syntactic structure

[sɪnˈtæktɪk ˈstrʌktʃɚ][sɪnˈtæktɪk ˈstrʌktʃə]


  • Syntax trees only represent the lexical and syntactic structure of the source code .

    语法树只能够表现出源代码的词法和 句法 结构

  • The contrastive study analysis in this paper focuses on syntactic structure of the two languages .

    本文侧重于英语与蒙古语的 句法 结构的对比分析研究。

  • In general the course may be looked on as a rigorous introduction to the study of the learning and development of central properties of syntactic structure .

    总之,本课程是对 句法 结构主要特性的学习发展研究的精细介绍。

  • Analyzed the relationship between syntactic structure and the semantic combination when N1 is an agent .

    分析了N1为施事时语义组合与 句法 结构之间的对应关系。

  • The predicate-object structure is a basic syntactic structure in ancient Chinese language consisted of predicate and object .

    述宾结构是古汉语中一种基本的 句法 结构,由述语和宾语组合而成。

  • The left dislocation construction refers to a syntactic structure in which a constituent is moved to the beginning of a sentence and original position is usually marked by a pronominal element .

    左向移位是 功能 语法中的一种 句法 结构,其中一个成分被移至句首是主位结构分析中的一个分支。

  • The Features of Syntactic Structure and Rhetorical Devices in English Advertisements

    英语广告中的 句法 特征及修辞特点探析

  • The syntactic structure of coordination and the significance of marginal data

    从并列 结构 句法条件看边缘语料的理论意义

  • A syntactic structure results of grammaticalization of a textual structure .

    句法 结构是语篇结构语法化的结果。

  • This chapter describes the context-free grammars used in this specification to define the lexical and syntactic structure of a program .

    这章描述在本规范中使用的上下文无关语法来定义程序的词法和 语法 结构

  • Therefore parts of speech or categories are not regulations of the lexicon but are derivatives of the syntactic structure .

    因此,词类或语类并非词库的规定,而是 句法 结构的衍生物。

  • This thesis mainly discusses the syntactic structure and generation of Chinese ba-construction .

    本论文主要讨论把字句的 句法 结构 句法生成问题。

  • Preposition structure is a common type of syntactic structure in modern Chinese .

    介词结构是现代汉语 句法 结构中较为常见的一类,而表示处所义的介词 结构又是其中最典型的。

  • Use others writer 's sentences and paragraphs as models and then emulate the syntactic structure with your own content . I 've learned more about grammar and punctuation that way .

    用其它笔者的句子和段落作模型板,随即仿照那一些 句子 布局开具本身的内部实质意义。我用这类要领学到了许多语法和标点符号用处。

  • The syntactic structure form of the particular type is of fixed sentence structure form .

    特殊类的 数量 结构对应句,大多形成了固定的 句法格式;

  • On English Grammar Teaching & pragmatic meaning and syntactic structure

    外语语法教学新探&语用含义与 语法 结构

  • The compact complex structure is a common syntactic structure in spoken Chinese .

    紧缩结构是汉语口语中常见的一种 句法 结构

  • State adjectives are obviously characteristic in modern Chinese whose syntactic structure function and grammatical meaning are corresponding .

    状态形容词是现代汉语中具有明显特征的一 词语,其 结构 形式与其 句法功能、语法意义之间存在着一定的对应性关系。

  • The argument structure is a bridge between cognition and syntactic structure and the interface between semantics and syntax .

    论元结构是沟通认知与 句法 结构的桥梁,是语义和句法的接口。

  • Chapter Two : The Construction of Causative Category : From Schemas Semantic Structure to Syntactic Structure .

    第二章:致使范畴的建构:从意象图式、语义结构到 句法 结构

  • First of all it analyses from the consistency of the lexical and syntactic structure .

    首先从词法和 句法 结构的一致性是离合词 离析 现象产生的基础角度进行分析。

  • PV focuses on the application of figure or ground segregation theory in the analysis of preposition syntactic structure .

    突显观主要讨论图形/背景分离理论在介词词义分析和 句法 结构分析中的应用。

  • The goal of parsing is to derive the syntactic structure of a sentence according to a certain grammar .

    句法分析的任务是根据给定的语法,自动推导出句子的 语法 结构

  • An abrupt change within a sentence from one syntactic structure to another .

    一个句子里 句法 结构的突然变化。

  • The Influence of Similarity Between Chinese and English Syntactic Structure on English Syntactic Processing

    汉、英 句法 结构相似性对英语句法加工的影响