systematic code

[ˌsɪstəˈmætɪk kod][ˌsistəˈmætik kəud]


  • The flexibility provided by systematic bytecode transformations is what makes them a powerful tool for implementing aspect-oriented extensions for standard Java code .

    系统字节码转换由于提供了灵活性而使其成为为标准Java 代码实现面向方面的扩展的强大工具。

  • Using the structure of a systematic convolutional code this algorithm achieves bit-by-bit unequal error protection for VLC-coded bitstream and thus restrains the error propagation effectively .

    该算法借助 系统卷积 的结构,在不增加编码开销的前提下,实现了对变长熵编码码流的逐比特的非等重保护,从而有效抑制了误码扩散。

  • So the erasure codes in fault tolerance groups are systematic code original data will be contained in data after encoding .

    容错组的纠错码都采用 系统 形式,编码后的数据块分为信息数据与校验数据。

  • Necessary condition for symbol transmit rate in which maximum diversity and channel capacity of linear space-time code are attained is given and a new systematic space-time block code design framework is proposed .

    给出了线性空时 同时能达到最大分集度和信道容量的符号传输率必须满足的条件。

  • According to the theory of systematic work and the practical application of the classification code system used in mechanical manufacture the main functions of the system are described on the basis of the development of mechanical manufacture in our country .

    本文根据 系统工程的理论观点和分类 编码系统的实用性,针对我国机械制造行业的现状及今后的发展方向,论述了分类 编码系统在机械制造系统中的广义功能。

  • Systematic approach of default in performance in general debt law of civil code

    论债权 总则给付障碍法的 体系进路

  • Tail-biting Decoding of Circular Recursive Systematic Turbo Code in DVB-RCS

    DVB-RCS中循环递归Turbo 尾比特译码技术

  • In the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods ( 770-221 BC ) written law was promulgated in China and a systematic written code of laws appeared .

    春秋战国时期(公元前770年-公元前221年),中国开始制定成文法,出现了自成 体系的成文 法典

  • The design of reinforcement embankment on soft foundation is an important and often encountered problem in road projects . However currently there is no particular systematic design code available in China .

    软基上加筋堤坝工程的设计是一个重要和经常遇到的问题,但国内至今尚未有一个专门的、 系统的设计 规范

  • The web service technology provided by the fact that upper strata realizes system to the lower levels invoking had improved systematic upkeep sex and multiplex code rates thereby .

    通过上层对下层的调用实现系统提供的Web服务,从而提高了 系统的可维护性和 代码的复用率。

  • For the concatenated codes the systematic convolutional codes ( RSC ) are used as the inner code while tailbiting ( TB ) is used as the outer code .

    该码的内码采用递归 系统卷积码,外码采用Tailbiting

  • The sequential decoder of systematic convolutional code in IESS-309 is discussed in the paper .

    主要研究卫星通信协议IESS309协议中的 系统卷积 的编码及其序列译码的计算机模拟。

  • This paper makes a systematic study on the actual carrier on the basis of the provisions of the Hamburg Rules and Chinese Maritime Code by means of comparative law and construction of law .

    本文运用比较法和法解释学的方法,以《汉堡规则》和我国《 海商 的规定为依据,对实际承运人制度作一 系统研究。

  • A Systematic ( 12 ) Code for Correcting Single Errors and Detecting Adjacent Errors

    纠单错和检邻接错的( 12系统

  • In this paper by systematic numerical modeling by the distinct element method with UDEC code the effect of physical and mechanical properties of rocks including internal friction angle Youngs modulus Poissons ratio and cohesion on stress field in the vicinity of fractures are analyzed .

    应用离散元方法模拟研究了断裂两侧岩石的物理力学性质(包括岩石内摩擦角、弹性模量、泊松比、粘 聚力等)对其附近地应力场的影响。

  • Systematic code validation has been performed .

    程序 代码进行了 系统 检验。