system code

[ˈsɪstəm kod][ˈsistəm kəud]


  • It is useful for debugging purposes by letting the debugger break into operating system code and examining the hardware registers .

    对于调试来说,它是很有价值的,它允许调试器中断操作 系统 代码、并检查硬件寄存器。

  • Each interaction with another individual reflects a personal belief system and code of morality .

    和他人的每一次交互,都反映了个人的信仰 体系和道德 守则

  • Silent due to the current system code as the original and ultimately affect the whole paper copy of the proportion for the judge so that accuracy of the greatly reduced .

    因现行 系统代码默视为原创,而最终影响了对论文整体抄袭比例的判定,使准确性大打折扣。

  • A second phase generates the glue code and the system configuration code .

    第二个阶段是生成胶合代码以及 系统配置 代码

  • Firstly it makes a research on the forming of neighboring right in our country and make an introduction on the current system Civil Code Draft concerning neighboring right in our country .

    首先对我国相邻权制度的历史进行了考察,介绍和评析了我国现行的相邻权 制度和我国 法典 (草案)相邻权部分的规定。

  • This is a book on warehouse management system source code .

    这是一个关于图书仓库管理 系统的程序源 代码

  • Guest mode exists to execute guest operating system code but only for code that 's non-I / O.

    客户模式的存在就是为了执行客户操作 系统 代码,但是只针对那些非I/O的代码。

  • The primary node is responsible for running the communications subsystems and the attitude control system code .

    主要 节点负责执行通讯子系统与姿态控制 系统

  • Encoding theory and feasibility studies of three-dimensional multiple system bar code

    三维多 进制 条码的编码理论及可行性研究 基于LPDC 的分布式多进制相关信源编码

  • Second a Linux system call is basically a function that is a part of the operating system 's code .

    其次,Linux系统调用基本上是一个函数,它属于操作 系统 代码的一部分。

  • System code has been made over before this one focusing on description and explanation of the .

    系统 代码之前已经发过了,这一片侧重介绍和讲解的。

  • An ODBC application is running on a Windows machine and by default the application is using the operating system 's code page which for this example is1252 ( Windows English ) .

    一个ODBC应用程序运行在Windows机器上,默认情况下,该应用程序使用操作 系统 代码页,本例子中就是1252(Windows,English)。

  • Candidates must be familiar with application and database support process and have knowledge of system programming code and infrastructure .

    同时必须熟悉应用程序和数据支持过程以及 系统编程 代码及基础设施知识。

  • Establishes the rule and method of system design selects environment of system development and develops and finishes detailed design of system structure description of system function module model of system data and design of system code .

    确立了亚新科设备管理信息系统(ASIMCO-EMIS)的设计原则,选定了系统开发环境,开展并完成了系统结构的详细设计、系统功能模块设计、系统数据模型以及 系统 代码的设计;

  • This setting controls how inactive kernel-mode Drivers and system code are handled by the memory subsystem .

    此设置控制如何无效的内核模式驱动程序和 系统 代码是由内存子系统处理。

  • Some file or folder names contained characters outside the system code page . These files or folders were not imported .

    某些文件或文件夹名中包含超出 系统 代码页的字符。这些文件或文件夹没有被导入。

  • The / proc file system code ( for / dev / lguest ) is also implemented in this module which implements the user-space interfaces to the kernel and drivers including hypercalls .

    这个模块还实现/proc文件 系统 代码(针对/dev/lguest),该 代码实现到内核和驱动器(包括虚拟化调用)的用户空间接口。

  • Individual to do a tire store management system source code .

    个人做的一个轮胎商店管理 系统 源码

  • More operating system code was moved out of the kernel and into user space resulting in a much smaller kernel and the rise of the term microkernel .

    Mach把更大部分的操作 系统 代码移出内核,放入用户空间,结果形成一个大大缩小了的内核,术语“微内核”随之兴起。

  • And adjusting the friction torque between the ratchet wheel and pawl can effectively increase the code discrimination performance of micro-electromechanical system code lock .

    通过控制棘轮棘爪处的摩擦力矩可有效提高微机电 系统 密码锁的鉴码性能。

  • FUSE is a mechanism that allows you to implement file systems in user space without kernel code ( other than the FUSE kernel module and existing file system code ) .

    FUSE是一种机制,允许您在没有内核代码(除FUSE内核模块和现有的文件 系统 代码以外)情况下在用户空间中实现文件系统。

  • Classification system and code structure of water science data based on multi-dimensional assembly

    基于多维组合的水利科学数据分类 体系及其 编码结构

  • % 1 is not a valid file name in the system code page . Please rename the file .

    %1是 系统 代码页中的无效文件名,请重命名该文件。

  • Eventually SCO bought the UNIX Systems business from Novell and UNIX system source code and technology continues to be developed by SCO .

    最终,SCO收购了Novell的UNIX系统业务,UNIX 系统代码和技术由SCO继续开发。

  • The management system of code water meter consisted of computer for selling water and code water meter for user .

    由售水计算机和用户代码水表构成的 代码水表管理 系统

  • The new mode is called guest and as the name suggests it 's used for execution of guest operating system code ( or at least some of it ) .

    这种新模式就称为客户模式,顾名思义,它用来执行客户操作 系统 代码(至少是一部分代码)。

  • Ingeniously Use the Relation between the Gray Code and the Decimal System and the Binary System Code with the karnaugh Diagram

    巧用 卡若图表示格雷码和十进制、二进制 数码的关系

  • Schools will be able to provide a much more educational environment by encouraging all students to study and improve the system code .

    学校将能够透过鼓励所有的学生学习及改进 程式 方式提供更富教育性的环境。