



v.风趣( wit的现在分词 )善于说俏皮话的能力心智才智

  • The phenomenon of financial restraint has been existing in China . Any financial restraint be it witting or unwitting will increase the cost for reform and will hamper the development of China 's economy and finance .

    引入 金融 深化 理论结合中国的改革开放,金融抑制现象一直存在,任何 有意无意的金融抑制,都加大了改革的成本,成为我国经济和金融快速发展的障碍。

  • Water Loss of Plants Infected by Witting Pathogen Legionnaires ' disease

    感病植物的 水份丧失

  • Application of Witting Reaction to Pesticide Synthesis


  • It is common that witting rate was lower and it is urgent that people need health care knowledge and health service .

    人群 高血压 健康 知识 知晓率普遍偏低,对健康保健知识和卫生服务需求迫切;

  • Results : Women-workers had common sense on STDs / AIDS the most of respondents knew AIDS ( 96.6 % ) the witting rate of vertical infectious route was 92.2 % which was the highest . However they knew little about non-infectious route .

    结果乡镇企业女工性病、艾滋病综合知识水平尚可,其中大多数人都知道艾滋病(96.6%),并且垂直传播艾滋病的 知晓率最高(92.2%),但是对非传播途径等问题的认识仍模糊。

  • Results w_1216 The witting rotes of the common villagers suspects and tuberculosis patients were 65.3 % 84.0 % and 59.5 % respectively the difference was significant .

    结果普通村民(224人)、肺结核病人(75人)、肺结核可疑症状者(74人)的结核病 特定 知识 知晓率分别为65.3%、84.0%和59.5%,3者之间差异存在显著性;

  • Knew you inadvertently when me you were encountered in public place of entertainment when me distressed nobody of psychology is OK and witting unmanned also and OK go recount and abreacting .

    当我无意中熟悉了你,当我在娱乐场所里遇见了你,心理的酸楚没人可以 知晓,也无人可以去诉说和发泄。

  • The witting rate about academic question of hypertension diagnosis . standard adult salt standard was very low both in male and in female ( male : 19.7 % 4.7 % ; female : 16.8 % 3.9 % ) .

    对于高血压诊断标准、成人食盐标准学术性较强的问题,男女 知晓率均很低(男:19.7%,4.7%;女:16.8%,3.9%)。

  • Most person have no way is witting after all these most top originality art and program personnel can take how many salary after all .

    大多数人无从 知晓 到底这些最为顶尖的创意、美术和程序人员到底能拿多少薪水。

  • Involve issue of the following law : 1 copyright 2 reorganize advantageous position 3 former writers are witting authority .

    涉及到以下几个法律问题:1著作权2改编权3原作者 知晓权

  • Objective w_892 To learn the witting situation about AIDS and sexual behavior among the non-medical major students of Yingtan City .

    目的了解 鹰潭市非医学专业大学生对艾滋病及性行为的 知识和态度。

  • To improve the medical compliant behavior of the patients with hypertension and witting rate to special knowledge .

    目的提高高血压病人的从医行为及对特定知识的 知晓率。

  • Investigation of the Witting Rate of Tuberculosis Knowledge in Datian County of Fujian Province

    福建省大田县农村肺结核病防治知识 知晓率调查

  • Tasking collection amongst witting or unwitting social groups could be an expedient way of finding out what 's going on in some field of concern .

    有意或无意的社会团体中收集 情报可能是探究某些领域之究竟的便利方法。

  • The other side indissolubles : For what then you have name so and they so unmanned witting ?

    对方不解道:“那为啥你这么有名气,而他们则那么无人 知晓”?

  • Result : The witting rate of self-medication knowledge was low in general .

    结果: 调查对象的自我 药疗的知识水平普遍偏低。

  • Ploy-substituted benzene can be simply synthesized via acyclic precursor through intramolecular witting reaction .

    通过非环前体的分子内 反应,可合成一类多取代苯,对这类产物进行结构鉴定,有助于了解整个反应历程和机理。

  • Objective w_1524 To investigate the witting rate of tuberculosis knowledge in the countryside and provide basis for establishing counterm è asures for tuberculosis control .

    目的了解农村肺结核病防治知识 知晓情况,为结核病控制健康促进策略的制定和实施提供依据。

  • Zhang Xiong is to start work first hit Zhang Sheng the course hits average time two women are witting also hit .

    张熊是先动手打张圣,经过殴打一般时间两家妇女 知晓也打起来。