


  • The functions of the database system include management inquire and systemize the design of the composite .

    该系统可提供数据管理、数据查询和 检索、数据处理、数据库 维护报表并系统 复合材料的设计。

  • On the basis of our research we clarify the necessity to systemize and informationalize land use .

    第六章研究了 精准农业与土地利用优化之间的关系,阐明了土地利用优化走向信息化 道路的必要性。

  • Legalize systemize the employment service system that turn to become with profession not yet .

    9法制化、 制度 和专业 的就业服务体系尚未形成。

  • For the former we systemize Karl Marx 's view of history and Sigmund Freud 's theories of counseling and therapy in Fromm 's discourse ; for the latter we find the relationship between Fromm and Plato .

    我们 梳理了前者 论证 结合的马克思的历史哲学观、弗洛伊德的心理治疗理论,同时提出了后者的观点与古希腊哲学家柏拉图的精神理想的相承关系。

  • Fourthly the Government should strengthen management and supervision in order to help systemize and regularize rural social security system .

    加强管理和监督,推进农村社保体系的 制度 和规范 建设

  • Application of the information 、 digital intelligentize and systemize on vehicles

    电子信息与智能 技术在汽车上的应用

  • Finally the countermeasures are put forward that involved the market mechanism developments government function integrator developments and systemize with peasant household improve the benefit distribution mechanism and so on .

    最后,文章从市场机制建设、政府作用、龙头 企业建设和农户 组织 等方面针对 现实问题,提出了完善 新疆 果业利益机制的对策建议。

  • Development strategy research of MSSE in Chengwu County is strategy research of district economic development which is between macro research and micro research . But systemize research about this has not been paid enough attention in Chengwu County .

    成武县中小企业发展战略研究是区域工业经济发展的战略研究,是一种中观经济发展战略研究, 成武县对这方面的 系统研究一直没有得到足够的重视。

  • Finally it discussed the method applied strategy and area of PIS including the functions and principles : systemize relativity and stability .

    最后论述了利用PIS进行品牌形象的设计及设计的方法,PIS的运用策略与适用范围,同时提出PIS的作用和PIS的三个设计原则: 系统性、相关性和稳定性。

  • It is a systematic summary and strategic study of ideological and political education seeking to systemize and regularize its rules so it is necessary to constantly combine theory with practice .

    由于本文是建立在 现实 突发 事件 基础上,对思想政治教育进行的系统总结及策略研究,并探索其规律使之 系统 和规律化,所以要不断地用到理论联系实践的方法。

  • In view of this phenomenon this paper attempts to analyze and systemize the dominant theories on second language acquisition from two perspectives : sociological base and individual difference aiming to discuss all these theories within the model of information processing .

    鉴于此种情形,本文对该领域的理论进行了系统的分析与 归类,从社会学基础和个性差异理论两方面对二语习得理论在信息处理模式的框架下进行比较研究。

  • In order to systemize and complete the theoretical research on this important legal phenomenon and basic legal concept this paper analyzes and discusses several significant points on legal order surrounding the core of its construction .

    使对这一重要的法律现象和法学基本范畴的理论研究更为 系统全面,本文以法律秩序的结构为核心对法律秩序几个重要方面的问题进行了分析和论述。

  • Systemize the training system ;

    使培训制度 系统

  • Today 's animation industry is confronting a tough reformation while it is increasingly important to explore systemize and apply the local culture .

    当今动画正处在一场艰难的变革之中,而对于本土文化的 发掘整理与运用也显得越来越重要了。

  • Secondly the paper systematically introduces the theory of engineering project risk management . This paper discusses the identification estimate evaluation reply supervision and control of risks and tries to make the risk management systemize .

    其次,系统地介绍了工程项目风险管理理论,对工程项目风险的识别、估计、评价、应对和监控 阶段进行了深入探讨,尝试将风险管理的过程 系统 程序 制度

  • Methods The network system in hospital was used to systemize the management over the data of the center of physical examination work stations .

    方法利用医院计算机网络系统,对体检中心工作站 传入 人员信息进行 系统 管理。

  • In this article firstly I will systemize the process in which Tarski defined the truth in the calculus of classes and will study deeply some problems of the process .

    本文的主要内容是:首先把 塔斯基定义类演算语言真句子的过程 系统 ,并对其中的一些问题进行探讨;

  • Part 2 An angle for then from comparing method analyzed the our country city dismantles the administration that move the present condition compensates from but the derivation sets up the city dismantles to move the administration compensates to systemize the system considers .

    第二部分则从比较法的角度分析了城市拆迁行政补偿 制度的现状,从而引出完善我国城市拆迁行政补偿 制度的体系 思考。

  • Using the term of association chain in translation we may systemize the related complex cultural phenomena .

    在翻译 领域使用联想链这一术语, 有益 繁杂的文化现象 系统

  • Strengthen network direct to systemize construction promote network direct health development and mainly include a few aspects as follows : First the healthy development of network direct needs an institutional norm and guarantee .

    加强网络监督 制度建设,促进网络监督健康发展,主要包括以下几个方面:首先,网络监督的健康发展需要制度上的规范与保障。

  • The related direct section should attain perfect network direct to systemize related laws and systemize platform can get the processing and feedback in time by guarantee effective information .

    相关的监督部门应做到完善网络监督 制度 相关法规以及制度化平台的建设,以保障有效信息能够得到及时处理与反馈。

  • And the summary should systemize the knowledge .

    总结 使知识 系统 条理

  • We should improve the standard of education to systemize the contents of education and to make full use of local educational resources ;

    要在教育水平上提升,做到教育内容 系统 、教育资源基地

  • The key to the job of developing user resources to every information organization is to systemize the organization of user information resources and to share them together .

    用户信息资源组织的 系统 和用户信息资源的共享是信息机构用户资源开发的发展趋势。

  • To systemize and standardize performance evaluation .

    绩效评估要 制度 和规范化。

  • In this part I elaborate how to consummate Conviction in criminal law and how to systemize Condemnation .

    在这部分论述,在刑法上如何使定罪完善和如何 使定罪 体系

  • We must constantly deepen the understanding and systemize the regulations in the fields of guiding ideology training items forms of organizations and educational level .

    为了 使 中学 教师 继续 教育 健康 有序地进行,我们应该从指导思想、培训内容、组织形式与学历提高 结合等方面不断深化认识,规范 制度

  • Developing a harmonious corporate culture environment is the key to realize integration continuity all-side and systemize .

    发展环境和谐企业文化,是促使环境文化实现整体化、连续化、全面化、 系统 的关键。