system of common law

[ˈsɪstəm ʌv ˈkɑmən lɔ][ˈsistəm ɔv ˈkɔmən lɔ:]

[法] 普通法系

  • Under the case-law system of the common law countries the core principle of judicature is stare decisis namely similar case similar disposing .

    英美 法系国家的判例 法制度下,司法的核心原则是遵循先例,即同类案件同样处理。

  • Default judgment is a unique system in civil litigations of common law .

    “不应诉判决”是 英美 法系民事诉讼中的独特 制度安排。

  • System of evidence preserving in the system of civil law is detailly defined and rare in the system of common law . As one country of the system of civil law system of evidence preserving has been founded in our country .

    证据保全制度在大陆 法系国家的证据法中有比较详细的规定,而鲜见于 英美 法系国家。

  • It can be found in the civil code of civil law system and the similar stipulations can be found in the legal system of common law system .

    它有极深的法律渊源,在各大陆法系国家的民法典中均有规定,同时也能在 英美 法系 国家的法律 制度中找到与之相类似的制度。

  • Various attitudes and practices were adopt in the system of civil law and the system of common law .

    大陆 法系 英美 法系曾对实际履行采取了不同的态度和做法。

  • Penal compensation is a particular legal relief system of common law in England and the U.S.A. It is also a new topic for study on China 's civil law and civil legislations .

    惩罚性赔偿是英美法系中 普通 上的一个特有的法律救济 制度,是我国民事立法和民法学上的一项新课题。

  • This system consists of jury system in common law system and trial system of people 's assessors in continental law system .

    陪审 具体又可分为 英美 法系的陪审团制度和大陆法系的参审制。

  • Punitive damages system is extensively carry out as a system of legal aid in common law legal family countries .

    惩罚性损害赔偿制度是广泛施行于 英美法系国家的一项法律救济 制度

  • The author compares patterns of the property right of real estate in different countries of Continental Law System and of Common Law System .

    文章比较了大陆 法系 英美 法系国家的不动产物权变动模式。

  • The discovery system of civil evidence of common law national is different from that of civil law national in respect of the basic constitution of the discovery namely the scope methods of the discovery and the measures of sanction resulting from the violation of the discovery .

    英美 法系国家 民事证据发现 制度虽然在证据发现的范围、发现方法以及违反发现程序规定的制裁措施,即基本构造上与大陆法系国家的有关规定不同,似乎显得更为详尽、周全。

  • The system of arrest of ships in common law countries is tightly connected with action in rem which as an old but lively law system plays a very important role in maritime lawsuits and has influenced the civil law countries as well .

    英美 法系的扣船 制度 物诉讼密不可分, 物诉讼作为一项古老而具有顽强生命力的法律制度,在英美 法系海事诉讼中扮演着举足轻重的角色,并已将其影响力波及到大陆法系各国;

  • First of all this article reviews the history of the victim ' promise analyzing and comparing the promise from the victim of different country ' related statue and theory in system of civil law and system of common law for the purpose of distinguishing it .

    本文首先对被害人同意行为的历史加以考察,并通过对大陆 法系英美 法系不同国家相关法规和理论进行横向比较,厘清 各国对于此问题的理论及 规定

  • The article also introduces the environment public interest action system of foreign countries points that there is a great difference between the environment public interest action system of common law and that of continent law .

    文章还介绍了国外的环境公益诉讼制度,指出 英美 法系和大陆法系公益诉讼的理念的不 一样,在 公益 保护领域的 适用上也不尽一致,优点和缺陷同样明显。

  • The concept of discretion is transplanted from Chinese scholars from the legal system of common law countries .

    自由裁量权这一概念,是我国学者从 英美 法系国家法律 体系中移植而来的。

  • Shareholder derivative litigation system is the creation of common law countries . It is a special relief system that shareholders take lawsuit when the rights of companies and their small and medium-sized shareholders are damaged .

    股东派生诉讼 制度 英美 法系国家创设的,在公司及其中小股东权益受到侵害时,由股东代替公司提起诉讼的一种特殊的救济制度。

  • The Charge-Statement-Only Doctrine reflecting the adversarial system of the Common Law has become the spotlight in the discussion of the reform of the criminal legal proceedings .

    体现英美 法系当事人主义的起诉书一本主义,成为刑事诉讼改革中热议的焦点之一。

  • Discovery is an important system in civil procedure of Common law countries and it plays an irreplaceable role therein .

    证据开示 制度 英美民事诉讼的一项重要 制度,在 英美民事诉讼中发挥着无可替代的作用。

  • This article from the shape of expert witness system of common law analyses the influence that it has on our country expert evidence system and brings out some thoughts of how to perfect it .

    本文试从 英美 法系专家证人形态入手,分析引进专家证人 制度对我国司法鉴定制度带来的影响及其完善的路径。

  • In worldwide scope there is legal precedent system of administration whether in common law legal system countries or in many civil law legal system countries .

    在世界范围内,无论是 英美法系国家,还是许多大陆法系国家,都存在行政判例 制度

  • Punitive damages is a civil relief system in the countries of common law system . It 's a civil liability which violators should take for victims because of performing torts .

    惩罚性赔偿是 英美 法系国家的一种民事救济 制度,是加害人因实施侵权行为而对受害者承担的民事责任。

  • Capital system of company in common law system focus on maximizing shareholder interests civil law focus on the social standard which focusing on transaction security and the protection of the interests of creditors .

    英美 法系 公司资本 制度侧重于股东利益的最大化,大陆法系侧重于社会本位,注重交易安全和债权人利益的保护。

  • Due to the difference of legal history culture and legal practice the concept and scope of the witness of Civil Law system is different from that of Common Law System .

    基于历史、传统与实践的差异, 英美 法系与大陆 法系关于证人概念的内含与外延均有所不同。

  • For example the difference in the form of the corporate constitution between the system of civil law and the system of common law leads to the different requests on the record contents of the corporate constitution .

    比如,大陆 法系 英美 法系在公司章程的形式上就有不同之处,导致对章程记载内容产生不同要求等。各国对公司章程规定制定各异,使得在国际经济合作中产生一定困难。

  • Punitive damages being the specific legal system of countries with the common law system have made a steady development even though there exit much disputation .

    惩罚性赔偿是 普通 法系国家的特有 制度,虽然备受争议,却在争议中不断发展。

  • The precedent is one of the main sources of law in the common law countries by means of its advantages of unique flexibility and impartiality the precedent plays an important role in the legal system of the common law countries .

    判例是普通法系国家的主要法律渊源之一,以其特有的灵活性、保证个案的公正性等优势在 普通 法系国家法律 体系中发挥着重要作用。

  • It is an important system in civil procedure of Common law countries .

    它是 英美民事诉讼的一项重要 制度

  • Since it came out it has not only been accepted by many civil laws ( not only in system of common law but also in system of civil law ) .

    自从这项制度产生以来,世界上许多国家的国内法都对之作了规定(不论在 英美 法系 国家还是在大陆法系国家)。

  • Our ancestors left our generation a system of common law .

    我们的祖先留给我们这一代人的 制度 普通