


  • At three-fifteen the following afternoon Persky worked his wizardry again .

    转天下午三点十五分,庞先生再次施展了他那套 巫术

  • Man Behind Ghosts : Recognition to the Wizardry in Writings of Chinese Modern and Contemporary Enlightenment Writers

    鬼后有人&论中国现当代启蒙作家对 文化的认识

  • High-tech wizardry is one thing . But communication skills still matter even for computers .

    高科技 巫术是一方面,而沟通技巧也很重要即使是对电脑而言。

  • It takes more than high-tech wizardry to capture deep-ocean creatures on film .

    意译:那是使用 高科技技术来捕获深海的动物的影片。

  • There are other magical universes in which a school for witchcraft and wizardry would be an odd concept .

    在这样一个独具匠心的 魔法学校中,还有其他的魔法领域。

  • Resurgent China opened the Olympics on Friday with a burst of fireworks at a spectacular ceremony that wove ancient Chinese history with modern wizardry .

    复兴的中国周五以耀眼的烟花拉开了盛大的奥运开幕式。开幕式将古老的中国历史和现代 风尚 融合在了 一起

  • Indeed the story of the boy wizard his Cinderlad childhood and his adventures at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry caught the imagination of readers of all ages .

    确实,这个小巫师的故事,他灰姑娘一样的童年,和他在 霍格华兹魔法学校的历险引发了各个年龄读者的丰富想象力。

  • What sticks are the fantastical landscapes the beautiful creature designs and the actors delivering lively performances even with strata of makeup and digital wizardry .

    精彩的是幻想出来的风景,美丽的生物设计和演员们生动的表演,层层化妆和数码 特效 无法 掩盖 他们 光彩

  • In Harry 's sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters are increasing their terror upon the Wizarding and Muggle worlds .

    哈利在 霍格沃茨魔法学校 度过的第六年,伏地魔和他手下的食死徒们加快了在魔法界和麻瓜世界制造恐怖的阴云。

  • Harry begins his first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and learns about magic .

    哈利开始在 霍格沃茨魔法学校学习魔法知识。

  • Harry 's life changes when a bird tells him to go to Hogwarts and become a student of witchcraft and wizardry .

    后来,一只鸟让他去霍格活茨,成为 魔法学校的学生。哈利的生活就此发生了 重大转变。

  • All the sophisticated mathematics and computer wizardry essentially rested on one central premise : that the enlightened self - interest of owners and managers of financial institutions would lead them to maintain a sufficient buffer against insolvency by actively monitoring their firms ' capital and risk positions .

    所有先进的数学和计算机 法术本质上都依赖于一个核心前提:金融机构所有人和管理人开明的利己做法将积极监视公司资产和风险仓位,从而导致他们保持足够缓冲以应对破产。

  • The US he said must become an export-oriented rather than a consumption-based economy and must rely on real engineering rather than financial wizardry .

    他表示,美国必须成为以出口为导向、而不是以消费为基础的经济体;必须依靠真正的工程技术,而不是金融 巫术

  • I don 't understand all this electronic wizardry that goes into making a computer .

    那些制造计算机的电子 技术对我 来说 魔法 一样,我 一点儿都搞不明白。

  • And so you 'll find in the reading of pointer to plots and it will tell you everything you need to know all of the wizardry and the magic you can put in these strings that tell you how to do things .

    所以你可以,在通过指向plot的指针的读数,它会告诉你你想知道的一切,在这些字符串中,你可以加上各种 魔法,去告诉你怎样做事情。

  • And when I find evidence that it can still hold its own in the face of the wizardry of the electronic circuitry of little chips I am pleased .

    面对 布满电子电路的小芯片的神奇力量时,它能够保有自己的 价值,我可开心了。

  • Because of their magical origin Draconians are insightful in regards to its research and the skills surrounding wizardry .

    由于他们的起点很高,龙族执政官对于 巫术的研究与技能的开发很有自己独到的见解。

  • The spectacular effects also include three totally different worlds generated by the wizardry of computers ;

    引人注目的 特技还包括:由电脑的魔力 控制的三个截然不同的世界;

  • The more technical wizardry inside the box the more fantastic the graphics displayed on-screen .

    游戏 的科技 含量,屏幕上显示的画面也就更加出色。

  • You only get a wand when you enter Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry . That 's when you start learning magic . '

    只有到了 霍格沃茨魔法学校你才能有魔杖。那时你就要开始 真正学习魔法了。

  • Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is aco-educational non-fee-paying boarding school for pupils aging11to17 .

    霍格沃茨 魔法黉舍是一所男女同校的免费寄宿制黉舍,在校学生的年岁段为11?17岁。

  • The problem he argues is that this wizardry has made markets more crisis-prone not less so .

    问题在于,他论证道,这些 技巧使市场更具风险,而不是减少风险。

  • Look-this book is about Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry .

    你看这本书&是关于霍格沃茨 魔法学校的。

  • You can also use the same techniques to perform some UNIX wizardry .

    您还可以使用相同的方法执行一些 难度 UNIX操作。

  • The film is a fabulous tale of witchcraft and wizardry set in modern-day Britain .

    这部影片以现代英国为背景,讲述了一个 魔法 的神奇故事。