System Fault Tolerance

[计] SFT系统容错

  • Checkpoint System provides good fault tolerance for computing nodes and becomes important cluster operating system software .

    检查点 系统为节点提供了较好的 容错 性能,因此成为机群操作系统软件的重要组成部分。

  • Note the use of RAID technology can improve disk access speed system fault tolerance .

    说明利用RAID技术能提高磁盘存取速度、提高 系统 容错 能力

  • The relationships between the interconnection topology and system fault tolerance capability are analysed and the optimal designs of the NMRC systems are introduced .

    本文建立了NMRC系统的模型、分析了 系统拓扑结构与 容错能力间的关系,给出了系统的最佳设计。

  • For technology it is dispatch and control core which realizes the system management system fault tolerance system monitoring etc.

    在技术上,它实现了系统管理、 系统 容错、系统监控等功能,是整个系统的调度和控制中心。

  • The experiment results show that the system is equipped with fault tolerance against SEU effect when using these means .

    通过使用软件的 故障注入方式对 系统 容错 特性进行了 测试,测试的结果表明对SEU造成的影响具有较好的纠错能力。

  • Aimed at the research of fault detection and handing the author proposed the system design and implement of fault tolerance management service .

    针对本文的故障检测和处理研究, 设计与实现了面向用户作业 容错管理服务。

  • It adopts some of the immune principle to protect the system in self-adapted buildup the system stability and security and improve the system fault tolerance .

    它采用了免疫的部分原理,进行自适应防护,增强了系统的稳定性和安全性,提高了 系统 容错

  • In addition the system fault tolerance is achieved by the effective replication of data objects .

    另外通过有效的对数据对象的复制,使 系统具有很好的 容错

  • According to the requirement of high-availability real-time and high performance in cooperative system an extensible dynamic fault tolerance model ( xDFT ) is proposed in the paper .

    针对协同 系统的特点以及其对可靠性、实时性和性能等方面的要求,提出了一种可扩展的动态 容错模型xDFT(Exten-sibleDynamicFaultToleranceModel,xDFT)。

  • Checkpointing with rollback recovery is a very useful technique in system fault tolerance .

    检查点/卷回恢复技术是实现 系统 容错的重要手段。

  • In order to make Hydrostatic Tank Gauge system process the fault tolerance and raise its reliability a method based on neural network predictor is presented in this paper that is used for diagnosing pressure sensors in HTG system .

    为使静压式油罐计量 系统(HTG)对压力传感器具有 容错 能力,提高系统可靠性,本文提出了一种基于神经网络预测器的HTG系统压力传感器 故障诊断方法。

  • More than that this scheme takes a replica scheme based on group and a load-balance strategy to ensure system fault tolerance and scalability .

    此外该机制还采用基于组的日志副本机制及负载均衡策略来保证 系统 容错 和伸缩性。

  • Unix process checkpointing is the basis for distributed / parallel system fault tolerance replay debugging process migration job swapping and system simulation .

    Unix进程的检查点设置是实现分布/并行 系统 容错、重播调试、进程迁移、系统模拟和作业切换等功能的基础。

  • INS-GPS-DVL integrated navigation system with fault tolerance

    一种INS-GPS-DVL 容错组合导航 系统

  • : The interlocking system of railway station using fault - tolerance computers is referred to as an interlocking system based on fault - tolerance computer . It can provide high reliability and safety by utilizing TMR ( three module redundancy ) hardware subsystems .

    容错计算机联锁 系统是使用容错计算机构成的车站计算机联锁系统,其基本思想是:通过TMR的硬件冗余方式,实现系统的高可靠性和高安全性。

  • To improve the reliability of computer system this paper starts with fault tolerance which is one of effective techniques . System fault tolerance principle is discussed and six kinds of fault tolerance techniques in RAID system are implemented with hardware .

    为了提高计算机系统的可靠性,从容错技术方面讨论了 系统 容错原理,论述了用硬件方法实现容错的RAID系统的6种技术。

  • Multi-version software system achieves fault tolerance through design diversity .

    多版本软件通过设计相异性实现了 软件 容错

  • It tests the steady availability through simulation of fault injection to analyze the reliability of system fault tolerance performance .

    通过模拟故障注入的方法测试 系统的稳态可用度,分析 系统 容错性能的可靠性。

  • The experimental simulation results prove that the method of this fusion system have strong fault tolerance and can make full use of sensors ' information and fix the position of fault accurately .

    通过仿真证明:该信息融合算法 容错 强、能综合利用传感器信息并准确定位故障。

  • It is fundamental for integrated navigation system to possess fine fault tolerance .

    具有良好的 容错 是组合导航 系统的基本要求。

  • Accumulation of dormant faults is a potential threat in a fault-tolerant system because most fault tolerance systems are based on the single-fault assumption . Cadmium ( Cd ) is one of toxic heavy metals which represents as potential threat to human health .

    潜在故障是容错 系统的潜在危害,因为大多数 容错系统是基于单故障假设。镉是毒性最强的环境污染物之一。植物中积累的镉可通过食物链进入人体,给人类健康带来潜在危害。

  • Compared with centralized air traffic management system decentralized system has better fault tolerance but with the air traffic flow increasing the security and stability of the system will be reduced rapidly because of domino effect .

    尽管分布式空中交通管理系统相比集中式 系统具有 容错 好的特点,但是随着空中交通流量的增长、多米诺效应的影响,系统的稳定性下降、安全性降低。

  • The Technique of System Fault Tolerance of Netware

    Netware网络软件的 系统 容错技术

  • Subsequently we evaluate performance of the system theoretically the conclusion is that the system has stronger fault tolerance and scalability than that tradition hierarchy or tree-like IDSs have and ability of intrusion detection is equal to other IDSs .

    随后本文对该系统的性能作了理论上的分析,理论结果是该 系统比传统的层次型或树型的结构的IDS具有更强的 容错 和伸缩性,入侵检测能力与其他IDS相当。

  • The particularity of the new scheme relies on the fact that it allows the system to prevent the failure of the system due to the congestion problems caused by a high traffic level and flow and our system strengthens the paradigm of fault tolerance .

    新方案的特殊性在于它有利于系统避免因高速 数据流等引起的拥堵问题和加强了系统的 容错 能力

  • Several agent system fault tolerance models are introduced to compare the performance of fault tolerance based on the classification the spatial-replication-based approaches is proved better .

    介绍了基于暂存复制和基于空间复制分类方法,据此分类方法比较了部分现有移动代理 容错模型,结论是:其中基于空间复制类的代理 系统 容错性能最好。

  • Fault injection is artificially producing fault and introducing to the target system accelerating system errors and failure then by analyzing system reaction to acquire reliability and fault tolerance evaluation results of target system .

    故障注入是通过人为地产生并引入故障到目标系统中加速系统产生错误和失效,然后通过分析故障引入后的 系统行为反应,可获得对目标系统可靠性和 容错 的评测结果。

  • Dual system is a kind of fault tolerance construction for enhancing the reliability of the computer system .

    双机 系统(Dual system)是提高计算机系统可靠性的一种 容错结构。

  • In security server compression capability the system fault tolerance and robustness are better than similar software systems .

    在安全性、服务器抗压能力、 系统 容错 以及鲁棒性都优于同类软件系统。

  • In the paper we brief introduces the technique of system fault tolerance of SFT Netware 2.15 of Novell Network .

    本文简要介绍Novell公司的网络操作 系统SFTNetware2.15 系统 容错技术。