witness summons

[ˈwɪtnɪs ˈsʌmənz][ˈwitnis ˈsʌmənz]


  • A witness summons under section16a of the Ordinance shall be in accordance with the form in the schedule .

    根据本条例第16a条发出的 证人 传票,须符合附表所列的格式。

  • In the present world many legal systems just like England-America legal system Big-Continent legal system and other scattered or systematically stipulated statue books all witness the perfection of their Criminal Compulsory Summons which have brought safeguarding and relieving rights of the Accused .

    在当今世界上,无论英美法系国家还是大陆法系国家,无论是 散见的还是系统的规定到法典中的,强制 措施的完备和由此带来的对被告人的权利保障与救济都贯彻始终。