


  • He put on a yellow T-shirt yellow shorts and yellow socks .

    他穿上了黄色 T恤 、黄色短裤和黄色袜子。

  • She was wearing a washed-out old T-shirt and jeans .

    她穿了一身洗褪了色的旧 t恤 和牛仔裤。

  • He had bare feet a T-shirt and cords on .

    他光着脚,穿着 T恤 和灯芯绒裤子。

  • He wore a T-shirt that had been tie-dyed in bright colours

    他身穿一 颜色鲜艳的扎染的 T

  • Nicole loves wearing her diamonds even with jeans and a white T-shirt .

    妮科尔很喜欢戴她的钻石首饰,即使穿的是牛仔裤和白色 T恤

  • My favourite season is summer . I often wear my shorts and T-shirt .

    我喜欢的季节是夏季,我经常穿我的衬衫和 运动

  • He bulges out of his black T-shirt

    他的肚子在黑色 T恤 下鼓鼓地挺着。

  • She wore a T-shirt and white gym shorts .

    她穿了一 t恤和一条白色运动短裤。

  • He was wearing a bright yellow T-shirt and a bandanna around his neck .

    他穿着一件亮黄色的 T恤,脖子上围着一条鲜艳的印花大围巾。

  • Supply the missing word ( s ) and you could win a T-shirt .

    填出所缺少的单词,你就会赢得一 T恤

  • You 're right ! That 's my t-shirt !

    你答对了!那是我的 t恤

  • I 'm going to wear a T-shirt and jeans .

    我打算穿 t恤和牛仔裤。

  • T-shirt and you 've got a custom shirt just like that .


  • He was wearing jeans and a t-shirt .

    他穿着牛仔裤和 t恤

  • But you kept your t-shirt and we analyzed it .

    但是你留下了你的 t恤,我们分析了它。

  • This is my T-shirt .

    这是我的 体恤

  • No wait . Not trousers . He was wearing a T-shirt and shorts .

    不,等等。不是长裤。他穿着 T恤和短裤。

  • I wear my sunglasses shorts and T-shirt .

    我会戴上我的太阳镜,穿上我的短裤和 T恤

  • Men 's underwear consisting of cotton T-shirt and shorts .

    男人穿的一种包括绵 T恤和短裤的内衣。

  • Moshing down the front crushed against the stage in a sweat-drenched T-shirt is all part of the gig experience .

    穿着被汗水浸透了的 T恤 ,拥到台前,狂舞着,这就是摇滚音乐会上的体验。

  • Many people like to wear T-shirt and skirt .

    很多人喜欢穿 T恤和裙子。

  • Given the choice between a pure white T-shirt and a more expensive dirty cream one most people can be forgiven for choosing the former

    如果要在一 纯白的 T 和一件更贵的脏兮兮的米色 T 之间选择的话,多数人都会选前者,这是无可厚非的。

  • Mark 's is the uniform of the young male traveller — green Army trousers T-shirt and shirt .

    马克一身年轻男性旅行者的典型行头——绿军裤、 T恤 外加衬衫。

  • He 's wearing a yellow T-shirt and a brown hat .

    他穿着一件黄色的 T恤和戴着一顶棕色的帽子。

  • She could see the muscles of his shoulders beneath his T-shirt

    她可以看到他 T恤 下的肩部肌肉。

  • In summer I put on my shorts T-shirt and sandals .

    夏天,我穿短裤、 T恤 和凉鞋。

  • I have on a T-shirt and pants .

    穿了一 T- 和长裤。

  • Simple jeans and a t-shirt will be sufficient .

    简单的牛仔裤和 T恤就足够了。

  • I came . I saw . I bought a T-shirt .


  • So I wore my tennis shorts a T-shirt and sneakers .

    所以我穿了我的网球短裤, T恤 和运动鞋。