


  • Only after can we better enjoy sweetness and happiness .

    只能后我们更好地享受 甜蜜和幸福。

  • Sweetness is abstract sugar is concrete .


  • He tastes of smoke and ashes and some faint whisper of sweetness .

    他尝到了烟尘的味道,还有些模糊的 甜蜜低语。

  • We must work for sweetness and light .

    我们必须为 甜蜜和光明而工作。

  • She smiled with saccharine sweetness .

    她的笑容太 了。

  • This elegant wine balances natural acidity and sweetness .

    这家典雅的葡萄酒平衡酸度和 甜度自然。

  • It has not all been sweetness and light between him and the Prime Minister .

    他和首相的关系并不总是 那么 愉快 融洽

  • It offers pineapple and honeydew melon aroma feels like the sweetness of honey .

    散发着菠萝和蜜瓜的香气,感觉蜂蜜的 丝丝 甜味

  • Green peas green beans and sweet corn are picked before maturity to obtain succulent textures and sweetness .

    豌豆、青刀豆和甜玉米在成熟前摘下是为了获得多汁鲜嫩的质构和 甜味

  • The dark silence is already full of sweetness .

    漆黑的安静就已经充满了 甜甜蜜蜜了。

  • It seemed to his imagination as if all her sweetness and vitality had flown .

    他觉得仿佛她的 可爱和活力已全化为乌有了。

  • And just breathe that fresh air cool and peaceful you can almost taste its sweetness .

    呼吸一下新鲜空气吧,凉爽而且平和,你几乎可以尝到它的 甜味

  • You have harvested the sweetness just taste it !

    品尝你收获的 甜蜜吧!

  • I hope my life is full of happiness and sweetness happiness and smile !

    我希望我的生活永远充满着幸福、 甜蜜、快乐和微笑!

  • He had tasted the sweetness of the success .

    他已尝到了成功的 甜蜜

  • The sugar not only contributes sweetness and calories to the drink but also adds body and mouthfeel .

    糖不仅为饮料提供了 甜味和热量,而且也同时增强了稠度和口感。

  • A good sharp dressing counterpointed the sweetness of the dried fruit .

    味道浓烈的上好调味品和 香甜的干果形成有趣的对比。

  • This is a full-bodied wine with just a hint of sweetness .

    这是一种味道醇厚的葡萄酒,只有一丝 甜味

  • Happiness is a tree with joy sweetness and excitement as its fruits .

    幸福是一棵树,以喜悦、 甜蜜和激动为果实。

  • Then did I eat it ; and it was in my mouth as honey for sweetness .

    我就吃了,口中觉得其 如蜜。

  • What he said that dripped with false sweetness .

    他的话中充满了 虚情假意

  • Thank you once again for your sweetness and your wonderful unselfish love . P.S.

    再次谢谢你的 甜蜜和你无私的爱!

  • He 's not all sweetness and light .

    他并不总是 甜美光明的一个 角色

  • The pursuit of perfection then is the pursuit of sweetness and light .

    对完美的追求就是对 甜蜜和光明的追求。

  • I used to be all sweetness and light on the outside but inside I would be boiling with rage .

    我过去常常是外表看上去轻松 愉快,而内心却 怒火中烧

  • Sugar is sweet . I really appreciate its sweetness .

    糖是甜的。我真的喜欢它的 性。

  • Let the fragrant drift and drag under the candlelight reflect the shadow on the stone as it carries a little bite of clarity and sweetness .

    繁杂刻板的日子里,让暗香浮动,烛光摇曳,影映石上,几分晶莹,几分 甜蜜,随香 而至

  • I smiled amused and felt a touch of sweetness in my heart .

    我高兴而微笑了,我心里感到一阵 的接触。