with relation to

[wɪð rɪˈleʃən tu][wið riˈleiʃən tu:]

关于, 涉及, 有关

  • With relation to his job skill is very important .


  • In addition the properties and component compatibility with relation to alloy 's morphology are discussed .

    讨论了合金形态 性能的 关系及组分的相容性,对ABS/PBT合金的发展前景作了描绘。

  • With relation to the categories information is defined as the projection of material energy and knowledge in the nature onto an info_receiver .

    研究表明:信息的 本质是自然界的物质、能量、知识(或意识)对信息受体的映射。

  • Early Cretaceous A-Type Granites in the Eastern North China Block with Relation to Destruction of the Craton Discussions on the tectonic setting of Caledonian granitoids in the eastern segment of South China

    华南东段 加里东期花岗岩类形成构造背景探讨

  • Moreover the robust statistical techniques and applied instances with relation to proficiency testing was also presented in this lucture .

    介绍了 相关的稳健统计技术及应用实例。

  • The project was outlined with relation to available funds .

    这方案是可以的 经费而拟定的。

  • Dimensions organize data with relation to an area of interest such as customers stores or employees to users .

    维度将 相关领域(例如客户、商店或雇员) 关联的数据组织到用户中。

  • With the development of port and science the quantity of port machine is rising day by day sharply and the costs with relation to the machines are higher and higher so the new concept of machinery management is more and more important .

    随着港口业的发展及科学技术的进步,港口机械设备的数量急剧增加,与设备 有关的费用占生产成本的比例越来越高,以效益为中心的设备管理新观念逐渐成为人们的共识。

  • A characteristic factor Io with relation to diffusion constant of the vacancy in MnO_2 was obtained .

    使用恒电位二步极化法求得 MnO2中氧缺位扩散性质 相关的特征因子 I~o

  • Conjunction Ticket means a Ticket issued to you with relation to another Ticket which together constitute a single contract of carriage .

    “连续客票”是指填开给您的 另一本客票连在 一起,共同构成单一运输合同的客票。

  • The hidden repetition with relation to the containing terms ;

    包孕词目 有关的隐性重复;

  • The key for accurate diagnosis lies in visualization of placental margin with relation to the internal os of cervix and in the method of scanning .

    正确诊断的关键在于子宫内口及胎盘 的显示和正确的扫查手法。

  • Specifically the Working Group was mandated to focus on three lines of activity with relation to the HAF

    具体来讲,工作组的使命在 卫生行动框架 有关的三个方面进行工作

  • The research is suitable for all projects with relation to the developmen of general ATS .

    本文的研究结果适用于所有开发通用 ATS的项目。

  • His great terror was with relation to his wife for fear he should have received any injury from me and should communicate it further .

    最大的恐惧是 关于他的太太,怕的是他从我这里得到什么毛病,会传到她身上。

  • Subjective and objective measures of sleep structure or quality could help to characterize the chronic sleep disturbances with relation to patients'risk factor profiles and co-morbidities .

    睡眠的主观及客观评价方法均能评估分析睡眠的结构形式和睡眠质量, 睡眠障碍患者的诊断和治疗中有重要意义。

  • Based on the data of focal mechanism solutions and velocity structure in the crust and upper mantle we have investigated the recent tectonics with relation to the origin of the plateau .

    本文以震源机制、地震地质、地壳和上地幔速度结构等资料为基础,研究了 青藏高原成因 有关的现代构造问题。

  • STUDIES ON ACCESSORY MINERALS IN ARCHEAN GRANITOID ROCKS FROM NORTH CHINA Early Cretaceous A-Type Granites in the Eastern North China Block with Relation to Destruction of the Craton

    华北某些太古代花岗岩类副矿物的初步研究华北东部早白垩世A型花岗岩 克拉通破坏

  • Current Situation and Development of Textile Accessories Industry in Henan Province High New Technology with Relation to Textile Accessories

    河南省纺织器材工业的现状与发展纺织器材 高新技术

  • Other competent departments under the State Council shall be responsible for the administration works with relation to anesthetic and psychoactive drugs in their respective terms of reference .

    国务院其他有关主管部门在各自的职责范围内负责 麻醉药品和精神药品 有关的管理工作。

  • The Study for High Frequency Capacitance of a Coupling Capacitor with Relation to the Dielectric

    耦合电容器高频电容 介质 关系的研究

  • Some Problems With Relation to Impact in Structural Mechanics in Nuclear Power Engineering

    核能工程中冲击结构力学的若干 问题

  • Conclusion Self-blood phototherapy can cause the expression of HSP70mRNA with relation to UV dose .

    结论血液光量子疗法能够诱导细胞内HSP70表达增多, UV照射剂量 有关

  • Discussion with relation to symplectic vector field on the cotangent bundle

    余切丛上辛向量场的 有关讨论

  • PFU protozoan communities play the substantial role and show the clear advantage in bio-monitoring with relation to water quality .

    水环境质量变化评价与发展趋势预测中, 其它较高等生物类群比较, PFU原生动物群落在水质监测应用方面显示了诸多优点。

  • This paper discusses perturbations problem with relation to a speed of the balanced development a proportion of the balanced development and a period of crisis and obtains some important conclusions with practical economic background .

    文中探讨了这一模型的摄动问题 均衡发展速度、均衡发展比例及危机周期的 关系,并得出了一些有实际经济背景的重要结论。

  • The parameters such as the head pressure and the flow rate with relation to the hoisting current of the electromagnetic pump which devised by our foundry research center had been studied .

    对于我们铸造中心自主研发的电磁泵研究了泵高、流量等工艺参数 电极电流的 关系

  • Ecological basis and application of PFU protozoan community in bio-monitoring with relation to water quality


  • SELDI Protein Chip Technology for Screen Differential Protein Expression with Relation to Multiple Myeloma

    SELDI蛋白芯片技术筛选多发性骨髓瘤 患者血清差异蛋白的初步研究