

[计] 语法导引的,面向语法的

  • A Syntax-Directed Expanding-Shrinking Method of Outline-Drawing & Computer Assisted Outline-Drawing in Squared Paper Design of Silk Figured Fabric

    一种 句法指导下的扩张-收缩勾边法&提花丝绸织物意匠设计中计算机辅助勾边的实现

  • The method to generate assemblers by syntax-directed translation is proposed .

    提出了 语法 制导翻译用于自动构造汇编程序的方法。

  • A syntax-directed compiling language . an opportune remark statement intervention etc

    一种 语法 制导编译语言。合时宜的言词、言语、干预等

  • The syntax-directed editor of the Progrmming environment pdl / 1 and its implementation

    程序设计环境 PDL/1 语法 制导编辑器及其实现

  • This system is based on an integrated programming environment in which BASIC source program can be established through a syntax-directed editor and compiled by an incremental compiler .

    该系统建立了一个集成化的编程支持环境,通过 语法 制导编辑器建立BASIC源程序,通过增量编译器进行编译。

  • CELL - editor : CELL Language Syntax-directed Graphic Editor

    CELL-editor: 句法 引导的图示编辑器

  • Finite state syntax-directed continuous speech recognition system based on continuous density hidden Markov models

    有限态 文法 引导的基于连续密度HMM的连续汉语语音识别

  • This book is oriented towards so-called syntax-directed methods of compiling .

    本书以 介绍所谓 法制 的编译方法 作为 准则

  • A syntax-directed compiling language .

    一种 语法 制导编译语言。

  • JCT makes use of syntax-directed parsing semantic analysing and pretty printing techniques to support the translation process .

    JCT采用 语法 制导的方法,在对 J73源程序作语法分析的同时,进行语义分析和程序转换,最后通过格式打印输出一 算法等价的C程序。

  • Ada Syntax-Directed Editor ( ASDE ) is the kernel of the integrated Ada programming environment AWA ( Ada Working Assistant ) .

    Ada 语法 制导编辑器ASDE是集成化的Ada程序设计环境AWA(AdaworkingAssistant)的核心系统。

  • The Implementation of the Multilanguage Syntax-Directed Editing System on SUN / 3

    SEG/SUN: 面向多种语言的 语法 制导编辑系统在SUN上的实现

  • This paper introduces the syntax-directed editor of the programming environment PDL / 1 and its implemention . It also discusses the solution of both asynchronism of programming and error sensibility .

    本文介绍程序设计环境 PDL/1 语法 制导编辑器及其实现,并讨论程序开发的异步性和出错敏感性的解法方法。

  • The Design and Implementation of a Functional Language System Based Interactive Syntax-directed in Web

    基于交互式 语法 制导Web方式的函数式语言的设计与实现

  • Some Properties of Fuzzy Syntax-directed Translation

    Fuzzy 法制 翻译的性质

  • A Generating System for Syntax-Directed Editors

    语法 制导编辑器的自动生成系统

  • SEG / SUN is a syntax-directed editor generator builded on SUN / 3 workstation .

    SEG/SUN是建立在SUN工作站上的 面向 多种 语言 语法 制导编辑系统。

  • Syntax-Directed Editor : Its Suitable Fields and Future

    语法 制导编辑器的适用范围与前景

  • Design and implementation of an ADA syntax-directed editor

    Ada 语法 制导编辑器的设计与实现

  • The ker-nal of SE is a syntax-directed editor based on the object-oriented concepts . One of the key issue in the design of SE is how to represent the elements of a target language by means of the class concepts internally .

    SE的核心是基于面向对象概念的 语法 制导编辑程序,设计SE的关键问题之一是在系统内部如何用类的概念来表达靶语言的各种语言成分。

  • In addition based on a semantic syntax-directed translation from pure patterns to distorted patterns a distance measure including both semantics and syntax is proposed .

    这里考虑模式的 统计特征,又通过 词意、句法 指导下的变换来 描写畸变模式的结构。

  • Felicity Conditions are Not the Decisive Rules that Govern Successful Speech Acts in Human Communication ; A syntax-directed compiling language .

    言语行为合适条件在言语交际中的非主导性一种 语法 制导编译语言。

  • A syntax-directed compiling language . On Integral Ball Contest Arranged Method of Ranking

    一种 语法 制导编译语言。球类竞赛的排名式积分编排方法研究

  • We introduce the syntax-directed editing model called template-driven approach and present the functions general structure as well as the implementation techniques of ASDE .

    本文首先介绍 ASDE所采用的模板驱动方式的 语法 制导编辑模型,然后详细描述了ASDE的功能、总体结构和主要实现技术。