

[化] 合成鞣剂

  • The Application of Syntan SF in leather

    通用 合成 SF在制革中的应用

  • Moreover the research methods of the interaction between the hydrophobically modified acrylic syntan and collagen were emphatically discussed .

    介绍了疏水化的聚丙烯 树脂 与胶原纤维之间相互作用的研究方法。

  • APPLICATION OF WPT-S LUBRICANT AND WATERPROOF ACRYLIC SYNTAN 1 . Influence of processing conditions on water-repellency

    WPT&S防水加脂复 的应用 研究(Ⅰ)应用工艺条件对防水处理效果的影响

  • In this paper the reasons of forming water insolubles in WLT & 1 type syntan are analysed and treating the water insolubles with sulphites and saccharose is discussed '

    本文分析了在WLT-1型 合成 生产 过程中形成水不溶物的原因,讨论了用亚硫酸盐和蔗糖对其水不溶物进行再处理的方法。

  • Determination of Free Phenol in Aromatic Sulfonyl Syntan by Capillary Gas Chromatography

    芳砜 合成 中游离苯酚的气相色谱测定

  • Five different types of tanning agents namely aldehyde tanning agent vegetable tanning agent syntan melamine and acrylic tanning agent were selected to investigate their influence on leather flame retardant .

    选取5种不同类型的鞣剂,即:醛鞣剂、植物鞣剂、 合成 、三聚氰胺和丙烯酸鞣剂,研究它们对皮革抗燃性的影响。

  • Application result shows that the said syntan is a good retanning agent for white leather tannage .

    应用结果表明,该 当前 较为 理想的白色革复鞣剂。

  • This study on the tanning and retanning properties of LB type protein syntan respectively was synthesized by the collagen fiber hydrolysates with phenol sulphonate and aldehydes .

    本文分别研究了LB型蛋白 和复鞣性能,该 剂由胶原纤维水解物通过苯酚磺化产物和醛类缩合改性而成。

  • Treatment of the water insolubles in WLT-1 type syntan

    WLT-1型 合成 水不溶物再处理的 研究

  • Synthesis of Amphoteric Acrylic Polymer Syntan by Reduction Polymerization

    利用还原聚合法制备两性丙烯酸树脂 研究

  • Leather tanned with mimosa extract and amine resin syntan got the shrinkage temperature up to 85 ℃ and successfully meet the requirement of tensile strength of goat clothing leather with good grain and elasticity but was weak at elongation ratio and tearing load .

    栲胶搭配氨基树脂 鞣制所得革收缩温度能够超过85℃,革粒 细致且富有弹性,抗张强度能达到山羊服装革的性能要求,但在撕裂强度和伸长率方面存在缺陷;

  • Studies on Cr-Al-Zr-Ti Syntan

    铬-铝-锆-钛& 合成 的研究

  • In addition the separation method and the Characteristics of compositions and structure for the polycondensate ( tannin ) set up in this paper can be also used in other aromatic syntan .

    此外.本文建立的缩聚物(禁质)的分离及组成结构表征方法也可适用于其它芳香族 合成 研究

  • A review on the performance and development of acrylic resin as retanning agent and the synthesis and development of amphoteric acrylic polymer syntan were discussed in this paper .

    对丙烯酸类树脂鞣剂的性能和发展过程进行了综述,并讨论了两性丙烯酸类树脂 的合成方法和发展过程。

  • Mechanism of union dyeing of silk / nylon mixture with syntan

    合成 改善蚕丝/ 锦纶交织物同色性的机理

  • The optimal tanning conditions were obtained : 4 % syntan DDS for pretanning 10 % mimosa extract for tanning and 2 % modified glutaraldehyde for retanning ;

    在试验基础上确定较优化的结合鞣条件为:4% 合成 DDS预鞣,10%的荆树皮栲胶鞣制,再用2%的改性戊二醛复鞣。

  • The results of the main tanning experiments showed that LB type protein syntan only had a faint tanning property and was not suitable for main tanning process .

    主鞣实验结果表明该 只具有微弱的主鞣性能,不适合用于主鞣过程。

  • Relationship Between the Structure and Character of the Syntan Containing Chrome (ⅱ)

    含铬 合成 结构与性能的关系(Ⅱ)

  • Preparation and Tanning Powers of Syntan with Sulphone

    合成 的制备与鞣革 性能 研究