without limit

[wɪðˈaʊt ˈlɪmɪt][wiˈðaut ˈlimit]


  • Notwithstanding the past few weeks ' arguments about how to stabilise the situation we will also say that consensus was achieved with surprising speed - and that the willingness to support it with sufficient resources ( meaning without limit ) was never really in question .

    尽管在过去数周,各方面就如何稳定形势发生争论,但我们要承认,达成共识的速度令人吃惊&以充分的资源(就是说 限制的)救市的意愿,一直就不是一个问题。

  • In fact the official language when tenure is granted at Harvard is called appointment without limit of time i.e. there are no definite termination date .

    事实上,哈佛对终身职位的官方表述是“ 时限的任命”,即没有明确的终止日期。

  • The prices seemed soaring up without limit .

    物价好像 无限制地 飞涨

  • On one point all serious analysts agree : public debt cannot rise relative to gross domestic product without limit .

    严肃的分析人士在一个问题上是有共识的:相对于国内生产总值,公共债券不可 限制上升。

  • They are ready to supply funds without limit .

    他们准备 没有 限制的供给经费。

  • The ECB is the only institution capable of doing this because it can create money without limit .

    之所以说欧洲央行是唯一能够做到这一点的机构,是因为它能够 限制地创造货币。

  • Advantages : the utility model achieves ideal processing efficiency without limit of size and can reduce the labor intensity of worker and the worker number .

    优点:加工效率理想 并且 尺寸的 限制;可减轻工人的劳动强度和投入作业的工人人数。

  • Meanwhile by reading children 's literature our imaginations can expand without limit .

    同时,透过阅读儿童文学,我们的想像力得以 无限扩张。

  • God gave His Holy Spirit to Jesus without limit .

    毫无 限制地把他的圣灵给了耶稣。

  • Since the Chinese seem willing to accumulate foreign currency reserves without limit the leverage of its partners is limited .

    自从中国似乎有意 限制地累积外汇储备以来,中国的贸易伙伴能够影响中国的手段便是有限的。

  • The house prices in the city seemed soaring up without limit .

    这个城市的房价好像在 无限制地 飞涨

  • China will not continue growing emissions without limit or insist that all nations must have the same per-capita emissions .

    中国的排放量 不会 无限 地增长,也不会坚持所有国家的人均排放量必须一致。

  • In mathematics : approach a limit as the number of terms increases without limit .

    在数学上;接近界限点关于条件数字 没有 界限的增加。

  • So the parlance of as long as currency the supply doesn 't increase inflation impossibly and without limit continue next go to ( like ) is completely correct .

    所以,“只要货币供应不增加,通货膨胀就不可能 限制地继续下去”(如题)的说法是完全正确的。

  • Indeed it can create money without limit .

    的确,它可以 限制的制造货币。

  • Tractive power The addition of matter over this critical value would lead to the collapse of the star without limit because of the ever-increasing gravitational forces .

    牵引力,牵引功率质量超过临界值时,增加着的引力将造成恒星的 无限 坍缩

  • We cannot supply funds without limit .

    我们不可能 限制地提供经费。

  • Without limit of the impulse noise length the method can be used for measuring recovery time of the longer timeinterleaver transmission systems .

    由于对脉冲噪声的长度 没有 限制,可用于测试更长交织时间的系统的同步时间;

  • These gas ions if you take gas ions these gas ions if you take gas ions gas ions of opposite charge will necessarily agglomerate without limit .

    这些气态离子,如果你得到气态离子的话,如果你得到这些气态离子,具有相反电荷的气态离子,将必然会 无限 聚集。

  • A star is formed when a cloud of gas collapses from the interstellar medium toward high density . The addition of matter over this critical value would lead to the collapse of the star without limit because of the ever-increasing gravitational forces .

    一个气体云自星际物质中坍缩,密度达到很高时,即形成了一个恒星。质量超过临界值时,增加着的引力将造成恒星的 无限坍缩。

  • You can win profit easily even though you use the shortest conveying belt ; furthermore you can increase cleaning capacity without limit with your advantageous cleaning brush .

    即使是使用最短的传送带,您也可以轻易获得利润,并由于优势的清洗刷使您可以 限制的增加清洗能力。

  • Can you allow yourself to have all that is yours without limit from the All That Is ?

    你是否能允许自己拥有它们, 限于“只是这样而已”?

  • First since we cannot rely on the housing slump to reduce the current account without limit it is important to continue with the three-pronged strategy which would be good economics even if there were no current account deficits .

    首先,由于我们不能 节制地依靠房地产市场衰退来减少经常账户(赤字),“三管齐下”政策的继续推行就显得十分重要。

  • Our life has a limit but knowledge is without limit .


  • The Relationship between the Land Reserve System and the Increase of the Real Estate Price ; The house prices in the city seemed soaring up without limit .

    城市土地收购储备制度与房地产价格快速上涨关系研究这个城市的房价好像 无限制地 飞涨

  • Or they might collapse without limit into a singularity & a black hole from whose immense gravitational field not even light can escape since the surrounding space is so bent that light just turns back on itself .

    或者可能会 无限地崩塌 下去,变成奇点,也就是一个黑洞,其巨大引力场甚至连光都无法逃逸,因为周围的空间太过弯曲,光会直接转弯回到原处。

  • I find ecstasy in living . Our life has a limit but knowledge is without limit .
