


  • Current research on bacterial systematics and molecular evolutionary trees based on rRNA sequences were reviewed .

    综述了根据rRNA序列建立的细菌 系统 分类和分子进化树的研究现状。

  • It is indicated emphatically that the true content of a whole-aspect coordinated and sustainable development is its systematics wholeness and self-organization which possesses realistic significance to the development of economy society in harmony .

    着重指出,全面、调、持续发展观的真实 内含 系统性、体性和自组织涌现,这对经济社会的协调发展具有重要的现实意义。

  • Behavior Ecology Evolution and Systematics .

    行为,生态,进化与 系统

  • Studies on the Systematics of Lycoris and Genetic Diversity of Lycoris Longituba ; GENESTS OF TOPAZ-BEARING GRANITIC ROCKS IN SOUTHEASTERN JIANGXI PROVINCE

    石蒜属植物 系统 及长筒石蒜遗传多样性研究赣东南含黄玉花岗质岩石的成因探讨

  • As an essential geochemical behavior diffusion of elements in solid minerals has an important effect on the preservation of trace elements and their isotopic systematics .

    扩散作用作为元素重要的地球化学行为,对矿物内部的微量元素及 同位素信息有着重要影响,被 越来 越多 应用解决地球化学动力学方面的问题。

  • As DNA sequencing technology have improved and the molecular systematics has been made considerable progress .

    随着DNA测序技术的完善和 普及,分子 系统 取得了长足的进展。

  • The institute focuses on plant cell and biotechnology plant physiology and biochemistry plant molecular ecology plant systematics and evolution .

    植物细胞与生物技术、植物生理生化、植物分子生态、植物 系统与进化。

  • The systematics research on ( p n ) reaction excitation functions

    (p,n)反应激发函数的 系统 研究

  • Biosystematics : The area of systematics in which experimental taxonomic techniques are applied to investigate he relationships between taxa .

    生物系统学:在 系统 领域内运用试验分类技术来调查分类单元之间关系的学科。

  • Advances in molecular systematics of Lepidoptera using mitochondrial DNA sequences

    线粒体基因在鳞翅目昆虫分子 系统 中的研究进展

  • Problems in the use of RAPD to the study of genetic diversity and systematics

    RAPD应用于遗传多样性和 系统 研究中的问题

  • The emphasis of the study are their basis creativity and systematics as well as quality management engineering .

    研究的侧重点是它们的基础性、创新性和 系统性,兼顾质量管理工程。

  • I would be very interested in how they got a10-nanosecond uncertainty because from the systematics of GPS and the electronics I think that 's a very hard number to get .

    我对于他们如何做到10 纳秒的不确定度很感兴趣,因为从GPS系统以及电子学来说,我认为这是一个很难达到的数字。

  • The studies and progress of molecular systematics on protein and DNA molecular level in reptiles were reviewed .

    从蛋白质水平、DNA水平对爬行动物分子 系统 的研究及进展情况进行了综述。

  • Progress of studies on molecular systematics of Orthoptera

    直翅目昆虫分子 系统 研究新进展

  • The establishment of rRNA techniques and their application has opened a new page for molecular microbial ecology and systematics .

    其中rRNA技术的建立、发展及其成功应用,为分子微生物生态和微生物 系统 分类学 研究掀开了崭新的一页。

  • Chemotaxonomy ( biochemical systematics ; biochemical taxonomy ) A system of classification of plants based on the nature of their metabolic products ( metabolites ) .

    化学 分类学:以植物的代谢产物特性为依据的植物分类系统。

  • THE ORIGIN AND SYSTEMATICS OF BRYOZOA & a new synthsis on morphological and molecular evidence

    苔藓动物的起源与 系统发生研究进展&形态学和分子生物学的证据

  • Allegra * Come over to cortical systematics .

    爱丽嘉,过来皮质 系统吧。

  • Study on the Systematics of Regional Tourism Cooperation and Applied Research on It

    区域旅游合作的 系统 分析及应用研究

  • Objective : in order to provide scientific basis for the species systematics and quality evaluation of Chinese drug tougucao the comparative studies on antiinflammatory and analgesic effects were carried out .

    目的:对5种 透骨草进行抗炎、镇痛作用的比较研究,为其品种整理和品质评价提供科学的 方法和依据。

  • Perhaps this subdivision does not meet completely the point of view of scientifically exact systematics .

    这样的分类方法也许并不完全是科学上的严密的 分类 方法

  • It 's owned by cortical systematics ?

    皮质 系统拥有 鳟鱼 养殖

  • The cytogenetical approach to the investigations of fern systematics and evolution .

    文章题目蕨类植物 分类和进化研究的细胞遗传学途径。

  • The Use of Ribosomal DNA in the Studies of Molecular Systematics of Myxomycetes

    核糖体DNA在黏菌分子 系统 研究中的应用与发展

  • The paper introduced the gene fragment for plant molecular systematics and its development .

    本文简要介绍了用于分子系统 研究的各种基因片断及其 研究进展。

  • The studies on the taxonomical systematics of Lycoris were also reviewed and the problems in which were discussed .

    同时,回顾了 石蒜属植物系统 研究进展,探讨了石蒜属 分类 系统存在的问题。

  • Brief introduction to modern systematics and its uses in engineering geology The old miner was digging for gold .

    现代 系统 科学 理论与工程地质 系统 老矿工正在挖矿找金子。

  • The paper reviewed the research advance of DNA molecular markers in mulberry molecular systematics and their application prospect .

    本文对DNA分子标记的 种类及研究进展进行了综述,并展望这DNA分子标记技术在桑树研究中的应用前景。