

n.妇人妻子( wife的名词复数 )

v.娶妻( wive的第三人称单数 )嫁与…结婚

  • Whether they say it aloud or not most men expect their wives to be faithful .

    大多数男人还是希望他们的 妻子对自己忠诚,不管他们有没有将这一想法大声说出来。

  • And our wives and our grandchildren one last time .

    我们的 老婆和孙子,见最后一次。

  • He fathered at least three children by the wives of other men .

    他跟别人的 老婆至少生了3个孩子。

  • Their wives are sisters . ; They are in-laws .

    他们是 连襟

  • Usually his cases involved errant husbands and wandering wives

    通常他接的案子都涉及出轨的丈夫和离家出走的 妻子

  • You said you wanted them married with wives of their own .

    你说要他们与他们自己的 妻子结婚。

  • Wives and children are bills of charges .


  • Many men become workaholics chasing success and often neglecting their wives and children .

    许多男人成了工作狂,一味追求成功而忽视了自己的 妻子和儿女。

  • A crowd comprised of the wives and children of scientists staged a demonstration .

    由科学家们的 妻儿们组成的队伍举行了示威游行。

  • Never fool around with the clients ' wives

    永远不要和客户的 妻子乱搞。

  • When one of the wives is sick .

    其中一个 妻子病了。

  • We will have children with our wives .

    我们会和自己的 妻子生孩子。

  • Bless their wives and bless their children .

    保佑他们的 妻子和孩子平安。

  • Noah and his wife and their three sons and their wives all worked hard .

    诺亚和他的妻子,还有他的三个儿子和他们的 妻子都很努力工作。

  • Some of us had careers but we had no hesitation in giving them up to work alongside our wives .

    我们中间有些人有自己的事业,但我们毫不犹豫地选择了放弃自己的事业,和我们的 妻子并肩工作。

  • They exchanged greetings compared notes on their wives and families and finally got down to business .

    他们互致问候,聊了聊家常,然后才 言归正传

  • Vice-presidents ' wives would fill in for first ladies .

    副总统 夫人 将临时代替各位第一夫人。

  • Your wives and daughters will be his slaves .

    你的 妻子和女儿就是他的奴隶。

  • Wives will have to bring along their marriage certificate .

    已婚 妇女必须携带结婚证。

  • Wives and mistresses have different clocks .


  • I thought it was unethical for doctors to operate upon their wives .

    我认为医生为自己 妻子做手术不合乎职业道德。

  • Women in Indonesia have secured modern divorce laws that equalize the rights of husbands and wives

    印度尼西亚妇女已经获得了现代离婚法的保护,享有和 丈夫同等的权利

  • A great deal of Jeff 's money went in alimony to his three former wives .

    杰夫的很大一部分钱都用在了向他的前三任 妻子支付赡养费。

  • It was very sad when husbands and wives quarrelled with each other .

    夫妻 争吵是很不幸的事。

  • Their wives are sisters .

    他们是 连襟儿。

  • Women are questioning their traditional role in society as wives and mothers .

    妇女们正就她们在社会中充当 妻子和母亲的传统角色这一点提出质疑。

  • Many of the officers and soldiers were divorced-that is they had left their wives and families behind .

    许多官兵变相地离了婚&就是说,他们抛弃了他们的 妻子和家庭。

  • A newspaper published profiles of the candidates ' wives .

    一家报纸刊登了几位候选人 夫人的简介。

  • It 's not just for husbands and wives .

    那不仅只是丈夫和 妻子的。