system test


  • The system architecture arithmetic of simulation system test and the development of real-time program are discussed in detail .

    文中就系统结构、飞机模型、 系统 测试、仿真算法、实时多任务应用程序编写进行了详细的论述。

  • The system test core team was engaged in parallel with the development team over six iterations .

    在六个迭代中, 系统 测试核心团队与开发团队并行工作。

  • Typically an application is load tested less frequently than it is run on the system test environment .

    与运行在 系统 测试环境中相比,应用程序进行负载测试的频次更少。

  • The system test team distinguished between stop-ship and non stop-ship test scenarios in their test tracking tool .

    系统 测试团队在测试追踪工具中区别停船和非停船测试场景。

  • In general there was more development focus on system test defects during the agile development cycle .

    一般来说,在敏捷的开发周期中对 系统 测试缺陷的开发关注较多。

  • Any failure during system test should result in a rejection of the build .

    系统 测试过程中的任何失败都会导致拒绝构建。

  • He is currently involved in IBM Power Systems hardware system test for the new platforms .

    他目前正在参与针对新平台的IBMPowerSystems硬件 系统 测试

  • As with a system test environment one application is tested at a time .

    如同 系统 测试环境的情况一样,一个应用程序只测试一次。

  • Removal of some system test defects earlier in the product cycle .

    在产品周期较早期除去一些 系统 测试缺陷。

  • This enabled a subset of traditional system test application development and execution runs during every iteration .

    这能够让传统的 系统 测试应用程序的子集的开发和执行在每个迭代的过程中执行。

  • First the system test environment can be shared by multiple teams .

    首先, 系统 测试环境可以为几个团队所共享。

  • Among the specific benefits associated with agile system test efforts were the following .

    以下是与敏捷的 系统 测试工作相关的具体好处。

  • We also wrote many of our system test cases based on their experiences with their clients .

    我们还根据他们与客户的经验书写了许多 系统 测试案例。

  • This was true across all teams associated with the product deliverable including system test .

    这对所有与产品交付件相关的团队来说都是正确的,包括 系统 测试

  • In this paper the mobile phone software system test strategy is analyzed ; the characters processes and methodology of mobile phone software system test are discussed .

    本文对手机软件 系统 测试过程进行了分析,探讨了手机软件项目系统测试特点,过程和方法。

  • Release alarm system test ;

    释放报警 系统 试验检验

  • The system test environment is a carefully controlled formal test environment .

    系统 测试环境是精心控制的正式测试环境。

  • A key aspect of the system test environment is formality .

    规范化是 系统 测试环境的关键。

  • Software quality : Unit test progress system test progress test coverage .

    软件质量:单元测试进展、 系统 测试进展、测试覆盖率。

  • Promoted builds on which additional stress and system test campaigns are run can become milestones .

    推荐的基础上的附加应力和 系统运行 测试运动可以成为里程碑。

  • Design and Implementation of Airborne Fire Control System Test Platform

    机载火控 系统 通用 测试平台设计与实现

  • In particular there is no need to equip the system test environment with large scale high performance hardware .

    特别地,没有必要为 系统 测试环境配备大规模高性能硬件。

  • Based on this algorithm an automatic English text classifier was designed and the system test and result analysis were made .

    以该算法为基础,设计了一个英文文本自动分类系统,并对该 系统进行了 测试和结果分析。

  • Inexperience hampers risk evaluation system test and inter-departmental interconnection test ;

    对风险评估以及 系统 测试和跨部门的联网测试工作缺乏经验;

  • Like the system test environment the performance test environment is a carefully controlled formal test environment .

    类似于 系统 测试环境,性能测试环境同样是一个精心控制正式测试环境。

  • The system test team uses this environment to observe how the application works in a load-balanced environment .

    系统 测试团队使用这种环境来观察应用程序如何运行在负载平衡的环境中。

  • The system test application increased in functionality and complexity as well .

    系统 测试应用程序的功能和复杂度也增加了。

  • Software defect submission is more than a communication vehicle between development and system test groups .

    软件缺陷交付不仅仅是开发和 系统 测试组之间的交付工具。

  • After completing the system test report the COE initiates NFR testing .

    完成 系统 测试报告以后,COE将发起NFR测试。

  • As such a system test environment is relatively inexpensive to build and maintain .

    因此, 系统 测试环境的构建和维护相对便宜。