system input

[ˈsɪstəm ˈɪnˌpʊt][ˈsistəm ˈinput]


  • In addition in the system a input interface is provided to input the statistical data of the factors that infect the reliability of distribution network . And the system can calculate the statistical index create report forms display and compare expected index and statistical index .

    另外本 系统还给出影响配电网可靠性因素的统计数据的 输入界面,计算配电网可靠性指标统计值,生成报表显示并比较可靠性指标理论预测值和实际统计值。

  • This paper clarified the mechanism of benefit deferment of quality system input This mechanism means that the financial report of quality system should report both quality assets and quality costs under the matching principle on the accrual basis

    本文阐述了质量 体系的产出滞后于 投入的机制,这种机制表明质量体系财务报告应采用权责发生制基础上的配合原则同时反映质量资产和质量成本

  • The system may input and save information like date time weather room temperature master station 's duty staff duty relief staff and description of system operation and maintenance during being on duty .

    系统可以 输入并保存日期、时间、天气、室温、主站值班人员、交接班人员及当班系统运行简述、当班运行维护简述等信息。

  • In the first step the antecedents of fuzzy classification system and input variables are coded into a binary string and treated as an individual in genetic algorithm .

    第一阶段,将模糊分类 系统的前件和 输入变量编码为一个个体,实现了输入变量论域的动态划分和 输入变量选择。

  • Optimal control solving of heat transfer system with input constraints by applying hybrid genetic algorithm

    基于混合遗传算法的 控制受限热传导 系统最优控制问题求解

  • By the method of spectrum analysis the characteristics of nonlinear oscillations of the system input are analysed .

    利用波谱分析方法,分析了该 系统 输入的非线性振动特性;

  • Based on the relative fluctuation C ( 0 ) of light intensity and signal-noise ratio ( SNR ) of the output of the single-mode laser gain system of input signal the physical value K is defined to describe the overall output of the laser system .

    根据 输入信号的单模激光增益 系统的光强相对涨落C(0)和输出功率信噪比SNR,定义了物理量K,以描述激光系统的整体输出性质。

  • Stability Analysis and Control for Uncertain Switched System with Input Delays

    输入时滞不确定切换 系统的稳定性分析与控制

  • A class of unbiased identification for inverse system with input noises

    一类有 输入噪声扰动动的的逆 系统无偏参数辨识算法研究

  • Robust stratagem of consumption to follow the production in the dynamic system of input and output

    动态 投入产出 系统产出跟踪的鲁棒消费策略

  • And it also uses discrete cosine transform to data compression . Assuring the input resolution of neural network system can be improved with the system input dimension unchanged to improve the accuracy of automatic identification of the orbit .

    通过余弦变换进行数据压缩,作为神经网络的输入量进行轴心轨迹的自动识别,使得 系统较少 输入维数的前提下获得比较高的系统自动识别率。

  • On small computers much of the logic is found in the operation system 's input / output control system ;

    在小型计算机上,在操作 系统 I/O控制系统中可找到大量这方面的逻辑功能;

  • Research of Continuous Time-Delay Singular System with Input Saturation

    具有 输入饱和的连续时滞广义 系统的研究

  • The system includes input take Out and output three parts .

    系统分为 输入、抽题和输出三部分。

  • The key of this study is the introduction of a generalized coordinate change such that in the new coordinates all the time-delay terms are injected by the system input and output .

    通过对线性时滞系统进行广义坐标变换,得到了只包含 输入、输出时滞,无状态时滞的新的 系统表达形式。

  • The system input in this case is turbulent air which produces random pitching motion of the vehicle .

    在此情况下, 系统 输入是紊流大气,它使飞行器产生随机俯仰运动。

  • Robust Model Predictive Control for Networked Control System with Input Constraint

    输入受限网络控制 系统的鲁棒模型预测控制

  • Also the use of OLE ( Object Linking and Embedding ) technology makes system 's input and output more easily and flexible shares data with other applications and achieves visual results .

    同时,使用OLE(ObjectLinkingandEmbedding)技术极大地方便和丰富了 系统 输入、输出、实现了数据共享和结果的可视化。

  • The amount passing through a system from input to output ( especially of a computer program over a period of time ) .

    一个 系统中(尤其是计算机程序在一定时期)从 输入到输出的数量。

  • Discourse System and Input : Compulsory Education in Rural Governance

    话语、 体制 投入:乡村治理中的义务教育&以LY县为例

  • The dynamic state of a system where input and output are exactly balanced so that there is no change .

    一个 系统 输入和输出恰好平衡,以至 系统没有变化的一种动态性的状态。

  • This system is input with large quantity of data which is likely to cause mistakes with many anthropic factors resulting in reduced credibility of evaluation results .

    这种 系统数据 录入量大、容易引入错误,而且掺杂进许多人为因素,导致了考核结果的可信度降低。

  • The inversion is a method for the system characteristics and its parameters description which begins from the system response to system input .

    反演是一种从系统响应到 系统 输入来描述系统特征及其相关参数的方法。

  • In this paper the robust stratagem of production to follow the consumption in the dynamic system of input and output is put forward .

    利用鲁棒调节理论,提出了动态 投入产出 系统消费跟踪的鲁棒生产策略,并讨论了该策略的可靠性。

  • And then a method called system input reconstruction for estimating dynamic system 's time lags and an algorithm based on maximum likelihood estimation for extracting the time lags are presented .

    然后就动态系统未知时延参数的估计问题提出了重构 系统 输入的估计方法,并以极大似然估计迭代算法为基础给出了一套估计动态系统时延参数的算法。

  • This paper was to reveal the feature of natural resources and system input and output structure about apple industry system in gully region of the Loess Plateau .

    揭示黄土高原沟壑区果业生态系统的自然资源特征和 投入产出结构 特征

  • Design Approaches Research and Application of Control System with Input and Output Constraints

    具有 输入输出约束的控制 系统设计方法及其应用研究

  • It is shown that this algorithm has global convergence properties i.e. with probability one the system input vector and output vector are sample mean square bounded and the conditional mean square generalized tracking error vector achieves its global minimum possible value .

    结果表明:该算法即使用于非最小相位 系统仍然具有全局收敛特性,即以概率1 输入输出向量采样均方有界,广义跟踪误差向量条件采样均方极小。

  • A method of automatically identifying shaft centerline orbits by using discrete cosine transform data compression and neural network technique is discussed in the paper . By means of data compression the input resolution of the network can be improved with the system input dimension unchanged .

    探讨了应用离散余弦变换数据压缩技术和神经网络技术自动识别轴心轨迹的形状和动态特性的方法,在提高网络输入分辨率的同时,进行数据压缩,使 系统 输入维数保持不变。