switched input

[计] 开关输入

  • This type of switched systems not only has uncertainty in structure and in input channel but also has exterior disturbance which does not satisfy so-called matching condition .

    此类系统在结构和 输入通道具有未知时 但有界的不确定性,还受到不满足匹配条件的外部扰动。

  • Slack stabilizability conditions and a switching strategy achieving global asymptotic stability of the switched fuzzy system with continuous controlled input are developed . The proposed method overcomes the difficulty of solving a common matrix P by parallel distributed compensation ( PDC ) with a large number of fuzzy rules .

    给出了有连续控制 输入时该 切换模糊系统的一种松弛稳定性条件,避免了并行分配补偿法中因模糊规则数较多而求解公共矩阵P的困难,同时给出了实现系统全局渐近稳定的切换策略。

  • In a general network environment the nonlinear NCS is modeled as a fuzzy switched system with time-delay by the parallel distributed compensation technique ( PDC ) and the delay input approach and such system consist of a stable subsystem and a possible unstable subsystem .

    在一般的网络环境中,通过平行分布补偿技术和时滞 输入方法,将非线性网络控制系统建模为包含一个稳定子系统和一个可能不稳定子系统的模糊时滞 切换系统。

  • The switched condition of high-voltage input circuit for motor controller was determined by developing loop control logic of high voltage .

    充电模块和主接触器控制电机控制器等部件的高压 输入,提出高压电回路控制逻辑,确定了电机控制器高压 输入回路的 接通与断 条件。

  • The class of switched systems unknown-but-bounded parameters contained in both stated matrix and input matrix are transformed into dynamic interval systems .

    将状态矩阵和 控制 输入矩阵中同时含有未知、有界不确定性的一类 切换系统转化为动态区间系统。

  • Secondly we can investigate the problem of state feedback control for polytopic type uncertain discrete-time linear switched systems with input saturation constraint .

    其次,研究具有饱和 输入约束的凸多面体不确定离散线性 切换系统的状态反馈控制问题。

  • Stability Analysis and Control for Uncertain Switched System with Input Delays

    输入时滞不确定 切换系统的稳定性分析与控制

  • For scanner ( or multiplex ) cards the channel is used as a switched input in measuring circuits or as a switched output in sourcing circuits .

    对于扫描(或多路选通)卡,通道被作为测量电路中的一个 切换 输入,或者作为源电路中的一个被切换输出;

  • Pumped by frequency double Q - switched Nd : YAG laser the output delay and pulse duration of a tunable laser vary with its input energy the index of reflection of its output mirror and the wavelength .

    倍频调 QUd:YAC激光器泵浦的掺钛蓝宝石激光器的输出脉宽和时间延时随 泵浦能量、调谐波长和输出耦合率的变化而变化。

  • The problem of robust fault detection filter design for a class of switched linear systems with unknown input is studied .

    研究了一类线性时 切换系统及其带有 非线性扰动系统在任意切换律下的稳定性。

  • For a class of switched systems a lower bound on the dwell time of switching is explicitly calculated which guarantees input to state stability .

    对于一类 常见 切换系统,计算出保证 输入对状态稳定性的切换停留时间的下界。

  • A novel switched capacitor based boost buck integrated switching converter is put forward . When the input part is in discontinuous conduction mode ( DCM ) the converter has the function of power factor correction ( PFC ) .

    文章提出了一种基于 开关电容网络的boost-buck组合开关变换器,当其 输入环节工作在不连续导电模式(DCM)时,具有功率因数校正(PFC)功能。

  • Besides the power modules can be switched off by software to provide with over-voltage and under-voltage protection for input and overload short-circuit protection for output .

    另外,采用软件 断功率器件的方式进行输入过压、欠压、输出过载和短路保护, 输入输出端可不必安装断路器或熔断器。

  • Controllability and Reachability of a Class of Linear Switched Systems with the Same Input Matrix

    输入矩阵定常的 切换线性系统的能控性和能达性

  • The paper introduces that the hardware design and software of collecting module for switched input . With two network interfaces : for CAN bus and industrial ethernet network is realized by 51 microcontrollers and also presents the flow of software .

    介绍了用51内核单片机(P80C592)实现带双网口(CAN网口、以太网网口)的 开关 采集模块的硬件设计,并叙述软件流程。

  • In recent years the stability of switched system has become the hotspot of control theory through the design of control input and switching rule to improve the performance of the switched system .

    近年来 切换系统的稳定性研究己成为控制理论的热点之一,通过设计控制 输入和切换规则提高切换系统的性能。

  • Sufficient conditions for switched systems to be input to state stable are given under the assumption that all subsystems are input to state stable . KL and K functions for switched systems are constructed by those for subsystems .

    在所有子系统都是输入对状态稳定的条件下,利用各子系统的KL函数和K函数构造出切换系统所需的KL函数和K函数,从而给出了 切换系统 输入对状态稳定的充分条件。

  • Design and implementation of collecting module for switched input within double network interface

    带双网口的 开关 采集模块的设计与实现