system of accounts

[经] 帐户体系,会计制度

  • System of National Accounts ( SNA ) and GDP of systematic core index are important indices for evaluating national economic level and development .

    国民经济 核算 体系(SNA)以及体系中的核心指标GDP,是衡量一个国家经济水平和经济发展的重要指标。

  • A system of user accounts . To be used to ensure security and organization on a system with many user .

    使用者 账户 系统。被用作在系统上对用户进行组织管理和确保账号的安全。

  • The Research on Risk Prevention for Financing System of Accounts Receivable Pledge

    收账款质押融资风险防范 制度研究

  • The System of National Accounts is an important tool for national economic analysis and policy .

    国民 经济 核算是国民经济分析和政策的重要工具。

  • State of the basic economic information used in the system of national accounts in developing countries ;

    发展中国家国民 核算 制度所用基本经济资料状况;

  • Besides some theories and methods of service output accounting also need to be improved within practical work and system of national accounts ( 2002 ) in China .

    我国现行国民 经济核算工作中以及我国国民 经济 核算 体系(2002)中在服务产出核算方面也存在类似亟需研究改进和完善的一些理论和方法问题。

  • Provisional International Guidelines on the National and Sectoral Balance Sheet and Reconciliation Accounts of the System of National Accounts

    关于国民 核算 体系中全国和部门资产负债表及调节帐户的暂行国际准则

  • Working Group of the Conference of European Statisticians on the System of National Accounts

    欧洲统计人员关于国民 核算 体系会议工作队

  • The emphasis is how to establish the management system of accounts receivable and finacial date flow chapter 4 conclusion summing up the main achievement innovations of the paper .

    重点介绍理顺物流 业务数据流程,完善应 收账款管理 制度。第四章结论。

  • Comparisons of the System of National Accounts and the Balances of the National Economy : Part One Conceptual Relationships

    国民 帐户 体系和国民经济平衡 体系的比较:第一部分,概念上的关系

  • Using the data from The System of National Accounts ( SNA ) the boundary of fiscal resources are confirmed . The mobilization coefficients are confirmed by The Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) and modified by Delphi .

    依据SNA的数据确定我国财政金融资源的边界后,基于层次分析法和 德尔斐法确定和修正 资金的可动员系数。

  • If a privatization plan passed in2005 called for steep benefit cuts in2045 what are the odds that those cuts would really happen ? Second a system of personal accounts would pay huge brokerage fees .

    如果在2005年通过的一个私有化计划要求在2045年大幅度削减收益,那么这种情况真正发生的几率是多少呢?其次,个人 帐户 系统将偿付巨额的经纪费用。

  • The value of natural resources was neglected in traditional economic theory and system of national accounts ( SNA ) . The natural resources and environmental factors are removed from policy decision and this is the source of global environment crisis .

    在传统经济理论和国民 经济 核算理论(SNA) ,忽视自然资产的价值,将自然资源和环境要素排除在决策框架之外,这是造成全球环境危机的理论根源。

  • New System of National Accounts and Gross National Product

    新国民 经济 核算 体系与国民生产总值

  • A Study on the Development of Tourism Satellite Account and the Relationship between Tourism Satellite Account and System of National Accounts

    旅游卫星账户的发展及其与国民 账户 体系的关系研究

  • First the pledge system of accounts receivable is particularly insufficient in dealing with the problems of accounts receivable . Because the current law has general provisions to the pledge of accounts receivable and the effective level of relevant rules have restricted it .

    首先,因现行法律对应收账款质押的笼统规定和相关规章效力层次制约,应 收账款质押 制度在处理应收账款问题时尤显不足。

  • Further more the paper analyzed the risks problems and reasons of pension insurance system of personal accounts .

    进而剖析了当前养老保险个人 账户 制度遇到的各种风险和实践问题,并进一步分析了各种风险产生的原因。

  • United Nations Working Group on the Implementation of the System of National Accounts

    联合国国民 帐户 制度执行情况工作组

  • GDP-Core Index in System of National Accounts

    国民经济 核算 体系核心指标GDP研究

  • In developing or implementing a system of cost accounts an appropriate numbering or coding system is essential to facilitate communication of information and proper aggregation of cost information .

    在开发和运用成本 报告 系统时,适当的编码或译码体系有利于信息沟通和成本信息的汇总。

  • Economic Commission for Africa Expert Group Meeting on the System of National Accounts

    非洲经济委员会国民 经济 体系专家组会议

  • Proposed the establishment of a single system of personal accounts funded insurance system .

    提出建立单一个人 账户的基金积累 保险制度。

  • Household sector is always a defective sector in the System of National Accounts .

    住户部门一直是国民 经济 核算 体系 核算相对不完善的一个部门。

  • Input-Output Analysis in the System of National Accounts

    国民 经济 核算 体系中的投入产出分析

  • On advantages disadvantages and scope of application of appointment system of accounts

    会计委派 的利弊与适用范围

  • GDP is the core indicator of SNA ( System of National Accounts ) . It has inestimable influence on the steady economic growth in each country but also has some shortcomings .

    国民 账户核算 体系中的核心指标GDP,为各国经济的稳定发展起到了不可估量的作用,但是它也存在种种缺陷。

  • Accounting unit : A Business enterprise or other economic unit for which a system of accounts is maintained .

    会计核算单位:指设有 会计 制度的企业或其他经济单位。

  • Quarterly Estimates of GDP is an important part of the system of national accounts it plays a very important role in macro-economic situation analysis and policy making .

    季度GDP核算是国民 经济 核算 体系的重要组成部分,对于及时把握宏观经济形势、制定经济政策起着十分重要的作用。

  • The current system of national accounts should responsible for the environment problems this is due to the environment disadvantages of it .

    对于环境问题,现行的国民 账户 体系是要负一定责任的。这是由于现行国民 账户在环境方面的缺陷造成的。