switching connection

[医] 接通联系,电键联系

  • Switching power is the connection between high voltage AC power grid and electric equipment with the low DC power plays a role of power conversion and becomes the necessary part of various electric products and equipments .

    开关电源电路是 连接高压交流电网与各类低压直流设备之间的 桥梁,扮演着功率转换的角色,是各类电子产品与设备必不可少的核心部分。

  • This paper reviews the technology . on FR and ATM which are concerned with rapid packet switching discusses virtual connection multiplexing and parameters mapping about interwork between networks services of FR and ATM .

    简要回顾与快速分组 交换有关的FR和ATM技术及2种技术的结合,讨论了ATM与FK有关网络互通、业务互通的 连接复用、参数映射等技术问题。

  • Abstracting relay control circuit as switching network the method can educe driving elements ′ switching functions from the connection matrix which are electric information of the circuit .

    将继电控制线路抽象为开关网络,通过 连接矩阵计算出驱动元件的 开关函数,从而掌握电气信息。

  • At the two moments when spatter is most easily produced short circuiting between droplet and welding puddle and the liquid bridge exploding welding current is reduced in time by the method of high power element switching the resistance which is in settes connection with the welding circuit .

    在熔滴与熔池发生短路及液体小桥爆断这两个最容易产生飞溅的时刻,利用大功率电子 开关元件 切换焊接回路 外串电阻的方法及时降低焊接回路中的电流。

  • For example the distributed intelligent control plane can be constructed by generalized multi-protocol label switching ( GMPLS ) and the fast connection setup and remove can be realized . Then this can support dynamic service configuration and efficient resource optimization .

    比如,利用通用多协议标签 交换(GMPLS)技术可以构造分布式的智能控制平面,实现对 连接的快速建立与拆除,支持动态灵活的业务配置以及高效率的资源优化。

  • The utility model of the lamp switching support is convenient for users to install and use by arranging a connection board to fix the two switching nodes .

    本实用新型灯具 转换支架通过设置一 连接连接固定二转换接头,方便用户安装使用。

  • In application switching aspect through the research DNS technology configuration database domain connection simplified disaster recovery switching operation improve disaster recovery switching speed ; and through the server processing power demand analysis model determining the configuration needs of host in disaster recovery center .

    在应用 切换方面,通过研究DNS技术,配置数据库域名 连接方式,简化容灾切换操作,提高容灾切换速度;并通过服务器处理能力需求分析模型,确定容灾中心内主机配置的需求。

  • A kind of economical and high speed switching connection technology-port trunks

    一种经济高速的LAN 交换机 连接技术&端口干路

  • Wide area virtual network ( referred to as WAC Wide Area Centrex ) is a CENTREX is located in different switching node on the CENTREX through physical and signaling connection thereby forming a virtual cross-boundary virtual private network .

    广域虚拟网(简称WAC,WideAreaCentrex)也是虚拟网的一种,就是把位于不同 交换节点上的CENTREX通过物理及信令上的 连接,从而组成一个虚拟的、跨地域的虚拟专用网络。

  • Research on the switching connection and over - load of SPC

    SPC 交换 接续与过载控制研究

  • Research has verified that the load which is thrown-off on faults is directly proportional to the switching time of reserve power source automatic connection devices .

    经研究发现,故障时 甩掉的供电负荷与该装置投入的时间成正比。

  • Fast User Switching cannot be turned on while there is a remote connection to this computer .

    在有一个到此计算机的远程 连接时,不能启用快速用户 切换

  • The switching network problem is an combinatorial optimization problem originated from the connection of telephone network .

    开关网络问题是一个起源于电话网络 连接的组合优化问题。

  • Switched disk and LUN-level switching use only one copy of the IASP but can switch the connection of that IASP from one system to another .

    交换磁盘和LUN-level 切换仅使用一份IASP副本,就可以把IASP的 连接从一个系统切换到另一个系统。

  • A column switching technique composed of two columns in series connection was adopted in direct injection analysis of mitomycin C in plasma by HPLC .

    本实验采用两根反相柱 串联而形成的高效液相色谱柱 切换装置,直接进样测定血浆中抗癌药物丝裂霉素C。

  • Because of its high switching frequency and easy series connection it is suitable for medium voltage high power applications .

    由于其 开关频率高,易于 串联,故适合在中电压大功率领域使用。

  • The B-ISDN which is based on ATM switching provides a high speed connection -

    以ATM 交换为基础的B-ISDN提供高速、面向 连接、分组长度固定的信元 交换。当代PC和高速LAN的发展需要面向 连接的ATM网络传输无 连接业务。

  • Fast User Switching cannot be turned off from a remote connection to this computer . Log on to the computer locally to turn off Fast User Switching .

    无法从到这台计算机的远程 连接关闭快速用户 切换。从本地登录计算机以关闭快速用户切换。

  • Signaling module is mainly responsible for meeting control Media processing module is mainly responsible for codec and transmission of media data While UI module is mainly responsible for the switching of the user interface . The main three modules use Socket to establish a connection and communicate .

    信令模块主要负责会议的控制,媒体处理模块主要负责媒体数据的编解码和传输,UI模块主要负责用户界面的 切换,三大模块间使用Socket建立 连接和通信。

  • Problems in the transport layer of TOP and their solution are pointed out . Several critical issues for implementing TOP on UNIX are discussed with details . Connection context switching technique is developed to control transport connection concurrency .

    本文指出了TOP运输层协议选择中存在的问题和解决方法,讨论了几个在UNIX系统上实现TOP的重要问题:采用连接上下文 切换技术来控制运输 连接的并发性;

  • Fast switching is defined at the link layer connection case on the network layer handoff .

    快速 切换是指在链路层 连接的情况下,就产生网络层切换。

  • Analysis and calculation of auxiliary power switching with parallel connection in power plant

    发电厂内厂用电 并联 切换 方式的分析计算

  • By default there is support for in-process IPC multicast and TCP and switching between all of them is as simple as changing the prefix on your connection string .

    缺省情况下支持进程内通讯、IPC、广播和TCP。此外,协议间 切换非常简单,仅需更改 连接字符串的前缀即可。

  • In high power switching mode power supply to make Flyback converter with main circuit in similar parallel connection enabled the circuit topology structure with low standby power loss high efficiency and fast load dynamic response etc.

    在大功率电源应用 场合,将 Flyback变换器与主电路类似 并联,使得该电路拓扑结构具有低待机损耗、高效率、快速负载动态响应等优点。

  • This paper discusses the control strategy of synchronous switching of shunt capacitor unit in the different way of connection and different reference signal .

    文章论述了电容器组在不同 连接方式和不同参考信号时对应的同步 合和同步切除控制策略。

  • Application of back-up switching equipments in 110 kV enlarged external bridge and 10 kV single busbar with ⅳ segments connection substation

    备自 组在 110kV扩大外桥和10kV单母Ⅳ分段主 接线变电站中的应用