system consultant

[ˈsɪstəm kənˈsʌltənt][ˈsistəm kənˈsʌltənt]

[计] 系统技术顾问

  • System design phase includes logic structural design function module design and knowledge warehouses design . The system consisted of several application modules such as field knowledge management module consultant module knowledge bases management module etc.

    在系统设计阶段进行了系统逻辑结构设计、 系统功能模块设计和后台库设计,本 系统前台应用模块包括领域知识模块、 咨询 报告模块等,后台管理模块包括知识推理模块、后台库管理模块等。

  • To design accountant system of an enterprise act as accounting consultant and train accountants .

    设计企业会计 制度,担任会计 顾问,培训会计人员;

  • The university evaluation management information system ( UEMIS ) is not only to calculate and give a report but also to provide the social public the government the scientific researchers as well as others with good university information consultant services .

    大学评价管理信息 系统,并不仅仅是要计算和公布一个结果,更重要的是应能够更好地对社会公众、政府主管机关、科研人员以及其他相关人员提供良好的大学信息 咨询服务。

  • Commercial and Non-domestic Tenancy Management Information System Sunrise is a professional investment and consultant company dealing in office apartment and villa etc.

    商业及非住宅租务资料 系统上海策贤投资 咨询有限公司,是一家专业从事商务楼和高档住宅租赁业务的公司。

  • Establishing legal advisory system is the foundation of the business management innovation . In this paper the present situation of law consultant in enterprises and existing problems are analyzed . Author points out that well-developed legal advisory system is the maim way to improve business management level .

    阐述了建立企业法律顾问 制度的必要性,分析了企业法律 顾问 队伍的现状与存在的问题,指出建立企业法律顾问制度是提高企业管理水平的主要途径。

  • This paper introduces the thoughts of the system for enterprise management consultant based on internet / intranet . This system includes consultant on web employee learning themselves employee examining themselves . It is an ideal tool for the enterprise to consult and train .

    介绍了基于Internet/Intranet的企业管理顾问系统设计思想,该 系统将web功能和管理 咨询相结合,可实现网络化 咨询功能,员工自学习功能和员工自测功能,是现代企业进行咨询和培训的理想工具。

  • APDS ( Angina Pectoris Diagnosis System ) is an expert consultant system developed for angina pectoris diagnosis .

    APDS(AnginaPectorisDiagnosis System)是我们开发的一个用于诊断以胸痛为主要症状的一类冠心病的专家 咨询系统。

  • Clothing color matching through the system can make the image consultant who do not have the opportunity to enjoy the service people can receive quality service .

    通过 虚拟校园服装色彩搭配 系统,可以使那些没有机会享受形象 顾问服务的人群也可以得到优质的服务。

  • It is worth emphasizing that in order to solve road traffic problems and promote urban development the attempt to realize the coordinated development between Bus Rapid Transit and Rail Transit system adopted by Lagos has great consultant significance for developing countries .

    而拉各斯市为解决城市道路交通问题,促进城市发展所实施的快速公交 系统和轨道交通的协调发展的尝试,对于发展中国家未来城市交通的发展有很重要的 借鉴意义。

  • It takes only one field that has exposure to a piece of infrastructure to put the whole system in jeopardy said Derek Leith an energy consultant at Ernst Young in Aberdeen .

    只要有一块油田的一处基础设施出问题,整个网络就会处境不妙,安永驻阿伯丁的能源 顾问 德里克·利思(DerekLeith)表示。

  • For this reason we must develop the function of the enterprise legal consultant so that the system of the enterprise legal consultant becomes an organic part of our modern enterprise systems .

    依法治企是现代企业制度的核心和发展的关键,企业法律 顾问 制度应成为现代企业制度的有机组成部分。

  • In the fourth chapter we construct the evaluation index system of the competence of ERP consultant .

    第五章是 ERP 咨询 顾问能力的综合评价。

  • Research and Realization of Chinese-based Question Understanding System & Question Understanding Sub-system of Virtual Information Consultant System

    汉语疑问句理解 系统研究与实现&虚拟信息 顾问系统之问题理解子系统

  • When choosing a security system the security consultant may help to have a professional look over your home and explain the options and the security plan .

    当选择保安 系统时,保安 顾问可协助提供专业评估,并清楚解释保安系统各种用途及保安计划书。

  • Research on Design and Management of Compensation System in the Company of Shandong Huaxin Engineering Consultant

    山东 华信监理公司 薪酬设计与管理研究

  • In system functions such as information record of graduates and enterprises release of employment information retrieval of information consultant on-line are implemented .

    系统主要实现了毕业生和企业单位的信息录入、就业信息发布、信息资料检索和在线 咨询等功能,实现了就业信息管理的科学化、规范化和信息化。

  • In order to satisfy the demand of government responsibility change Hong Kong government adjusted administrative system and supervision system changed the old consultant system desalted the colony government colour .

    港英政府适应政府职能转变的需要调整了行政系统和行政监察 制度;改变了旧有的 咨询制度,淡化了港英政府殖民统治色彩。

  • Methods Based on the established evaluation system concerning teaching quality of the curricula for medical postgraduates in master degree reliability and validity of the consultant and experts using were analyzed mathematical statistics methods .

    方法在医学硕士生课程教学质量评价指标 体系已确立的基础上,应用数理统计学方法对 咨询专家的可靠性和有效性进行分析研究。

  • The team must establish an internal management system and vice-captain by the team management communication consultant ;

    战队必须建立内部管理 制度,由战队正副队长进行管理, 顾问进行沟通;

  • With the reformation of investment system and the separation from related administration section project consultant firm is confronted with varying level opportunity and challenge .

    随着国家投资 体制改革和工程 咨询企业与相关管理机构的脱钩改制,工程 咨询企业面临着不同程度的机遇与挑战。

  • Research on Establishment of the Military Representative 's Occupational Qualification System by Drawing from the Plant Engineering Consultant 's System

    借鉴设备 监理制度建立军事代表职业资格 制度研究

  • Grig has 15 years of industry experience during which time he has worked as a programmer research lab manager system / network / security architect IT consultant and lead test engineer .

    Grig有15年行业经验,担任过程序员、研究实验室经理、 系统/网络/安全架构师、IT 顾问和测试工程师。