system of contracts

[法] 契约制度

  • But the focus of domestic research marine insurance law in the warranty system for non-maritime laws and regulations by the system of general insurance contracts to ensure the system is not a lot of research .

    但国内的研究焦点集中海上保险法中的保证制度,对非由海商法 规制的普通保险 合同的保证制度研究却不是很多。

  • On the System of Obvious Unfairness Contracts

    显失公平 合同 制度

  • The complete contract system was established in ancient Xi - zhou . There are many differences in the system of Contracts between the Ancient and the Modern period in the aspects of economic foundation contract type contract freedom and adjustment method etc.

    中国古代早在西周时期就已出现了较为发达的契约制度,中国古代的 契约 制度与现代 合同 制度在经济基础、契约种类、契约自由、调整方法等方面存在着区别。

  • The Construction of Our Country 's Responsibility System of Fault in Signing Contracts in the Law of Labor Contract in the Future

    试论我国未来劳动合同法中缔约过失责任 制度的构建&兼评《劳动 合同法(草案)》相关条款

  • On System of The Environmental Civil Contracts

    论环境民事 合同 制度

  • Collaboration : The SchemaLogic Suite includes a customizable governance system of contracts permissions and rights that allows all users to collaborate on the development of the semantics model .

    协作:SchemaLogicSuite包含一个可定制的 约束、权限和权力管理 系统,使所有用户都能够参与语义性模型的开发。

  • That process reached its conclusion yesterday when miners and steelmakers ditched the system of annual contracts and long negotiations that had been in place since the 1960s for new short-term deals based on the spot market .

    昨日,这件事终于有了定论。矿商和钢铁生产商放弃了从上世纪60年代起实施的长时间谈判和 签署年度 合约 制度,转而按照现货市场行情来 签署新的短期协议。

  • This paper analyzes the contractual properties of Japanese life-employment and Chinese fixed-employment system in view of implicit contracts theory .

    文章运用隐性 契约理论分析了日本的终身雇佣制和中国的固定工 制度

  • In the system of liability for breach of contracts specified by the new contract act the advantageous position of actual performance is abandoned and no longer the primary remedy for breach of contracts .

    在新合同法规定的 违约责任 体系中,实际履行的优越地位被消解,不再是首要的违约补救方法。

  • For the current deficiencies we should establish national uniform rules on the transfer of commercial housing pre-sold ; adapt it to the system of registration of pre-sales contracts and regime of registration of caution ; and strengthen tax inspections to resist commercial speculation .

    对于现有的不足,应制定全国性统一规则肯定预售商品房的转让,并将之与 预售 合同登记及与预告登记相协调,通过加强税收检查抵制商业炒作。

  • Effects of electronic commerce on the system of the formation of contracts

    论电子商务对 合同成立 制度的影响

  • The system of rescission of contracts is an important system in contract law in which the legal rescission of contracts is the core .

    合同解除 制度是合同法律制度中的重要内容,而法定解除更是合同解除制度之核心。

  • The scheme replaced the 40-year-old benchmark system of annual contracts and lengthy price negotiations this year .

    今年,该定价机制取代了有40年历史的年度 合约基准定价 机制,省却了冗长的价格谈判过程。

  • The scheme replaced the 40-year-old benchmark system of annual contracts and price negotiations in April when prices surged by a record 95-105 per cent .

    今年4月,当价格创纪录地飙升95%至105%时,新定价体系取代了历时40年之久的年度 和约和价格谈判的原有基准 体系

  • Since its birth in the 13th century rebus sic stantibus has become a system of contracts in civil law countries .

    情事变更制度自十三世纪诞生以来,已成为通行于大陆法系国家的一项 合同 制度

  • First the dynamic between iron ore miners and steelmakers is changing because of moves towards a system of quarterly contracts based on spot prices instead of annual agreements based on benchmarking .

    首先,由于铁矿石定价机制从年度基准价协议转向了基于现货价格的季度 合约 体制,矿商与钢铁企业之间的力量消长在不断变化。

  • The system of rescission of contracts is an important system in P.R.C contract law .

    合同解除 制度在我国合同法上占据极其重要的地位。

  • Chapter six raises some advice for the present interpretation system of insurance contracts from three aspects of legislation justice and insurance industry .

    第六章从立法、司法以及保险业三个方面,提出对我国目前保险 合同解释 制度的建议。

  • The second part of a foreign country administrative contract theory mainly mature legal relief system of administrative contracts .

    第二部分阐述了国外主要成熟行政合同理论国家的行政 合同法律救济 制度

  • The use of iron-ore swaps to hedge volatile prices comes after miners and steelmakers ditched the 40-year-old system of annual contracts this year replacing it with quarterly contracts linked to the volatile spot market .

    铁矿石生产商和钢铁生产商今年抛弃了有40年历史的年度 合同 制度,代之以 签订与波动的现货市场关联的季度合同,随即出现了利用铁矿石掉期来对冲起伏不定的现货价格的做法。

  • The ninety-fourth article of Chinese Contract Law is drawn on the basis of the absorption of the system of fundamental breach of contracts in the common law and the analytical structure of various forms of inappropriate performance of contractual obligations in civil law .

    我国《 合同法》第94条规定既吸收了英美法根本违约 制度,又基本保持大陆法系有关债务不履行行为的分析架构。

  • Although the electronic contacts have their advantages and become the basic forms or commodity exchange and circulation in the new century they also have some special problems that are not suitable to the traditional legal system of contracts .

    电子 合同快捷、无纸、高效率、低成本的特点,使其成为21世纪电子商务模式下商品交换和流转的基本形式。但电子合同所特有的问题使传统 合同法律 制度无法完全适用。

  • We will find that the performance legal system of constructive contracts are short when we look from the whole circumstances .

    从整个大环境看,施工 合同履行相关法律 制度的欠缺是主要的原因 之一

  • After World War ⅱ electronic commerce has been greatly developed with the increasing improvement of the technology of electronic communication which causes all-round challenges to the legal system of contracts such as the form electronic authentication formation honoring and electronic payment of contracts .

    二战以来,随着电子通信技术的日新月异,电子商务也得到了蓬勃发展,这对法律上的 合同 制度提出了全方位的挑战,如 合同的形式、电子认证、合同的成立与履行及电子支付等。

  • In view of the practice of the system of violation of the contracts carried out in the world there exits great deficiency in this filed with regard to the legislation and judicature .

    从各国根本 违约 制度的实践来看,我国目前无论是在立法上,还是在司法上,都存在很大的不足。

  • From the distribution of resources angle the university has the function of assembling the resources of higher education . The university system is the collection of contracts among the subjects of the property rights .

    从资源配置角度看,大学具有聚集高等教育资源的功能,大学 制度是资源产权主体之间的 契约集。

  • With compare between the application system of laws in contracts concerning foreign affairs in China and foreign countries the thesis discusses the advance and defect of China 's system and suggests some ways for its improvement .

    文章通过对中外涉外 合同法律适用 制度的比较分析,探讨了我国涉外 合同法律适用制度的先进与不足,并提出了一些改进建议。

  • On the Liability System for Breach of Contracts in Contracts Law

    论《合同法》中的 违约责任 制度

  • From the view of the system of prevention we should inspect the present laws according to the international items and strengthen the system of labor contracts ;

    从侵害预防机制上看,有必要对照国际文本,全面检视现有的立法,并强化劳动 契约 制度