as it seems by thine environment to be utterly disquieted return with all speed into thyself staying in discord no longer than thou must .

    当你的环境好像是强迫你烦恼不安的时候, 赶快敛神反省,切勿不必要地停留在那不和谐的 状态之中。

  • Compared to previous methods this algorithm does not involve the problem of computing projection matrix of camera with all the points and its computing speed is faster .

    与已有的加权迭代特征算法比较,该算法避免了 所有点参与计算相机的投影矩阵,运算 速度更快。

  • The Exploration of Dispersion Compensation with All pass Equalizer in High Speed Optical Transmission Systems

    高速光纤传输系统 采用 全通均衡器进行色散补偿的探讨

  • It is the purpose of the nation to build now with all possible speed every machine every arsenal every factory that we need to manufacture our defence material .

    我们的目的是 现在 尽快地建立我们需要用来制造国防物资的每部机器、每个军火库、每个工厂。

  • They were marching on with all speed .

    他们正 全速行进。

  • Reindeer 's back and off he ran with all imaginable speed .

    于是芬兰女人就把 格尔达 到驯鹿的背上。它 尽快 飞跑

  • With all of the power and speed of its predecessor this machine also has incredible firepower !

    不但 具有其前身的 全部力量和 速度,这台机器还拥有不可思议的强大火力!

  • As with all tools as powerful as Parse : : RecDescent speed may be a concern .

    所有 Parse::RecDescent一样功能强大的工具 存在 速度问题。

  • As a result factories were stacked on many floors around the central engine with drive belts all running at the same speed .

    于是,工厂围绕 中央发动机一层层堆叠而建, 所有的传送带 以同样的 速度运转。

  • The pilot who is a mere mortal handles this flaming machine with all of its powers of speed and destruction .

    飞行员是唯一能操作喷火机器的人,这个机器 充满速度和破坏力。

  • He ran with all speed .


  • The experiment also shows that adding ultrafine active siliceous raw material using lime with a little SiO2 and reduce suitably the C / S value can all accelerate the reaction speed .

    实验还表明,加入超细活性的硅质原料,使用 少量SiO2的生石灰,以及适当降低C/S值 能促进反应 速度

  • With the large-scale construction of railroads all over the world especially of China and continuous increase of train speed the broadband wireless vehicle to land communications under fast moving environment attract the public attention .

    随着国际范围内特别 我国铁路的大规模建设和列车 速度的不断提高,高速移动环境下的车地宽带无线通信引起了人们的关注。

  • It can be VERY important to establish contact with all the other civilizations in order to speed your beakers applied count .

    加速烧杯生产量, 其它文明建立联系非常重要。

  • Compared with traditional all steel ball bearings ceramic ball bearings have advantages of higher limiting operation speed higher limiting temperature lower requirement of lubrication longer fatigue life and more adaptive of operation condition .

    陶瓷球轴承比传统钢球轴承具有更高极限 转速、更高工作温度、较低润滑要求、更长疲劳寿命和更复杂运行工况适应性等。

  • It can work with all kinds of wrapping machines for chained control and fill in an automatic high speed .

    配合 各种包装机连锁控制,作全自动高 速度充填。

  • The advance guard was pressing forward with all speed .

    全速后退突转 全速前进前卫正 全速向前挺进。

  • The doctor came with all speed .

    医生 可能 地赶来。

  • The need for consultation which shall be conducted with all practicable speed with another agency having a substantial interest in the determination of the request or among two or more components of the agency having substantial subject-matter interest therein .

    需要 与该申请之决定有实质性利害关系的其他机关磋商,或者需要在本机关内与该决定有实质性主题利害关系的两个或多个部门之间磋商;诚然,这种磋商应 尽快进行。

  • Compared with standard BP network all of improved models have advantages faster convergence speed and higher efficiency .

    标准BP网络相比,提出的3种改进模型 具有收敛 速度快、精度高的优点。

  • Walking at the same measured pace ; with all deliberate speed .

    以同样从容的步子行走; 按照 从容不迫 速度

  • Our car was running with all speed on the expressway .

    咱们的车在高速马路上 全速行驶。

  • Change must come and since your needs were identified we have enlisted the help of people of authority to carry it through with all speed .

    转变必须到来,自从你们的需求被认可了之后,我们已经赢得了有权势之人的帮助把它 全速的方式通过。

  • A police officer or an inspector serving an interim notice shall report with all practicable speed in writing to the senior veterinary officer the particulars obtained and steps taken by him .

    送达临时通知的警务人员或督察,须 切实可行范围内 以书面向高级兽医官报告他所取得的详情及所采取的步骤。

  • The algorithm is not only of high accuracy with all of the interpolated points being on the curve theoretically but also of very high speed because there is only additions in the real-time interpolation processes therefore it may be applicable in any hardware environment .

    该算法不仅理论上可使 所有插补点落在曲线上,而且由于实时插补过程中只有加法运算,因而插补 速度极高,基本上适用于任何硬件环境。

  • In this system it is necessary to keep the data and commands to be transmitted correctly with all speed at the each level and among the computers .

    在集散控制系统(DCS)中,要确保数据、命令在各层次间、 计算机间 快捷、正确地传递。

  • And they that conducted Paul brought him unto Athens : and receiving a commandment unto Silas and Timotheus for to come to him with all speed they departed .

    送保罗的人带他到了雅典。既领了保罗的命令,叫西拉和提摩太 速速到他这里来,就回去了。